Weekly Family Thread

Ask for advice, share stories, give advice, the usual. Keep it generally family-related.

Archive(still not updated)-
pastebin.com/3G5CJ4xZ (embed)

Previous Thread-
boards.Zig Forums.org/r9k/thread/57892385#top

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Fugg I fell asleep and didn't keep the thread up :'(

Don't worry about it, we have this thread and that's all we need. Besides, a fresh thread is always nice.

Bumpity fuckity faggit
>Well-being is attained little by little, and nevertheless is no little thing itself.
-Zeno of Citium

No one with a good family is an abnormalfaggot generally. These family threads have always pissed me off.

Generals are bad to begin with, but normalfaggy generals are such garbage.

That is why part of this general's purpose is to let people vent or seek advice, because a lot of people don't have a good family. But even when they do, that is no guarantee of happiness or normalcy. Some people are fucked from birth, and all the help their family gives may not be enough. Some people have every opportunity, and still become fuck-ups. And every family has its secrets and its black sheep.

What is your family like?

>>What is your family like?

>fresh threads are always nice
bloated threads aren't comfy

Guy with the 16yo interested here. We texted more over the last few days and things seem to go well. I wish this corona wasn't a thing right now.

Okay now I find out the thread was up until yesterday, what the hell I looked for it more than once.

Whatever last week was a disaster, hope everyone else is okay.

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Sorry to hear that. You are welcome to vent about it here, if you wish.

Sorry, I am trying to remember. Was this the girl you know online, or was this a relative?

Alright, tell us about the disaster. How are you holding up?

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>things seem to go well
Define well. Like, could you post a screenshot of a conversation, obviously with the name/number blocked out.

>Whatever last week was a disaster

>Was this the girl you know online, or was this a relative?
From what I remember about this guy, the girl is almost family, as in their parents are best friends or something like that.

>Sorry, I am trying to remember. Was this the girl you know online, or was this a relative?
She's the daughter of best friends of my parents. I've known her my whole life and saw her as a sister. Recently it came to my ears that she actually likes me as something else and parents from both sides seem to be okay with it. I'm just taking it chill.
>Like, could you post a screenshot of a conversation
I'm not from an English country, so that wouldn't make a lot of sense to you. But basically it's just light hearted talks. She laughs at everything I say and we were joking back and forth.

>could you post a screenshot of a conversation
Try me.

Oh, sorry. I remember you now, I just got thrown off by her age. I remembered her being 17 of so. I am glad to hear it is going well for you.

I said she will turn 17 this year, so you probably remembered that. But yeah it's young, so I'm just keeping it light for now. Maybe go for an activity when rules aren't very strict anymore.

I wonder if the user who had his first time with his mom will return to this thread. That was quite an.. interesting read.

I think he said he's from a North Eastern European country (Scandinavian?), so yeah
What did you do? Have you fucked your coworker yet?
Is her twin not jealous? I know you said she's not as hot as the girl you might be hooking up with and you're not really interested in her, but isn't it possible she also likes you?

All right. I'd been out of the loop for a year. Remind me who's fucking whom again? All regular posters I mean.

I'm fine now, there's not actually a lot to talk about. The stupid friend gathering at our house happened and everyone was like "So why??? Why you live together??? Why you do this???" and that was horrible but mostly the horribleness was in my head, they didn't actually care.

Then there's whatever the hell happened Friday, I don't even wanna say too much. My brother found out something that happened with his first girlfriend and it hit him really hard and I didn't know how to react and I got into a weird headspace.

Anyway today is fine so whatever.

Oh goodness, here we go again.

Female, has a brother who she is in a relationship with. Something of a degenerate

Female, also has a brother who is practically her husband. Very wholesome

Male. Has a wife and multiple cats. Currently quaranting with his parents, sister, and wife if I remember correctly. Gives very good advice.

Female. Has a husband, 2 year old female, and 4 or 5 year old son.

Male. Has a girlfriend, but her mother hates him and doesn't want them dating. He is responsible for all of the bumpity fuckity faggity ... bumps. Primarily gives us stoicism. Has a tsundere sister, and mother whom he is not very close with.

