Last text from female:

>"still being a bitter asshole?"
kek I would tell this bitch to kick rocks but she gets a lot more upset when I just ignore her

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Replied with
>Oh come on, just because you cant stop thinking about fucking me doesnt make you one

I think i did good brobots

what kinda accent is that fella?
not bad b t w

Western slavic as most paradox grand strategy games would say. Aka Czech.

Stop being mad at them hoes man, used that as a fuel instead and just play the game

nah you got it backwards hoes mad. hoes always mad

Aaah, so you are portraying the strong alpha male type...i get off pretending to be helpless deer in the headlights type of dude and they eat it up haha

>Okay I'm so tired, nighty night uwu
8 days ago at 5 AM

last time I got texted by a female that wasn't my mom or grandma was summer 2018

>8 days ago
did the roni get her?
why has it been so long man?

>why has it been so long man?
haven't made any new friends since high school ended, and I've only had 3 female friends in my life anyways (the one that texted me last being the only one who still talked to me after high school ended)

no the lack of things in common got us

well it sounds like you are still kind of young you should get out there and seize the world by the pussy

I have no starting point to do that from, I have no practice with making conversation. I tried to go to club meetings or social events a couple times in college to make friends but nothing came of it because I could never come up with a way to introduce myself to anyone. didn't help that everyone was already in their own friends groups

how old are you then? still in college? it gets worse after you graduate and work in an office or lab with a bunch of normtards. make some connections now or try at least, i understand and empathize with your struggle though

>it gets worse after you graduate and work in an office or lab with a bunch of normtards
yeah that's why I made an increasing amount of effort in college to learn how to socialize. graduated now though and everyone at where I work is like a zombie
I wish I hadn't wasted my chance to learn social skills in high school because it was even easier back then. I just didn't try because I wasn't aware just how big the gap was between my social skills and a normal person's.

>hey wanna talk?
>"no, bye"
haven't texted me ever since.

"Really? You're just gonna block me and hide behind your little fat friend? Whatever. You're a piece of shit. Despite that, I am going to pay your parents back for every penny they spent on me. Because that's the kind of person I am. You disgust me."

nice image post, mobb deep are classic.

>user, it's Kelly. You've been chosen for $0 credit help. Give yourself a new a new start--call us! txt "no thanks" to end.

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>"what games do you want to play? btw i've missed you, thanks for messaging me"


>goodnight user sweet dreams (grin emoji)

we agreed to go eat at this restaurant together as soon as the stay home order is done. it's actually gonna be my first date bros

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>hey want to play virtual trivia with us tonight?
And then I did. I have a few girls I play trivia with because when they play with me they win and when they don't they lose

>but she gets a lot more upset when I just ignore her
good job user, ignoring her is the correct answer

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i was telling my boss i was going to drop my doctors note off the next day
good luck user, you can do it!

What get's lost in translation is that that's the uninterested answer to my desperate attempts to keep the conversation going. this is girl is just fucking weird desu. a few weeks ago we, more on her pressuring than mine, met up to "cuddle" (we fucked halfway through). the sex was horrible because I was a pornbrain virgin. and now she avoids talking to me on discord and answers with shit like that every time I text her. when I asked if we could do it again (just the cuddling part) she basically postponed it indefinitely. and today she unironically told me to get a gf

women say things like bitter and passive aggressive because that's all they have what else are they going to do besides fuck someone else

"Talk to you soon" - 6 months ago

"i'm watching the one good ecchi anime rn, kill la kill"

"You better fucking reply" for context this crack head bitch thinks she lost her lighter in my car and despite telling her I don't have it she found it appropriate to send me four texts and around ten calls

>are you ok *her name*
>not really
Im so fucking worried about her bros

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stop simping lmao