A war erupts and all of R9k are recruited in the same regiment. What is your specialization and weapon of choice?

A war erupts and all of R9k are recruited in the same regiment. What is your specialization and weapon of choice?

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Ah just put me on the frontline with whatever and be done with it

A laser rifle and some plasma grenades.


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Just put me on a plane i know what to do

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>Logistics support & CQC wannabe
>One of those military foldable shovels

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id probably be more valuable in a factory given i can weld
id rather be in the navy than the army but if i have to be in the army let me be artillery or some staff member who works the radios or something

There's no war you Asperger.

Imagine thinking there's no war. Better aspie than npc

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Since the M79 is taken I will get the Flamethrower please
Also dubs names our regiment my suggestion would be
"Asperger Aggressors"

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>Diversity hire autist
>High five giver

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>SS Totenkopfverbande officer
>Walther P38

>drone operator

>bleach syringes

Probably be in a tank division due to being a manlet. Maybe tunnel rat.

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A panzerfaust and stg44

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Field mechanic.
Pancor Jackhammer and 65mm open end spanner

Any regiment is good
Any weapon is good
As long as Allah is with me, as long as I am his servant.

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Due to recent budget cuts from buying a bunch of grenades for OP, we could only buy the second best tank in existence

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>Home Guard Pike

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lancer checking in

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Lol thats alright with me. I dont mind just wanna help anyway I can.

Incredibly based!

>a revolver, an electro sapper, a butterfly knife, a disguise kit and most importantly, an invisibility watch

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Specialization: Feeling powerful feels
Weapon: My own loneliness

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>Irish style guerrilla warfare

Fuck that, im joining up with the artillery, or maybe a drone operator

Custom ak-105 and a shovel for the meme charge when we get overwhelemed. Also I'll dig aus a comvy trench. You brig snack tho

C7A2 and a 1911

me have some experience

fuck off disgusting faggot nigger kike

logistics officer,
paper and pencil

based spy
m1911 colt, silenced
also john wick custom AR

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>shock infantry
they'll be so shocked by my sacrifice you lads will have an easy time until they get their wits