/uni/ thread

Let's get a comfy uni thread going
>what major and why?
>most interesting thing you have learned in your field of study this month?
>how are your online studies going?

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>geology is decent tier
>Crim and Law are worthless tier
what retard made this

idk, I just added it hoping that it would get attention from all the >tfw no gf and >what is sex like threads

I plan to study Chinese, in the uni I am applying to the course is both about the language and area study, meaning I will gain knowledge on the society which I *hope* will be useful in any way
fuck off

>civil engineering grad
>struggled to get a minimum wage job stacking shelves
Make sure you suck all your lecturers' dicks Anons.

>Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(it only counts as one), because your chart is wrong: mechanical engineering and electrical engineering should be swapped.
>Thinkpads are the best thing helping me
>Fine, though I don't really see the difference, I spend most of my time out of class.

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what do you mean? Do you need to make connections with your teachers? How are you supposed to do that in an environment where there are 60 students in each one hour lecture?

>masters in mechanical engineering

>crim/psych double major
>bones submerged in bodies of water can become stained green by algae (PoC related)
>not bad honestly, I already take some online classes so it wasn't too much to adapt to.

right? crim is pretty much required for any job in criminal justice above an police officer or corrections officer. t. Butthurt crim major

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I make $190K/year contracting for the DoD because I have a master's in Chinese language and have a TS clearance. Shit chart desu.

holy shit i meant pic related not PoC related lmaooooo

>Do you need to make connections with your teachers
You need to know people who know where the job vacancies are, because companies rarely advertise. Engineering lecturers are usually part-time professionals and part-time lecturers and they can/should/won't help you find placements or work in the industry. You'll need them for "professional references" when you apply for jobs too.
Or you can be unsociable and discover that your degree isn't worth the paper it is written on.

The fucks wrong with geology?
Who am I kidding its a fucking shit degree

How did you get such a high-standing job from just knowing Chinese, did you have any connections? What does your tourette syndrome have to do with anything?

>Mechanical Engineering
>Superb tier
Meanwhile here I am struggling to get a minimum wage job with a ME diploma.

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ok brainlet


>mechanical engineering and electrical engineering should be swapped.
This. If you've ever been to uni you'd know that while the intelligent students take ME and CE/EE, there are ALWAYS more ME students which implies that CE/EE is significantly harder. Which it is

Majoring in Aerospace eng (but probably going to switch to mechanical eng for my bachelor's and do an aerospace or matsci master's). Nice to see a correct college tier list for once, but desu CS and ECE can be in superb tier with us mechEs.
Online classes blow, all the labs shut down, no more research, and now I don't have much to do. Plus all the competitions for my student design clubs have been cancelled, so everything we built this past year basically means nothing...
How did you manage that? Shit gpa, shit school, no projects or internships? You must've fucked up somehow, most people I know managed to get jobs even with coronachan messing everything up.

The federal government needs people who speak Chinese because of all the business the USA does with China. I don't have the screenshot, however some guy with one of those jobs talked one time about how while you get paid handsomely, the job is absolute shit because there are basically no labor or copyright laws in China. This means if you're arranging some materials order, if you get a shit batch or they get lost along the way, there is literally zero legal recourse to correct it. It makes for an infuriating job that is very well paid

>PhD CS is worth anything
Haha what

What if I live in a country like Denmark ?
And yes I have read that anecdote, but honestly I am more passionate about the language so I already have low expectations of their business culture

Where exactly would biotech fall?
I'm supposed to get the bachelor's this year and follow with another 2 years for the master's degree.

highschool dropout, starting salary 58k.

nice bait tier list
actually just enough to trigger me

Biotech is really a 'you reap what you sow' type of degree, if you only go to classes and do nothing else you will have a harder time finding a job, filling your resume with research experience with applicable skills are what people are looking for. No one wants to hold your hand through a PCR

idk whether to go do a masters in September. Everything about it is great: good university, good course, great city I've never lived in before, cheap to live in and there's tons of sport and shit to do. the only downsides are that obviously i'll be getting myself into more debt and I'll be 25 before I graduate, with little to no work experience in the field i'll be studying in. usually people don't get into this industry the way I'd be doing it.

idk, I almost feel guilty about it. like, I'm going to be gambling with the little savings I have to put myself through this and i'm not doing it purely because it's a good course. i just want a new life, start off with a clean slate and i'm doing it the easy way.

I only have a few weeks to decide now and idk what to do. I wish I could just do this with no guilt and not worry about regretting it later

Well, I don't really have anything of the sorts to write on my resume but I can operate just about any lab machine that I might need. I don't know how it is in burgeristan but where I live we actually learn to operate this shit on our own. Often times the professors give us the protocol and fuck off, expecting results when they come back.
The only part that is still tricky for me is working with microorganism media. I find it difficult to not get shaky hands and fuck it all up.

serious question; why don't americans go to uni in europe for free/almost free? you'd also get to experience living in a foreign country, which you will probably never get the opportunity to do again in your life. seems like a wasted opportunity to me.

i'm not American, I'm British. it's nowhere near US college expensive, but it still isn't cheap

>3.0 GPA
>1 year abroad in the US.
>Internship at a cement plant, was laid off because they weren't hiring anyone atm.
My problem its called: Living in a third world shit hole.
At least I'm getting my masters, so I can be an overqualified bagger boy.

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You'll probably never earn enough to start paying it back anyway m8.

it's a finance degree, i'm pretty confident i can. i'm using savings for maintenance costs and the loan for tuition is only 7 grand

Oh well I am burgerstan so maybe this advice won't work as well wherever you're from but if you're struggling, you can always get a job as a lab tech at a university or something, go to conferences, find a PI with connections who will write you a nice recommendation, you'll be finding opportunities in no time

>get behind in education because i didn't know i should have secured scholarships and grants when i had the chance in HS
>waste four years in CC for a 2 year program
>too ashamed to integrate back into society and apply for a university
so this is it huh