Hellooooo everyone~

hellooooo everyone~

How is everyone doing today? Today I decided to confront anons who ghosted me! I don't quite understand why they blame me still even when they are the ones who ghost....

pic related down below

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kys dumb tranny, go back to discord

evidence here for everyone >

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I feel like shit as always

You didn't give any openings to continue a conversation. There's not much to go on after "I don't like beans and also other stuff"
If that's all the evidence it's a pretty weak case to be honest.

ehhh user... I'm not tranny ><

Awwww why do you feel like shit user? Did anybody trigger you?

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>Did anybody trigger you?
My existence did

I attached new photo of me talking to someone too....I mean I told people earlier Im bad at conversation...what should I have said?

Ohhh have you tried going to therapy or distracting yourself to get out of the mindset?

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I'm doing ok, I'm playing Ikaruga for the first time and I'm fucking terrible at it.
Can't even get past the second boss without using continues.

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>fuck this im not orbiting you
Pretty autistic.

This one's just an autist.

>Ohhh have you tried going to therapy
yes. I hated it.
distracting yourself to get out of the mindset?
yes, but sooner or later the illusion falls appart and you're left feeling miserable once again.

>anons who ghosted me
contradiction.... now get out d*scordfag

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>pic related down below
>evidence here for everyone >

Attached: 1588334765744.jpg (2448x3264, 704.66K)

absolutely based
nah, seethe more and stay in your orbiter circles trannies

Ah, of course the uwu animeposter is a nutcase.

He is right tho, op is a e-whore that hoard friends and expect the guy to lead the conversation even thought its a friendly one

Keep seething simps

Ohhh is it like a KO kinda fighting style game sorta like brawhalla?

Ehhh I have many screenshots of people ignoring me even when they talk to me and then just randomly ghost out of nowhere...are you sure all these people are autistic?

Yeah I went to 2 therapists and hated it desu... Distraction is good cope until those feelings get too heavy right? Are your problems self improvement in personality ones or like stuff to do with social life and stuff?

get out autist who cant read that I posted TWO screenshots so ya it is "anons"

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No one is seething you dingbats. I don't know anything about OP and am solely going off of the images posted. Concluding that someone wants you to orbit them when they ask why you took so long to reply is autistic. If anything, the person is orbiting them.

is it ghosting if i never initiate conversation

It's a top down shoot em up. Really old arcade game.

I'm not expecting a guy to reply to a conversation but it takes 2 people to hold a conversatiom right?

I sent 3 messages if I was going to send a fourth one it comes of desperate... in both cases I don't think I was demanding them to converse with me I was implying that they didnt want to talk to me anymore which is why they ignored me...

Hmmm but do they start the conversation? I always start if someone adds me...

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You're a fucking manipulative orbiter collector, you use acting sweet and posting anime girls to give retards a false sense of comfort. I know your kind. You belong on discord. Or in your obnoxious steam groups. I see through your shit.

They didnt ghost you, the conversation just ended. You can start the conversation again at a later time without making it a confrontation. Relationships with others are a series of smaller conversations, not one big long ongoing convo forever.

Ghosting would be if you had sent 3 to 4 separate attempts at restarting the convo, and you were ignored each time.

so how often do i have to write you?

>Are your problems self improvement in personality ones or like stuff to do with social life and stuff?
both. Also, i don't believe in self improvement. You can't make wax out of shit

and they say anime didn't destroy western males, fun ! Easy way to catfish losers by stuttering and posting fap material, Zig Forums in a nutshell

Ohhh do you like to go arcade? I really like to but in like afternoons because lots of people make me anxious... I spent 50 euros in arcade by myself once ><

Another time was $200 between 3 housemates (my housemate was pretty wealthy and paid $100)
honestly was worse and best decision in life

I don't think you have the right to talk shit about another person. You havent added me or chatted with what makes you think you have the right to dictate my personality and how I treat others?

Ehhh is it rude for me to want a reply every 24 hours? I mean I get people dont want to talk to me but 2 days is just too much....I'm kinda a clingy person thats why

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Holy shit based. Discordfags execute themselves and stay off Zig Forums.

Saying why didn't you reply is proof you are an autist. They don't want to talk to you, stop being a fucking creep. Got ghosted? Tough shit, discord is for shallow manipulative nutcases anyway, your value ran out. Not that you had any value beyond a fake personality and anime macros. And fuck off with your lecture about rights. We all got the right to say whatever the fuck we want. Especially when this retardation shots up the board all day every day. Piss off.

good so far :)