Why do incels actively avoid interacting socially with women?

Why do incels actively avoid interacting socially with women?

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>why does someone who is literally incapable of getting laid no matter what he does isolate himself from the pain of inevitable ridicule and failure?

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> why do people who have been mocked and felt socially ostracised there entire life avoid people?

Hear hear, someone needs to break roastie's necks

Hey, how was your, good, mine also, thanks, bye

>mocked and felt socially ostracised there entire life avoid people?
How do we get over this?
Is it even possible or do we just die alone

I don't, they avoid me.

i dont actively avoid socially interacting
sitting in my room is a very passive activity
i dont avoid women at work - there are none
i havent spoken to a girl in months

It's called learned helplessness. They won't help themselves so they actively avoid their solution.

100% Bullshit, Pure Extract

Because I'm just going to mess up again :/

Why interact with women as an incel when there's nothing to gain from it?

I avoid it with anyone not just women

Learned habit of no one wanting to interact with you, and people generally treating of you as a nuisance

>Hear hear, someone needs to

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>why don't people keep hitting their head off the wall?

>learned helplessness
>Learned helplessness is behavior exhibited by a subject after enduring repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control. It was initially thought to be caused from the subject's acceptance of their powerlessness: discontinuing attempts to escape or avoid the aversive stimulus, even when such alternatives are unambiguously presented. Upon exhibiting such behavior, the subject was said to have acquired learned helplessness.[1][2] Over the past few decades, neuroscience has provided insight into learned helplessness and shown that the original theory actually had it backwards: the brain's default state is to assume that control is not present, and the presence of "helpfulness" is what is actually learned

Read this and tell me again that it's the helpless persons fault and not the situation they were born into. Before you start claiming I'm avoiding my responsibilities, I'm not one of these people. I acknowledge that we need to help them because I'm not a self righteous moron who needs to have my inner pretend world follow rules of justice.

They avoid me, I avoid them.
They are happy that the ugly creep isnt part of their life and I dont go to jail, its a sweet deal.

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Why do you believe that takes actively avoiding socialising with women? All it takes is not actively seeking to socialise with them.

That's not what an incel is. You become an incel after you try and try with no success. It's cycle of bluepill->redpill->blackpill. Honestly brash statements are a logical fallacy. Like when people share a political cartoon and go "omg it is exactly like this!"

>Why do incels actively avoid interacting socially with women?
It upsets them when I talk to them and I don't want to impose myself on them

What are the benefits of doing that? They already hate the opposite gender what would they fucking gain by talking to women

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why would I want to be around women when they've shown me time and time again they want nothing to do with me?

its almost like due to factors out of my control and years of being rejected and humiliated i do not want to embarrass myself again with the painof it so i avoid doing so

its like putting your hand on a hot stove as a kid its painful but it goes away but you now know to never touch the hot stove for risk of hurting yourself

Women find my behavior threatening. I have a tendency to make faces, and glare at people. My body language suggests constant hostility. I avoid them so they do not report me to campus police again.

You can't really put an incel in one category. For me, I could have sex below my standards, or I could keep trying to find someone that meets my standards. Typically girls I try to date don't put out at first and they end up pissing me off or I end up pissing them off before we get to sex. It ends with us arguing and never talking again, even if the first few dates go well with lots of chemistry.

You become self dependent, realize you cant depend on other people to be your source of happiness, especially a whore that will just fuck off to chad or tyrone

because i get rejected everytime i try?

i might
but you need to show me a bit more of it's content first

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All I've seen on here are thirsty boys trying to talk to anything claiming to be female. Vocaroo threads leave multiple bros unresponded to, yet a female can talk about a topic as retarded as celebrity chef's and she will have instant replies.

Girls never look even remotely ok with me being nearby, so I take the hint.
Who cares really? Not that I'm capable of saying anything that wouldn't make me look even worse. Sucks to be mentally ill lol