How big is your penis? Are you happy with it?

How big is your penis? Are you happy with it?

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>How big is your penis?
15 inches
>Are you happy with it?

About 5 inches. Nobody is going to see it and it feels good to masturbate with. Bends to the left quite a bit.
Would rate 8/10.

Pretty satisfied but that's mostly because I'm not an insecure faggot anymore

4" on a good day

its okay I guess I wish it was bigger but i just gotta live with it

I'm 6 inches.
I'm fine with it but it's just a skinny penis that kinda bothers me about it. I wish it was fatter.

Nice to know you came out the closet user. Have fun taking cock up your asshole.

just below the cusp of 6, like 5.8 or 5.9
sizewise i'm happy with it when my pubes are shaved.
lookswise i just absolutely hate it. my head is exceptionally dry and wrinkly and the retard who circumcised me took off the entire frenulum and didn't even make the line that goes down to my balls line up.

Solid 5 incher and totally happy with it

7.5 inches long by 6.25 inches in circumference. I am pretty pissed off that I was circumcised to be honest. I'm not happy with it at all. Jerking off would feel way better with a foreskin, I know it would.

In some small way though, it is satisfying to know that I won't pass on my height, shoulder to hip ratio or large dick to future generations. I got bullied for being thin and lanky in highschool, and now that I'm starting to fill out I don't want anything to do with the whores that are suddenly giving me attention after slutting it up for the past 10 years.

A little bit above 6 but lackd girth and has other aesthetical complications. No girl is ever gonna see it so in the end it doesn't matter i guess.

6 inches long, 5.5 girth

I would kill a man to gain an inch, 10 men for 2 inches.

~5". not happy at all, i wish it was bigger. i gimped on height and dick size.

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>6.5 inches erect
>5.5 inches girth
>maybe 2.5 inches flaccid, if that much
I'm more or less okay with my erect length, but what gives with my flaccid length?

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8 inches, haven't measured girth but medium.
I am, just wish I could put it to use more

My penis is currently 5 inches long when erect, I hope that when I start HRT it will get even SMALLER!

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can i see your penis please? [Spoiler]i- i want to jerk off to anons peepees. [/spoiler] ill post my discord

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1 inch flaccid 4 inches hard and thin as a fucking pencil. I hate my life

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not him but same size. whats your discord cocklust user?

5.7" x 5.1". I feel insecure about it but logically I try and shut those thoughts out. Plus, it's not like anyone else is going to see it.

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w-whoa i didnt think someone else would offer! i hope i dont mess the spoiler up this time...


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6in, but I have fucking phimosis that has shown no signs of going away and I don't want to have to get circumsized

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5.9, but I swear it looks even smaller for some reason.
I have yet to see an erotic scene with a dick that looks similar

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Average. 5 inches.
I'm fine with it. God knows I won't be trying to impress anybody anytime soon.

14 to 15 cms depending of how hard i am

No idea about girth, length is between 6.5" and 7".
Yes I am very happy, it's beautiful.

21-22 cm, depending on level of arousement. My gf is happy since I can punch her cervix. Idk why she likes that.

>Uncut I may add.

19cm when erect
idk, because i never had sex. Though, compared from what I've seen in porn, it's pretty smoll, so i guess im a bit disappointed

8 inches max, but that's only when the temperature is cold enough, otherwise my erection is 7 inches most of the time. Somewhat above average but irrelevant since I'm not into 3D.

It's not the biggest but at least I don't go on Mongolian finger painting forums and lie about how big it is like the majority of you fags.

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