Anyone who eats meat, DESERVES to be bullied

Anyone who eats meat, DESERVES to be bullied.

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hi i was bullied, made me stronger
yes am a meat eater, proteins make me stronger

good post op makes good sense



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I have to ask to the vegan shitposter: why do it at this board of all places?

look my family has a slaughterhouse business to run we really do not care what you call it the majority of the people on the planet eat meat you can not change that

Imagine taking sides with a mud dog over your own species

you eat food to survive.
but if you bully someone you do it for fun.

you can't compare eating meat to bullying, vegan scum.

the weak will always have to fear the strong. if those pigs were stronger or more intelligent than you they'd probably fucking eat you too

Haha meat grinder go brrrrrr

Why is it perfectly fine for every other carnivore and omnivore to eat animals but if a human does it then it's considered evil?

>"we're nothing but hairless apes, nothing special about us but we need to be better and become more then what we are"

Nice to see you making another thread after getting BTFOd in the last one. Your power ranger morality is bullshit and it makes no sense faggot. Cry some more!

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I just finished eating an animal while reading this thread. Get fucked, OP
*fucks your mom*
*eats a cow*

>mfw this is the first time ive seen this exact meme that i made get reposted

its beautiful. repost it whenever you feel inclined to, op

>Anyone who eats meat, DESERVES to be bullied
its kinda hard to argue this. basically it boils down to "anyone who abuses sentient animals should face some repercussion". if someone tortured a dog to death, its hard to argue against sending them to jail as retribution

but one argument that could be made is its a "2-wrongs-dont-make-a-right" logical fallacy. what kind of treatment animal abusers deserve is subjective, but its hard to argue that they dont deserve anything

i made the meme in the op, but not this thread :^)

and i post on r9k because its my home board. i grew up here, i call Zig Forums r9k my home. i feel more at home on this website that any physical place in the world. i'd feel more at home in prison with unlimited internet than outside of prison with absolutely no access to electronics

"look my family has a black slave owning business to run we really do not care what you call it the majority of the people on the planet support slavery, you can not change that"

nice argument, retard

>"since i am a member of the same species as you, i can go around torturing and killing animals for my amusement without any criticism"
why are meat eater's retorts so fkn stupid?

>you eat food to survive.
we can survive perfectly fine on a vegan diet, which is free of any animal product. we dont need to kill and eat animals, we do it for PLEASURE. FOR FUN. we dont need to. vegans have better health markets in diabetes rates, obesity rates, certain cancer rates, blood pressure rates, and heart disease rates

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you are comparing eating a certain food to people being enslaved you fucking retard do you not see the difference in those two also ever heard of overpopulation probably not you pea brain

yet they cry when picrel

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>Caring about shallow morality
>Not wanting the best for your people which includes eating meat to make them strong

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animals dont have moral agency. they kill members of their own species, they rape eachother, they literally kill their own children all the time

one time i was walking, and i saw a adult squirrel throw out a tiny baby squirel from a tree onto the street where it was lightly raining, where it would surely die

these animals simply cannot comprehend right and wrong, and kill to survive. they are in a survival situation. you are not, you have vegan options. you dont need to kill. and you are a moral agent who understands right and wrong, and they dont

>the weak will always have to fear the strong
but that doesnt make it morally acceptable to abuse and torture the weak. if you are saying "might makes right", then its perfectly moral for people to rape and kill their children, because they are stronger than them

>you can't compare eating meat to bullying
animals are sentient, and conscious, and can suffer. when you buy meat, you are PAYING for them to be tortured and killed for your taste pleasure. for your amusement. its amusing eating a double bacon cheeseburger. they suffer torture and pain like a million times worse than any human has gone through

all you did was dodge my argument. what is the difference between animals and humans that makes it okay to torture and kill animals, but not humans? whats the trait?

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>to make them strong
you mean make them obese, diabetic, and die of heart disease?

wow so strong. you got a strong amount of cholesterol clogging up your brain arteries

>hehe vegans are all weak and skinny, twig arms XD
vegan athletes and power lifters exist, you know, and they lift more and harder than you ever will, you obese pig, you know

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I heard normies use this argument every single fucking time but it's just easy to debunk.
First of all most animals out there aren't even enslaved for us to eat yet they don't "overpopulate" the place do they? only a few in which are called invasive species, those that lacks predators that hunts them however i do not see pigs, cows and chickens reproducing like crazy and destroying the environment any more than we do.
morality for eating meat is a little bit complicated, what i wish to hear from normies though is accept the double standard they have when they say that they "love animals".

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its calling you out for being a hypocrite

im sure when you were bullied, you moral fagged and cried about it

>huuueee stop it, stop hurting me, i dont like it ;_;
>waaa why do other people abuse me for fun, its evil, im just a innocent person, stooooooooppppp ;_;

yet you turn around and abuse others who are weak, all for your pleasure, you fucking HYPOCRITE

the whole point of the picture in the op is to point out your hypocrisy, you whiny hypocritical crocodile-tears crying ass

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this meme is atrociously counterintuitive

never post it anywhere else ok user ?

