So You Want to Adopt a Catboi

Before you adopt a Catboi there are some things you need to know:

1. Catbois need plenty of stimulation. Play with them often. Games like Salami Hunt and How Many Fingers are popular activities.

2. Catbois require a high protein diet. Fresh semen, straight from the balls, at least three times per day will ensure your Catboi has a bright, shiny coat.

3. Consider adopting a pair of Catbois. They love to romp and wrestle and tucker each other out. But beware, they can be very mischievous!

Follow these tips and you'll be ready for your very own Catboi!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why do white people sexualize cats

idk. shit's strange.

Can I have a more feminine-looking catboi?
One with a skinny frame, shaved, and uncut, please.

can I castrate it

Can you take this thread to somewhere it would be more appropriate?

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The guy on the left is a trap, right?

Responsible pet ownership is never inappropriate.

Why post these images at all? An average guy won't be getting a tranny like that ever. Nor a qt black gf, asian gf or anything. In the current year, anything that resembles a woman and has an average look, will be choosy as fuck. If you'd post some 35yo balding dude posing as a catboy, that'd be more realistic.

I've been trying to find more of the one on the right for ages

Attached: tumblr_pf9ljkw4CU1xywc5fo3_1280.jpg (1080x1920, 407.23K)

Why the right tho, left is much cuter? Better face and pushes out belly.

The one on the left used to post on this board. I think they're Dutch?

I don't think left is cuter. I guess I'm just cursed

yeah you should think about getting them snipped but the gay phenomena never dies

It's ok bro, it's ok, they are both fuckable so i forgive you ;P

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yall got any more of those pics?

here's the poophole of the right one

Attached: itsokbro3.jpg (720x1280, 342.65K)

one more for further research

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those men aren't handsome, they're cute

nice,thanks user
good stuff desu

i NEED to see more

Imagine what life must be like for these girls

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You ever heard a cat in heat? It sounds like some bitch getting fucked.

Also cat=pussy=vagina

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Wonderful pooper. Thanks

fuck I wish I could find a cute femboy that looks like that to enslave

how do i adopt 2 catbois?

This is all very, very gay

no user that's wrong
now permanent chasity that would be good for a catboi

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Why will I never meet boys like this

T. robot that was rejected by 7 trannies.

this is the future for all robots and incels

this. even trannies can still get hundreds of orbiters if they look remotely feminine

Shit man, I'm a master edger but all this seriously almost made me ruin hard. Too hot.

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