"Just go out daily bro"

>"Just go out daily bro"
>"Just take showers bro"
>"Just lose weight bro"
>"Just get a new haircut bro"
>"Just get a job bro"

I still feel suicidal, even more than before actually. Did i got scammed? Is self improvement a normie meme?

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>Did i got scammed?

No you are just mentally ill and need to get treatment

>Is self improvement a normie meme?
of course it is user. You can't make wax out of shit. God i wish i was dead...

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>God i wish i was dead...
don't kill yourself, but why do you say this and don't kill yourself?

I'm not mentally ill or depressed its just that life is boring, its always the same things everyday all day and it doesnt seem to get better as i grow up

Kinda feel its worthless, i missed out on my best years (being a kid/teenager)

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I say "I wish I was dead" a lot.

Yesterday I was choking on food and could barely breath, gasping for air over and over until I finally coughed my way into being able to breath.

I stared into the mirror afterwards with tears in my eyes, begging "No I dont want to die please dont kill me universe"

it's a means to an end. no point in doing that shit if you're not pursuing girls or a prestigious career.

Why do you feel suicidal? orig

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Thats not my mindset, if i were choking on food i would try my best to survive because it wouldn't probably kill but rather leave me disabled in some way which sucks

Would rather be functional or full blown dead, no inbetween

I'm not interested in girls or money, as long as i'm not starving to death or alive its no big deal but the fact that its all useless and i will keep being jealous of people with friends annoy me

I don't have friends, or rather can't make them because i'm awkward (irl and online), very dull and empty person too

I'm all doing at the moment is waiting for the time to sleep, 14 hours of being awake is a very long time i would rather be dead than being awake (i'm not even sad, quite actually happy over dumb things but being awake is painfull). nice lelouch btw

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this thread make me lole a lot
thanks for the laugh dysfunctional robots

>>"Just go out daily bro"
I do, I need to go to work
>>"Just take showers bro"
I do in the gym
>>"Just lose weight bro"
No, I need to actually gain weight I'm 64Kg (141lb)
>>"Just get a new haircut bro"
I shave, because hair loss
>>"Just get a job bro"
Working for 20 years now

40y old KV, have my own house and car, 0 debt, 64K in the bank

rei is a shit posted by faggotron-9000s so no wonder self improvement don't work

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You're dull because you do nothing because you think you're dull. There are people who don't have a job don't have a haircut etc and they're still happy because their perspective isn't focused on the negativity, or degenerate aspect of life. They live almost like children who are naive but instead they choose the side that will actually have a positive impact in their life. Being an optimist changes your perspective of yourself, and the people around you. Self improvement is essentially for yourself not for other people. However that still expands to your personality which makes you more likeable. First re-access who you are, and believe in yourself when that's done go to where people like you are at. That's how you make friends.

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>but why do you say this and don't kill yourself?
because I'm a coward. I'm afraid the consequences i'd have to deal with in the event of failure.

I'm dull because i was born this way, i never had a dream or any shit like that i'm living "carpe diem"

I stopped being a naive a few years ago, its impossible to go back after that, thats what it mean being an adult unless you have peterpan syndrome

You can't fail a suicide if you really want to

Get fucking medical treatment dude, if you don't have "Depression" and have the real stuff, you need to see a doc

I said like being naive, obviously you can't unlearn the shitty side of the world but you can make the choice of seeking out the good in people, and the brighter side of things.
>I'm dull because i was born this way
You were born naive and now you aren't? Nothing is true we're very dynamic people to say we're one thing for certain is just a cop out. This is your pessimistic self speaking. When I think of someone who only views the world in a negative manner I think of teenagers who never got out of their edgy phase. People who only view the world as war and extortion so they could justify their lack of participation in the system which is neither good, or bad.

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You need to find meaning in your life user. If you are willing to change that is.
Life is whatever you make of it. You can hate waking up every day and be sad sack of shit, or you can love rising with the sunshine every morning and going about your day.
Your choice.

Wdym? I'm not depressed or have any kind of disorder, i'm just your regular guy a bit NPC but i want to die because i don't have anything that matter to me, thus making my life useless

I think of it from a realistic point of view, current world is too peacefull and easy for us like people used to dream about visiting other countries before but now you just gotta save up some months and there you go

There is no more magic with the internet, its all the same no matter. 99% of the people are going to have a wife, a kid and die thats it thats life

Physically probably but psychologically its impossible to change, nobody really change and there is nothing wrong with that

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New horizons are always available, it's up to you to decided where your journey goes user. It's not a realistic point of view to think there's nothing interesting in this world for you. Goodbye now

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>psychologically its impossible to change
So you will never change and you don't want to change, got it
Don't post here seeking advice from people in a better position then you if you are just going to be a self defeating pessimist about it.
You could change and have a healthy mindset, but you refuse to.
Good day.

is this /avatarfagging general/?

>t.14 y.o. philosopher

Fuck you say to me you stupid bitch?

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You are who you are on the worst day of your life. That's true. A hundred percent true. But you know who else you are? You are who you are the next day. The day you wake up and have to decide, are you going to make this the new worst day of your life, or not? And you are who you are the day after that, which can also be your new worst, or not. You are who you are on all of your days. All of them. Including your worst and your best. Every single one counts. All the way to the end. And when you have a new worst day, you can get stuck there, looking back on it and worrying. And that's normal. But sooner or later, you've got to take all of that pain and do something with it. Try to make something better out of it.

>This thread: Bored summerfag phoneposters home from school pretend to be Dr. Phil minus the pysch degree.

I'm sorry, I didn't catch your credentials. How about a timestamped photo of your degree which as any relevance in neuroscience? Or your recognized paper on "anhedonia isn't real, lol"?

You guys are stringing one guy along with bait, and embarrassing yourself to anyone who scrolls by. But hey, it's your life.

the entire point is to distract yourself until you're dead

Or, you could show some resolve and skip straight to "dead" with less than a marginal effect on the world and no negative effect to yourself.
If being realistic is the disease, dumbing yourself down is not a cure.

I made one counter argument and you "hopers" folded like a lawn chair. Which is just objective proof that your whole "just keep going" is a larp. You fail faster than doomers. Enjoy your internet personality, tho. Just don't be surprised if your "glowing wisdom" can't sway a suicidal of their course.

There are two ways to look at the prev comment. Think of it as an investment of which you know the outcome of, you just dont know your journey there. Sure, you can just kys now and go directly to the outcome, but then you didnt really explore the possibilities of the journey there. That'd be like trying to cum without first having an orgasm... it kills the whole point of it... its no fun.

If all you care is about being "realistic" then why aren't you dead already? Are emotions getting in your way?
>muh genetically predisposed to continuity
So you're saying that you're human and not a machine. Cool that's a step forward in the right direction