Your future wife was used as fuckmeat by Chad

Man up and marry that slut!

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>keeping her socks on
I dont know why I find this funny

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some girls can only cum with socks on apparently

my feet get cold easily

pro sex havers always keep socks on in carpeted places since the shock and tingle can add to orgasm.

why is the penis lit up like that? shouldnt it be in some shadow like the rest of his lower body

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>Future wife
>Wasting your time and income taking care of a walking flesh bag whose only purpose to you would be popping out selfish spawns that drain even more of your time and income.
Marriage is the most cucked thing you can do.

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>Girl I dated briefly had an ex like that
>Drinking one night
>I'm talking about feminine and masculine traits
>she tells me her ex was her ideal form of masculinity
>Uses word perfection
>Tells me I meet more of her lesbian fantasies than her straight fantasies
>We fuck later and I try to be more dominant than usual
>"It's not fun when I can't deepthroat your cock"
Nah man, bitches tho

It looks like there are multiple light sources in the photo, and the shaft protrudes just enough to catch light that isn't blocked by his upper body. I will admit it does create a rather unreal effect.

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you let her get away with saying that?

I would rather be alone, at this point I got used to it.
Yes, I crave love too from time to time, but I wouldnt get it anyway with a whore I dont even respect, much less love.

Meh, I knew shit wasn't gonna work out. We were drinking, I still got laid, my self image doesn't get destroyed because some words a thot I don't plan on spending my life with said.

Kindly stop making these threads. They contribute nothing to the quality of the board and bait people for replies.

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> tfw dicklet
So original

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Though yous shouldn't have validated her with your D after she said some shit like that. Hopefully you didn't waste too much of your time on her

The quality of the board is abysmal as is, more cancer has little effect on a rotting corpse.

Joke's on you, I actually fuck my gf's brains out despite being a virgin loser before I met her

actual virgin post

"Validating" her with the D was the only time not wasted lol.

I'm triggered, get stabbed in a knife fight.

This is the mentality that keeps this board from getting chemo. Nothing will ever get better if you keep piling on the waste...

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It's already dead Jim.

Every women and I really want to emphasize on every, has a man who was the perfect man for them but he left her and she will forget him.

Never forget him*



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Is that his 16yo daughter?

You faggots sure love your photoshopped monster cocks, huh? What's the point? He already has a big cock in the unedited pic.

god i miss partying in college with sluts

I doubt that i will get married. I never truly had the desire to find companionship. I feel insecure about it because it makes me think I am abnormal. I am very abnormal, but I beileve that i will be happier this way.

>>"It's not fun when I can't deepthroat your cock"

Oofff i would have stopped fucking just left right there and then .

thats quite the cock I bet neither of them get fully satisfied because of it and have to finish themselves of with there mangled pussys good for them tho