Hiding in my room

This man here is a skinny autist with no social skill and yet he bangs hot women across the world constantly.
How? Fucking how?

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Because he's Chinese

He is constantly having affairs, cheating on his gf and with wife. Now he admits to having another fucking affair with a married Chinese woman. The man is a fucking manslut and has the maturity of a 14 year old despite being 30.

beeg noodle?

Is it literally just his facial bone structure? I do not want to sound like an incel but fucking hell. I guess his personality is quite consistent and he is very honest; females can actually be quite emotionally vulnerable to romance. Maybe they are comfortable with knowing what they are getting into?
I think he is just good looking. East Asian chicks love hapas.

We ain't chinese. He is british. Half malaysian though.

hes using my dickpic

A desperate 40 year old Japanese woman isn't exactly a "hot woman". The only other people Daniel has slept with are escorts

perfect James Bond like English accent

I mean, what am I missing here? Is he actually good looking? He looks like a normal very young man but weaker and more autistic.
What the fuck is going on?

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Bullshit. He slept a lot with this cute Dutch chick. He also had a Swedish chick begging for his dick.

Nah he does seem to get a lot of women.

I have a fucking perfect James Bond like English accent. In England, I just sound like a posh cunt. I should go to America or Canada. Even there my accent will not make chicks think I am cool and suave. Fuck this shit.

I am 25 years old. I have only ever slept with escorts. I am getting older and my chances to slay poon are fast slipping away. My garbage hairline and bad skin makes me look mid 30s. It is fucking over.

Maybe it is largely my garbage personality? Yeah, possibly. Hard to work on your personality when your face and body are garbage. Everyone about me is fucking garbage. I am a human shit heap that women are frightened and disgusted by. Fuck everything. I just want to fucking end it.

Been watching this guy from 2017 to 2018.
It's like slow down car crash.
You know it is terrible but you cannot look away.

This sociopath does not bathe, wears only one jumper which smells. He uses filters otherwise his skin is full of blemishes and pimples.

He managed to marry an unstable older japanese woman, who looks hella cute. Then cheated on her multiple times, used his meager youtube paycheck to pay for hookers.

Mr. Level 2 japanese proficiency test achiever.

No, he's only good at bullshitting vulnerable women. Any other woman with a shred of self respect would tell this creep to fuck off.

Only parasitic sociopathic neet chicks lust after him.

Idk who this faggot is, but post some of the whores he's banged to rate them

This is your future son yellow fever fags. Look carefully.

He got laid so many times, he got STDs like 4 times in his live

Hes tall and handsome
That's about it

Yeah I know. It is fucking hilarious. He talks so openly about his STDs.

Daniel has no fucking shame whatsoever. He has no morality and I think limited capacity for emotion. He does not even seem to get angry really.

at least, he has the balls to talk about it

I am a woman and I fucking love Daniel. He is so handsome and honest. He is the total opposite of a loser nice guy; he has weird kind of alpha ness about him.

Every incel-ish youtuber starts getting better with girls as his popularity grows.

Women do like popularity and approval by deafult, but it's also just the fact that you are out there exposed, and anyone can message you.

The more women see you, the more likely you are to be contacted by those who like you.
Guys who claim to be incels online do quite well actually, as they attract the insecure type of girl who just wants a man she can call her own, a man who will not leave her and not cheat on her.

He is successful because he has image of being confident. He is actually not confident. He is a sociopath and narciss. He is daring because he doesn't give a fuck about people. Picking up women for him is like clicking on download links to porn in hope that at least some of the links are still up. When women realize it they run away,

Exactly, he's ethnically Chinese

literal subhuman

Attached: soyboy12.png (732x772, 33.62K)

How long until Hong Kong Guy has sex with Daniel's ex-wife?

What is going to become of this guy when he hits his 40s and becomes less attractive and his YouTube and popularity dries up.
The only reason he is capable of doing all of this is because his family have a lot of money.

i think it's his accent, and also he isnt exactly bad looking, and perhaps earns a bit more money than us, since he has a house?

Because Asian guys are really cute

>isnt exactly bad looking
He uses filters like insta attention whore everywhere.
>he has a house
his mother has a house

he's unironically a psycho, and women love psychos

He's handsome, his accent is charming, he's not fat, quite alpha indeed and quite popular on youtube. No wonder people like him