This guy probably takes like 5 different supplements to sustain his diet while i can eat my piece of meat and be done with it.

you do know that we inject farm animals with tons of anti-biotics, vitamin and mineral supplements, hormones and other shit, just to keep them alive long enough to get them fat and kill them?

and you are criticizing vegans for taking b12? the only thing vegans needs to supplement with is b12, thats it


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>vegans unironically triggered by the "hey guise, im vegan by the way hehe XD" meme
seethe harder malnutrino

No one support slavery though


>all you did was dodge my argument.
Nigga, I didn't dodge shit. I just said all the moral grandstanding you're doing is like an episode of captain planet or power rangers. Its just empty fluff that sounds good to say.
>what is the difference between animals and humans that makes it okay to torture and kill animals, but not humans?
Species preservation. Its why a tiger or a chimp will cry if its infant is dead but play with their food while its still alive. You take the good with the bad, its nature. The fact that we dont like torturing animals when we eat them is good enough.

Why should I hinder myself from something beneficial when its bound by some nebulous morality system you developed around you feefees?

Ya know, going off topic here but in a grander scheme of things your veganism is kind of why secular morality is and will forever be bullshit. Its all well and good when you demand people to do things that are beneficial to themselves (alleviating their white guilt by being against racism or supporting mindless immigration into their nations) because they dont lose anything. When, however, they do end up loosing something (meat) they'll do mental gymnastics to somehow show that it's not secularly immoral. It all ends up as bullshit in the end.

I'm not agreeing with you. I'm telling you you need to come at me with something stronger then "no-no, bad-bad" to change my mind.

>has dramatically higher chances of diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and dying of a heart attack
>calls vegans unhealthy

mhm. did you know that meat eaters have the smallest stool volume, and the lowest stool passing frequency? next time you're constipated, which is probably often, just know im laughing at you. fkn moron

>morality for eating meat is a little bit complicated
cool, lets talk about it. here, let me lay the premise. im arguing that animals have moral status, and there is no moral justification for enslaving and killing animals like pigs cows and chickens for us to eat meat. its grossly immoral, and if you support this exploitation while being aware of it, you are immoral and hypocritical

whats your opinion on this?

its actually funny, because by making these threads and talking about this subject, us vegans are actually making people immoral. before threads like this, most meat eaters werent even conciously aware of the fact that animals suffer deeply in farms. but with repeated exposure of how immoral the meat industry is, they become aware of it, and then become immoral people because they understand what it is they're paying for

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>Have a stance
>Scathe others who don't hold that stance

So you didn't come here to convince anyone. You're here fishing for some emotional responses and guaranteed replies. Fish on, my dude.

>you are PAYING for them to be tortured and killed for your taste pleasure. for your amusement
nopr, i'm paying for food idiot

its called supply and demand

when you are paying for meat, you are paying for animals to be bred into existence and killed for your taste pleasure. if you didnt buy that meat, they wouldnt be bred into existence in the first place

im here to point out your hypocrisy and make you understand its immoral and unhealthy, but i cant force you go to vegan

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but the animals are enslaved, you fucking RETARD. they are literal property, bought and sold like proterty. used like property. they are enslaved, castrated, forcibly impregnated, and killed at a fraction of their natural life, without any consideration to their wants, desires or suffering

they are literal property, they are slaves

you ignorant ape

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i don't care if it's immoral.

>slavery argument
I don't see the majority of people not buying Iphones, even though they're made in sweatshops. Or people not buying gold and diamonds, even though they are mined by kids that get paid jack shit for their work.
You can choose to protest against it, but accept the fact that morality is oftentimes sacrificed at the altar of convenience, and if the majority chooses something, it would be detrimental to the individual to go against the grain. What would the other user accomplish by closing the slaughterhouse? He'd lose business and income, while changing nothing, because people would just go elsewhere.
Bottom line, live your life as you see fit, but don't bank on the morality of the majority.

I completely agree with you that there is no moral justification for eating animals, there is only immoral ones which shows the hypocrisy of people who often claims to be "very good people" yet still eat animals.
What is very funny is when they get pissed when exposed as a hypocrite, then proceed throw huge fucking mental gymnastics to morally justify it just like how that user just tried to
>b-but they overpopulate tho!
Us humans also reproduce like hell and harm he environment more than cows, pigs or chickens combined ever will therefore it's fine to kill people? Then after they'd claim that people are somehow """not animals""" and rather superior therefore it's fine to assrape them.
I'd like for an alternative type of food that is easy to produce and still tasty in which doesn't cost any animal lives so we can use it to feed most of the population as an alternative to meat, however even if we achieved such technology i have huge doubt that the meat industry would just give up that easily.

The only vegan I can somewhat respect is john sakars. Hes a weirdo and pervy but he isnt a total asshole about being vegan.

You are right. We should eat humans too

We're waiting for you, anons.

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>mhm. did you know that meat eaters have the smallest stool volume, and the lowest stool passing frequency? next time you're constipated, which is probably often, just know im laughing at you. fkn moron
Did...did you just use the fact that you shit like crazy as an argument? The reason why meat eaters have a small stool volume is because meat has higher energy density, as opposed to fucking lawn clippings, so they don't have to take a shit every hour like a cow.
>ah yes, being vegan is so healthy, you have to take a crap 15 times a day, and each turd is very large. Do not believe those meat eaters, for my turds are in greater number and size than theirs.
OK king shittus the big.