
hows it going bros? cooked some pork belly today going to wrap it in lettuc and cilantro

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whats that red sauce, ketchup?? are you a spicelet? im eating raw garlic

its ssamjang. you always said you are asian but i never quite believed you.

double played, kiddo. its gochujang, and i dropped a hint with the raw garlic comment. wheres the garlic on this weak ass ssam? cilantro???

its not gochujang its ssamjang. gochujang is never in a green container. i felt like having cilantro and too lazy to cut up garlic

it's weird how these threads seem to pop up when I'm trying to stop drinking. i'm not trying to be abstinent but i definitely want to cut down. i'm drinking some coffee at the moment but enjoy your beer user, lager is my drink of choice

i buy the garlic pre peeled. gochujang is in a green container when i put it in one.

shit well good luck bro, you got it. i need to cut down too but being at home all day makes me so fucking bored
the prepeeled garlic is so overpriced thought i hate buying it. and where do you buy gochujang that you move it into dif containers?

its worth the price. i wasnt serious about moving containers.

its so much cheaper to buy onions in the mesh bag though. peeling and chopping off the little root isnt worth it imo but then again all that 'work' is what stopped me from going for garlic today. and ah i guess i got triple played

what is voodoo ranger

its a beer company. i drink the imperial ipa. its okay, strong and cheapish

what did you season the pork belly with

a tiny bit of salt and pepper. the ssamjang im eating it with is plenty of flavor enough. normally i like salt peper and sesame oil as a sauce if im not wrapping it in veg though

bump. take it easy bros. watching rush hour for the first time in ages

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Looks nice.
Eating with chop sticks? Interesting. Is it comfortable?

yeah but i grew up with them. and asian sticky short grain rice is sticky enough to be eaten with chopsticks

I really want some nice vodka or whisky soon. The apple wine and such just hasn't been as good for me.

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sup moonbro hows it going? i had some real shit whisky the other day the after taste was ass

scotch guy again
since last time ive posted i have tried bulleit bourbon and monkey shoulder which is a cheaper blended scotch. the bulleit bourbon was ehh, i couldn't drink it straight, it tasted like a fancier version of jim beam, i ended up drinking it mixed with ginger ale and some ice, that was actually pretty good like that.
the monkey shoulder is around the same price as johnnie walker black. it's lighter and sweeter than JB black. they make a smokey version of monkey shoulder but i couldn't find it anywhere

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Been going fairly well, I'd say. Still not much of anything going on, but it's been chill. There's a thread on /vr/ about some leaks from Nintendo's servers that covers N64, GC, and WII stuff, so that's been pretty exciting. Someone else has been working with that Mario 64 source code decompile too, been playing around with a native Windows version of the game. It's really barebones right now though, if it wasn't running DX12, you'd barely be able to tell that it wasn't just being emulated, besides the fact that changing the window size also changes the resolution.

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its been a while but i remember liking bulleit. again though im no connoisseur, how you been bro?
how old are you btw? i was born in 91 and i only really have realy memories of n64 since i wasnt a real gamer growing up and even now

Was born in 95, will be 25 very soon.
However, I grew up in a tech savvy household, so I had a lot of consoles and computers available from a very young age.

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>its been a while but i remember liking bulleit. again though im no connoisseur, how you been bro?
im good but have a tooth infection waiting for insurance to approve root canal. fun
i think i just can't stomach bourbon, to me it has this sickeningly sweet molasses syrup type of smell and taste that doesn't sit well with my stomach for some reason. bulleit does make a rye whiskey that i will probably try at some point, there is some rye whiskey mixed in with the bulleit bourbon and i could taste hints of it, kind of a grassy spicy taste. apparently most american whiskey was made of rye before the '50s

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I see you've changed your preferred brand of beer OP. I ate a frozen pizza earlier today and I've been drinking some homemade wine. Went on a date with a girl today, not sure if anything will come of it. Better than nothing. Gonna have to go to bed soon though, as I have work tomorrow (luckily its remote work so I just have to survive through a weekly skype meeting).

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ah i see sounds like you had a nice childhood too moonbro
fuck i had two root canals done last year. worst pain of my life. one of them was so deep the anesthesia didnt work for the deepest part and when the doctor poked the area my whole body spazzed and i broke out in a cold sweat. fuck teeth and fuck dentists

It was very nice, I gotta say. Kinda miss those years from time to time.

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its been a while but yeah ive swapped from raging bitch. how was the date? wherd you guys go?
most def. such fun and careless times

>how was the date? wherd you guys go?
We just hung out at ther place since all the good date spots are closed, brought her some of my homemade wine. Should have tried to fuck her, but didn't for some reason. Years ago I would have scolded myself for that, but since I'm not a virgin___ I don't really mind. I choose to remain optimistic whether or not I ever get any farther with her or not. She seemed nice.

good on you bro. i think the idea of having to fuck a girl or do something with her on the first date or being a loser or whatever is stupid as fuck. thats the kind of shit i thought when i was first going out with girls and basing my moves on shit id seen in media. if she was nice keep talking to her bro hope you guys can have a good time together

Drinking tallboys and gonna grill burgers. Maybe make french fries

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The thought might be dumb, but I hope she didn't expect for me to fuck her.

Check this out anons!



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chesr bro sounds like a nice day. burger toppings?
nah not dumb. sometimes ons happen but its not always a thing and anyone who thinks a succesful first date ends up in a fuck or even a kiss is usually inexerienced

antidepressants and alcohol dont mix too well. almost done my bottle of vodka. Ive been drinking straight his past week. the most ive ever drank.

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