So Zig Forums why do you hate niggers and Jews so much. What did they do to you

So Zig Forums why do you hate niggers and Jews so much. What did they do to you

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>What did they do to you

They told women not to have sex with me

Wrong board, but to sum it up, jews own most of the wealth in the world (are the cause of wealth inequality), and they perform mind control on women, fund women/fag/nigger activist groups.

The Jews made the niggers look cool and attractive. Now white girls only want to fuck niggers and not me.

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only people who never lived around niggers aren't racism towards them
imagine getting brutally bullied and jumped your entire childhood, watching your older brother die from heroin addiction, watching your mom cry because she got her purse stolen and couldn't afford dinner that night, having your house broken into and all your video games stolen.

>watching your older brother die from heroin addiction
The fuck does that have to do with blacks lol

Abarhamic religion. They invented it. Also, cut a bit of my dick off due to that. Abrahamic religion is literally no fun allowed.

That, and they made the news of the USA. Absolute garbage. The Internet, as I left society, was then forced to be involved in (((capitalism))) and also news later on.

What did they do indeed. Stupid question. They've been exiled for centuries by the many people they invaded to latch onto. The USA was manipulated by them to the point they give Israel money for no reason. They fight a war that the Jewish kept going for eons.

It is not a Jewish sin to lie to the gentile.

>top four American banks are Christian founded and managed
>oil is almost entirely Christian and Saudi owned
>military industry is almost entirely Christian owned
Doesn't take a Goldman shill to see that this is all just a very successful victim narrative

Blacks sell the drugs.

Not even him but am

I grew up around rich niggers in an upper middle class town. The worst things ever got was a street fight. Sorry your mom didn't make better decisions with her money and had to live in the ghetto lol

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black people shove heroin up his older brother's ass

Your junkie ass brother bought them though. No one made him get addicted to heroin. He chose that life. Blame him.

Other grugs no look and think like me. That mean they bad. Only grugs like me good. Unga bunga.

>Your whore ass 14 year old daughter went out and got impregnated by the nigger though. No one made her be addicted to nigger dick. Be made at her.

I actually agree with the sentiment. All drugs should be legal and the age of consent should be abolished. I was just explaining to you how that user up there felt as a normalfaggot. It's normal to dislike other races.

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That user is a fucking retard for blaming black people for his brother getting addicted to drugs. Way to take all agency away. Like blacks are these magical hypnotists that lead pure, naive whites away from god.

>>this user is a fucking retard for blaming pedophiles making his daughter be sex addict!

Drugs are not ethical either. Not that I care.

You can't compare a child being groomed to a grown ass man deciding to do drugs.

They exist. That's what they did to me.

You can actually. When underage the brain is overly hyped on sexual hormones. They can't help but say YES OMG YES COCK vs a druggie or alcoholic also has an altered brain chemistry that says YES OMG YES JUST TAKE MY CAR FOR THIS HEROIN who cares if I get preg and dad kills this guy TAKE ME NOW.

It is literally the same ballpark. Your normalfaggot ethics likes to pick and choose when to activate though. Normalfaggot ethics love to ignore equality in things.

>US Treasury Secretary is Jewish
>the previous Secretary was also Jewish
>and so was the Secretary before him...
>Canada Vice-President is Jewish
Of the top 10 richest people in America, 5 are Jewish
>Mark Zuckerberg
>Larry Ellison
>Larry Page
>Sergey Brin
>Michael Bloomberg
Every country in the world still gives billions to Israel because of the Holocaust--Germany pays the most. Israel gets away with bombing UN schools in Palestine and no one cares...Israel threatens New Zealand with war and no one cares...
>A jew owns
>George Soros, a jew, funds Antifa, BLM, and trolls to make Bernie and Trump supporters look bad.
>Every federal politician is required by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to sign a form expressing support for Israel
>jews were banned from so many countries and the holocaust happened for a reason. Jews never tell the reason only the victimization.

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Who made them choose to try heroin in the first place

Also, older people that sell it get kids on it. Or did you think that I would just let that stand? You never saw kids doing drugs in middle school nor HS? Who do you think makes that?

Adults. And you keep doing it as an adult. And adults often open sexuality to children too, by showing sex on tv and such..

Same thing.

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Nepotism personified. Haven't meet a jew who didn't get his job from a guy who knew a guy.
You haven't lived around them? Their entire culture is a race to the barrel. Blacks from Africa actually act a lot cooler than Niggers from America, since they know their place.

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Because niggers and Jews are pestilence.

See :They grew up around it. Same thing as grooming. They often are slowly put into the life as they first do weed. They buy the weed from some older guy, often black, as blacks are the impoverished of the USA more so than other races. Impoverished break the law more, especially drug selling as that makes them no longer poor.

to sum it up

>they ruined the white world

niggers arent bad theyre bros its the jews that are the problem, they control most of the media and the world economy, they use the holocaust as an excuse for taking palestinian land, and in some countries you can get arrested for speaking against them, i know these are memes at this point but seriously look up uss liberty, the lavon affair, rudolf report and samson option

Fucking newfag.
If you spent more than a week on Zig Forums then you'd know we don't actually hate these people. We hate what they stand for.
>the jew stands for greed and gluttony
>the negro stands for sloth and complacency
>the modern woman stands for degeneracy and oppression

>stands for
Say what you mean. Statistically they are bad. It's like an insurance company with men vs women, the men ruin cars more so men always always always get more high rates. Niggers should be arrested automatically, and are, hence the 1/3 arrests thing. Jews are automatically rich and forced the religions down our throats. Women really are usually vapid and spoiled and live life on easy mod.

Not what it stands for, what it generally just IS.

A lot of people grow up around drugs. I grew up around drugs and I never did heroin. If you overdose on heroin, it's your fault.

I had enough sense to not try heroin growing up. If you get caught up and do heroin, that's your fault.

Weak fear the strong. who woulda fucking thunk?? LMAO