There are femanons here who only get horny when they're on their period

>there are femanons here who only get horny when they're on their period

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Periods are incredibly disgusting. In my head canon with my waifu she doesn't have periods.

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b-but user, im horny

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they are broken human beings. nothing more. simple evolutionary biology says that being horny is for the purposes of procreation only. ditto any male who was aroused reading this thread. it is going against nature. anything else is complete cope.

Utterly disgustang

periods are hot because it shows her pussy works

What do you mean? A girl can get pregnant while on her period.

no they cant their is no woom

>death is hot because it shows they were alive

i can tell you have a very small weenie

it screams fertility.

takes one to know one, user!

>there are femanons reading this thread with a tampon string hanging out of their pussy

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Woom? Wot?

I fucked my gf on period. Her pussy was extra tight, she enjoyed it more, and dick was just a bit bloody. Worth it.

its the bit where they grow the baby you fucking retard

Any more pics like this OP whilst theyre wearing their big panties?

Don't say this. Periods are fine. If you start saying periods are gross more women are going to start taking the pill so they stop getting periods. When they take the pill it fucks their heads up hardcore, they turn into man hating feminists and never recover

The pill has destroyed enough lives, don't encourage more of it

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t. femanon on her period

Consume your medicine schizo

Conceptualize the fragrance

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kys mass replying spammer scum

You're funny user;)

thank you for the compliment user, please may i have another?

they technically can. its highly unlikely though. Unlikely enough that when an ex of mine went to get the morning after pill they didnt give it to her because she had just started that morning.

how many femanons masturbated while bleeding

find me one of these women, for research

Could you stop making threads like this to improve board quality? They contribute to this board being in the state it is now.

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no, i will only consider doing that if all tranny posting is banned on this board. other than that this board can suck the shit out of my dick

A femanon once promised me she would force me to drink her period blood...I'm still waiting on that to happen.

Why are you here if you do not care about the quality of this board?

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when tranny posting is entirely banned, then ill care about the quality of this board. until then i dont care

You didn't answer the question. Why are you here?

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to call roasties whores and to make trannies seethe