Do girls actually like army guys?

I feel like that's just a big lie, or it's mostly used to fuck over guys who are in the military.

It sucks I just want to meet a young neet girl and start a family with her.

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you're a fetish, or she wants social points for being an 'army girlfriend/wife' so she can bitch and moan about how hard it is for her.

if you deploy its 90% chance she'll cheat on you.

The key is not going for women who like army guys cause those will only cheat on you.

>or it's mostly used to fuck over guys who are in the military.

It's state propaganda used to get young men to sign up for military service.

>signing up for the army simply to get girls
I wish there wasn't people this fucking stupid.

they don't like army guys. they like the uniform. it's like the most vanilla fetish.

While you're deployed, she's getting banged by Joe-D. It's a classic.

No because army guys are massive whores. Youll marry a fucking stripper.

I've never even date anyone, and I refuse to marry a fucking stripper or some dumb random whore, I'd already be married if those were my standards.

FPBP, This board needs more based fags like you.

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Sure buddy. I dont buy it because ive seen army guys go up to every woman and ask for marriage. Fuck that, if your standards are that low youll cheat

Every army bro gets cheated on while deployed. almost feels like it's unique to the army, but all these women are like that man.

Holy shit, I just want to serve my 3 years and get out, but I don't want to waste more of my life than I already have.

Guess I'm just fucked.

I'll cheat? On who fucking kasper? I'm not dating anyone rn.

>you're lonely because your standards are high, lower your standards
>you have low standards so you will cheat

Pump 'n dump or you'll end up committing to someone like the cuntoid above.

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I dont want to be that kind of person, but I guess I'll see where the cards fall.

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The kind of girls who go for army guys are the kind who take dick the second you get deployed.
Quality women want more stable men.

But yeah you can get cheap pussy if that's what you're after.

>I dont want to be that kind of person, but I guess I'll see where the cards fall.
Good luck ZOG-Bot.

>Good luck ZOG-Bot.
Hey man, I did it to get away from my family, job opportunity and GI bill, after this 3 year is up I'm fucking out.

Army wives always cheat
Army men come home in pine boxes

the type of women who are attracted to military guys are not the kind of woman you want to be with if that's what you're asking.

I feel this. Stationed overseas rn, usually at Fort Wainwright.

it's the ultimate form of a beta provider for them. they get attention and praise for it like said, and also it gives them ultimate freedom to slut around while their husband is deployed.
and then if the husband dies at war, the widow gets even more attention and praise for being so strong through her suffering, and gets to live off her husband's army pension

What's that thing in front of his helmet?

A mount for his PVS-19 (night vision goggles)

Is the army a bad idea for your average Zig Forums user?

Damn, I'll be in fort Richardson whenever this fucking Corona shit goes away.

They like your bennies if that is what you are asking. And no, living on base or in a military town is not any better, quite the opposite.
>not even deployed colonels and commanders are safe from the roast menace

depends what you mean by "like". If you want to pump and dump go to a bar in uniform and you'll get one easy. Not good for longterm though, they'll fuck every other uniform they see as soon as you deploy.

Yes. A million times yes. Go air force

Hewwo! I am in the military and can tell you it is a big fucking lie. If you were a robot before you are not gonna get a gf just cuz you are in the army. I was a year away from wizardry until I got a hooker (judge all you want it was that or anheroing). As for marriage: if the army wanted you to have a wife they would have issued you one. Go through the list of famous SF soldiers they are all single. Jocko Willinck even describes himself as "asexual". In the 82nd they have a saying "if you aren't divorced you are getting a divorce". These 18 yo kids marry their 18 yo high school sweethearts and the problems just windfall. Can't afford to feed the kids, have a 32% APR on a car that is broken, I heard the divorce rate for SSGTs was like 70%. The lifestyle also makes getting women impossible too. You'll deploy for a year and a half to Afghanistan. If you aren't deploying you are at a training exercise for a month not going home. Even in garrison I come in to work on weekends just to get the paperwork done. I would say I work 80+ hrs/wk. There is no end to it. So if you are going to the army just say no to marriage or a social life