Have you taken the shave pill?

>Looks cleaner
>Shows Discipline
>Smooth skin

Only undisciplined kids don't shave?

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All men should shave. When I see a guy with his scraggly pube hair on his cheeks and neck I become genuinely nauseous and cannot stand to look in his direction.
That little bit of greasy fuzz on the lip and chin that guys who cant grow full beards keep is even worse

shaving is a pain in the ass. i wish there were easier ways to get rid of body hair.

What do you think about trimming without guard ? 0,5mm stubble much easier than shaving and cheaper

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i hate shaving but i hate being bearded more
its scratchy and feels dirty plus people with big beards get bits of food and drink in them which is gross
guys who spend hours maintaining, oiling and conditioning their beard are the worst though
use nair dont

its superior. bitches dont know about ingrown stubble from clean shaving

Fuck shaving with a straight razor, just use a trimmer. Pic related is perfect.

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yeah I normally shave but I've been unemployed since my state shut down so I said fuck it and not shaving until everything starts again

my face is practically hairless anyway. i can count the number of hairs on my face after a week without shaving. i'm 23

I'll shave once I have to report back to school and work.

i hate electric razors
they give me spots and dont give a satisfying shave. The only advantage is theyre incredibly fast and easy to use
a single blade safety razor is the easiest option for a decent shave
if youre getting ingrowing hairs then youre simply shaving wrong

my religion forbids shaving but i have a massive beard so it is fine

Safety razors are the most superior

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I love shaving. I love the feeling and look of my freshly shaven face, and I absolutely hate the feeling of facial hair. I'm blessed with being pale as fuck but also having black hair, so even when I'm freshly shaven I have very noticeable "manly" stubble. I get to look clean and masculine at the same time, plus I get to feel comfortable. It's great. I feel bad for blondelets and niggers.

sorry im not a beardlet like u

Onions boys use gillette to cure their toxic masculinity

>use nair
tried some other shit and it burned my skin a bit so not going to try again. thinking of trying to get waxed but it probably hurts like hell so i don't know if it'll be worth it

you need stubble so u dont get ingrown hairs later

A well kept beard can accentuate a face and define edges and curves that suit it's shape

youre just a faggot who cant shave properly and gets ingrowing hairs because of it

Agreed, no razor burn

clean shaving is only for powerful, beautiful vampires

I hate the teenager pube stache when they first start growing facial hair, it's disgusting

that doesnt make sense - clean shaving leaves greater risk for ingrown hairs. buzzing is the superior option.

i had an ingrowing hair once when i was 14 and i looked up how to not get them
since then i have never had one
youre just a stupid nigger
its very easy to not get ingrowing hairs as long as you know anything about shaving. How many people do you see that are clean shaven and how many have ingrowing hairs all the time? even normalfags can manage this

good thing i am one such creature

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its easy to not get ingrown hairs if you cant grow a beard i agree. seethe, zoomer

>all this cope because he can't grow a beard


>chin hair is practically white
>can't grow facial hair very well anyways
im stuck looking like a girl or a sickly Victorian man

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Facial hair is our natural state and you're a domesticated npc if you shave

This is what most normal men do. Shaving every morning is a bit tiresome.

Ah dude i have to shave, im like 5'4 and i look lile gimley from lotr if i dont.

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