Mental ward shit

Alright robots heres a story
(first greentext)

>Be me
>Late February
>"Attempt" suicide by cutting wrist
>Go to hospital to check if need stiches
>they slap a bandaid on it and book me to the local mental ward
>Stay there for 9 days and they diagnose me with depression and social anxiety

The thing is i still have nightmares about the place and am scared about fucking up in fear I'll be sent back by my mother. How do i get around this fear fellow anons

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Thx for the cute pic

Just do it right next time. Make a manifesto and ask someone to get you some Pentobarbital. Google it. Vats use it to put pets down painlessly.

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Is there anywhere i can get it online like in a store or something

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Its something you kill pets with. I would not think so.
I think you need to find someone with connections, and event then hope its not a scam.
I once had a conversation with some Discord random, with whom I talk to regulary. He asked his "Contacts" about it. Nobody comes close to stuff like that in his contact list.

He had to come up with an excuse why he needs something like that and told them its hallucinogenic. So at least that was funny about the story.

Its hard to get "normaly"
Either Darknet or well connected drug-bros.

Or: Go to a country where its legal, they often use Pentobarbital. I.e. in Swiss.

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Im in america so is there something like that accessible in places like walmart or tractor supply co etc..

Making connections is hard for me. I find it hard to speak up first and i dont know where to start becus room-dweller.jpeg

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I would focus work on recovering. Once you recover you wont be in danger hurting yourself again.

I wish i knew how user
When i left the ward this dude started talking to me about an out-patient program wich i hated because it was in the same hospital. My mother had my grandparents try to pick me up to put me in the van to go and the lady driving had to convince them to put me down. My mom wont pay for therapy unless its under insurance (i.e. outpatient program)

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why not kill yourself the easy way, with asphyxiation or a bullet to the head?

I cant get a gun but i have one of those red helium tanks from the store can i use that

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>be high school dyke
>parents take me to psych ward for trying to kill myself
>meet another crazy dyke there, she likes me
>writes her name on my arm in marker, i dont care
>parents come to visit after a few days
>they see her name on my skin, i explain
>parents freak out, say that ive been branded
>immediately discharge me and take me home
Overall not a horrible experience, you can easily placate me with graham cracker and apple juice snacktime, and the grippy socks are cozy

You can always seek out a therapist who takes your insurance.

It takes a bit of snooping. You have to the insurance and see if they can assign you a therapist in your area.

You can also call the hospital explain to them you are looking for a therapist to work on your mental health. Tell them the insurance you have. They might be able to set you up to.

Because the methode has to suit you, and for me its over an injection of pentobarbital

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shitty ass facilities should be burned to the ground

>You have to call the insurance company and see if they can assign you a therapist in your area.

typoe qqq

They took my shoelaces and replaced them with zipties. All there is too do is play cards there. We sat in the "dayroom" most of the time with those plastic chairs

Actually use a method thats reliable, but even thats going to be hard to do now since you are probably on suicide watch and the police will come bursting down your door on your second attempt.

pentobarbital is almost impossible to obtain for the average person. its illegal enough for the police to come visit you. There are reliable drug combos but you're gonna have to do your research and if you do it wrong and someone saves you'll end up as a vegetable.

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Thats what im trying to do fellow user

Thanks for the hint!
Imma do some good ass reaserch in University.
Wanna end it after I have studied Physics, because I dont want to experience this whole ass shit for 60 more years.

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One time i OD'd by mixing weed with DXM (robitussin) and collapsed and cracked my head open. But it was a scary experience i thought i was trapped in purgatory for the bad things ive done

> been to the ward once
> is scared
Bro what should scare you isn't the ward itself, what should scare you is your mind, brain & conscience

Already one step ahead of you thats why im scared

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if you're in university then you should switch majors to become a pharmacist, it will make it 100 times easier.

> Saying that beeing scared of having your freedom restricted is not good


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Tbh thats how it is. When i was a child my parents had a divorce that dragged out for 4 years
>Yes im a weak beta male

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No Imma want to study phyisics because of some shit. Has to be.
Does not mean I cant use the library and stuff and talk to certain individuals about meds. I at least hope so.

Oh btw: If some of you have cursed Garfield pics, or crying manga person pics:
Gib plz

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Here u go user
Iz yui

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Well then, sounds epic enough "XD RAWR"

Ok, enough shitposting. I cant realy relate because of having a stable family. Either way just dont think everyone who wants to end his life is retardet or mentaly ill and has to be put into psycho prison.

Thats all.

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Not exactly what im collecting, still cute. Thanks user desu

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I cant go into the military because its on my record wtf do i do

>"Attempt" suicide
>Doesn't even need stitches

Why are women like this? You walk down the street, not cross the road. Next time you want to kill yourself, use a noose. Climb a tree, tie the noose so you have a 6 foot drop, put it around your neck, tie to the branch and then jump. It'll break your neck and your death will be most likely painless.

Fucking woman.

>Inb4 not waman just onions male
I just want it to be painless I've suffered enough

There are no women on the internet. Especialy Zig Forums.
So stop it

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Good question, cant realy help there.
Unregulated meds?

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