I'm drinking alone again anons. Anyone want to chat? My interests are music , games and audio equipment. Guitars too

I'm drinking alone again anons. Anyone want to chat? My interests are music , games and audio equipment. Guitars too.

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bro that looks good ngl , is it some fish ? , and sure i chat with you .

is that a pork chop with peas and potatoes theres no way you can be drinking alone looks good im um eating questionable beef mince and drinking guinness in a twitch drinking stream

No it's steak with chimichuri on top, it was very nice.

It's steak with peas and chimichuri, it was super nice. Guiness is good user, you just inspired me to go open one. I've been drinking IPA.

What kind of audio equipment? I don't know a lot about it myself but a couple of my friends are into audio and I find it interesting

Headphones mainly, I like to listen to music alot so I figured it's worth spending money on.

>My interests are music , games and audio equipment. Guitars too.
Wow OP, so specific. This conversation is off to a great start. I like music too.

nice nice , have you been drinking much ? I know i have , lmao .

What are some of your favourite genres user? And what are some of your favourite artists within those?

Not too much, currently 3 ales down so just a bit tipsy, which is nice. What have you been drinking?

I've got a cheap pair of wired, active noise-cancelling headphones but don't use them often since I prefer speakers. What kind of headphones do you use/what do you think is important to look for?

I have hifiman he400i's . In headphones the main things I enjoy are good imaging and a wide soundstage. Although I also like good bass extension, that's why I have planars.

Don't have anything particularly good to drink myself, but maybe I'll swill down what I have.
What kind of games do you like, OP?

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I'm particularly interested in narrative focused games, so RPGs. What about you?

Ok I had to look up planar magnetic drivers. I've helped fix coned speakers and was good with how those work but didn't know other kinds existed, that's cool as hell. Looking up bass extension next

vodka , whisky , brandy , beer , anything that gets me numb

If you're interested in alternative types of drivers, then also look into electrostatic, they are the most interesting and supposedly the most accurate, however I haven't heard them myself. I would love to own a pair someday.

That's fair enough user, I hope you enjoy it.

I like a lot of stuff. Shooters, platformers, racers, simulation games, puzzle games. I really like a lot of score-attack arcade games as well.

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What type of racing games do you like?

yeah ive got some bottles as well ill open one to you and we can look at the mood and not feel so alone

Games that lean more on the sim side, but I also also like arcadey racers, and kart racers as well.
Forza, Need for Speed 2 SE, Burnout 3, and Flatout are some of my favorites. Wreckfest is a pretty good one that I've been playing recently.

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not rly it sucks that i have to be drunk so i can laugh i bit , is this all i have ? being miserable and sad for people that dont care .

That sounds nice user, do you have discord to chat on?

Yeah, electrostatic speakers came up in the article I read, they did look interesting! A set of speakers like that would be an art piece, I hope you get a hold of them someday.
The electronics/physics behind all these is definitely something I'm going to look into more, ty for starting me down this rabbit hole user

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Who are you sad for user? What's been bothering you?

That makes me happy, you should make sure to try all these different driver technologies in person, they are very fun to compare the changes.

I definitely will, and once I'm back working again I'm going to upgrade my headphone game. How goes the drinking user?

Damn this food looks great right now

are you retarded? that's clearly crab.

correction, you have steak with vinagrette on top