Superior beauty, culture, and genetics make black women the choice of the true intellectual

Superior beauty, culture, and genetics make black women the choice of the true intellectual

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when I say fuck the blacks I mean two things

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theyre nice, i perfer arab

Funny how anons fetishizing black women just want a white woman painted black, with straight hair and everything.

>no black gf to cuddle

I dont. Black women with straight hair are still great, but nothing beats natural.

Permed hair extintions from horses disgusting.

OP image has a black girl with a flat nose, 3c-4a hair, plump lips and a dummy thicc ass. Those are not traditional white features.

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Black women are better, its just a fact

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Tribal paint on black girls is top tier


Famalam a ding dong

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Senpai senpai senpai boi

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The white race has only existed for about 10,000 years.

>expecting white nationalists to know any actual facts

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lmao look at that unattractive white hag. I bet she is the same age as that glowing beauty.
I guarantee the black woman will be a far better wife and mother than that twitter troll.

How to get a ebony woman?

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For me its white boipussy

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And their offspring will be all-around healthier, as people with black heritage tend to be.

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As fuck famalam

Arabs are trash af
From the middle east

Unfortunately black women don't seem to like Asian men

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Wrong generation senpai kpop is global now

As a black man it makes me sick to see asian women up 3 and black women down 3 on the black mans raiting

I dont know what these nignogs love about your pale beasts so much help me to understnad is it the
>semen colord skin/pink skin
>the incest
>dog fucking
>dog eating
>smell fo wet dog
>the fucked up diseases you all have

Black men love being simps for real.

You a racist for sure

What is it about Africa that produced such excellence in blacks, while other regions produced comparably subpar results?

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Nah Just treating people how they want to be treated and I assume if someone treats me a certain way that MUST be how they prefer to be treated. Abracadbra bitch you get what you put out. Of all the people up here crying nigger monkey animal this and that from beyond the safety of their moms keybored why does my comment trigger your pasty ass so much?

Dont like a militant attitude blacks? Take your crying ass back to europe.

Probably white dna and weak slave masters raping women.

>nappy hair that you cant run your fingers through
>rough skin
>stretch marks everywhere before they finish puberty
>shitty culture and politics
>bad temperament
>requires expensive/special beauty products
but of course, just put them in front of a professional photographer and they'll become fuckable
at best, they seem to settle down and become based in their old age. old/middle aged black women are pretty chill. but young marrigable ones are insufferable



Surely I can post something to make this comment appear original

I was referring more to the inferiority of white DNA, and why Europe gave rise to such a lesser people what about Africa made it the seat of genetic superiority.
You are correct though, the presence of white DNA in American black people is regrettable.

I live in England also most white People arent racist like the virgins on r9k

Afro puffs are sexy as fuck

>Just treating people how they want to be treated and I assume if someone treats me a certain way that MUST be how they prefer to be treated. Abracadbra bitch you get what you put out
so... this is what you will get too and the cycle will continue
your brain on nigger

>nappy hair that you cant run your fingers through

this is false and is indicicative that you have never been entiment with black woman because when their hair is combed out it is very soft and easy to run your fingers through

*, and what about Africa

Why you being racist also?

Hey you know what they say cumskin what goes around comes around ans back around again and it will most likely end where it started

>logic on neanderthal

Retards like you are both bad

he is just being himself let him have at it

This is Zig Forums. He hasn't been intimate with anyone

>superior culture
how do you get to that conclusion?

thats exactly what I said though, retard
your logic works against you

also you're not being militant. militant is the nation of islam marching down the street with pistols. you're just a black edgelord typing angrily on the internet against threats that dont actually matter