Male. Lives in England, but I think that he is initially from either Greece or Cyprus, I forget. Gives passable advice, and has given little information about his family.

Male. Currently in the beginnings of a possible relationship with his mother, he fucked her last thread.

>Possibly Scandinavian-user
Presumably male. You can get a recap by looking here

Are you fucking your brother? Tell me more about yourself.

>"So why??? Why you live together??? Why you do this???"
How did you explain it?

>My brother found out something that happened with his first girlfriend and it hit him really hard and I didn't know how to react and I got into a weird headspace.
Do you mind telling us what happened?

I basically said jack shit because I was trying not to scream or cry but my brother explained it as it just made more sense for us and we enjoy each other's company and they were like okay whatever.

I don't even fully understand the thing with his ex, I guess she came out and said she was pregnant even though she's supposedly a big gay now and she won't say who the father is and it seems like she's just not in a good place in life, it really bummed my brother out but I felt like I was supposed to be mad at him for getting mopey over an ex, except I felt bad too because he felt bad and I didn't know what to do.

Anyway ice cream is tasty and how did this guy fuck his mom what the hell.

Attached: here's your one threadly Chiyo.png (311x248, 139.02K)

>how did this guy fuck his mom
Just go check last thread, he was pretty descriptive. SHould give you an idea as to how.

Yeah I read it but still, holy shit.

Also this guy gave me whiplash, can't decide if he's cool or trash

oh boy it's the incest erotica thread

I would go more on the side of trash, but that's just me.

>Is her twin not jealous?
I'm not sure actually. Her sister usually goes in for the hi/bye hug and she didn't seem to mind when one of the neighbors thought I was her bf (apparently I look very young for being 29). That's why in the beginning I thought the parents had the wrong twin, but they insisted it was the blonde.
On the other hand, her sister could be like that because she just sees me as a bro and doesn't feel embarrassed/shy to initiate a hug and things like that. They're quite mature for their age, so sometimes I have to take a step back and realize how nervous I'd be around my crush at 16.
>Try me.
Since we're supposed to start dance class and she's about my height at this points, I jokingly told her to stop growing so it wouldn't become awkward. Then it turned into poking fun at each other
>Hahahah I'll try. Otherwise you have to wear heels, to make a statement
>Okay, but then don't complain if I step on your toes

Adding look-a-like pic because why not.

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>Adding look-a-like pic because why not
On a scale on 1-10, how close would you say that the look-a-like is to the girl?

Mom-user here! Sorry I've been a no show the last few threads, things have just been a little turbulent and the anniversary of my dad's passing came up and I've been in a bad headspace. However, I'm starting to feel more like myself.

Kids are doing well, but it's been getting harder to keep them amused - especially since it's been getting hot so even going for walks results in crying about the heat. My husband's hours at work have changed so I've been seeing a lot more of him which has been nice. He gets to help with the bedtime routine which is really nice.

Other than that, working on potty training the little one and still working on letters with the big one.

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>especially since it's been getting hot so even going for walks results in crying about the heat
What state do you guys live in? I remember that you said out West, so at least you don't have to worry about humidity.

>working on potty training the little one and still working on letters with the big one.
How's that going? How far along has the big one gotten with letters?

>either Greece or Cyprus
Trick question, I'm actually half from both ;)
Also yeah, trying not to doxx myself, nationality and that I have a little sister is more than enough info
I mean, if he did like her in the best, being her boyfriend and all, it makes sense he'd feel down if she isn't doing well (assuming they had a "good" breakup). It would also kinda make sense for you to be jealous, but if you feel bad because he feels bad then that only shows how much you love him.
I was gonna ask if you could've confused them with each other but since you've separated them into pretty and not so pretty, I'm guessing they don't look all that similar?
I have 0 knowledge of the timescale babies are supposed to be learning stuff, but by what age should they know how to read (the alphabet) or go to the bathroom by themselves? Also, obligatory milkers plead. Plis