User, I need help. I think I twisted my ankle coming out of the pool...

>user, I need help. I think I twisted my ankle coming out of the pool. Do you think you'll be strong enough to carry me to the clinic...?

How do you respond?

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I can't carry you.

kneel down and pick her up sit her on my shoulders and walk to the clinic ez
i better be getting some cunny for this

chubby cunny ^w^

god I'd do anything to get a cute chubby gf
but that'll never happen

no wonder, whales shouldn't be out of water

i'd just push her back in

>There's no forklift big enough for you around here.
>Fucking fat cow who thinks she's a princess.
>I bet you dream of Chad fucking you, but when it comes to being a slave any guy will do.

if you weren't so fucking fat, you wouldn't've twisted your ankle. maybe now you'll lose weight sitting by the edge of the pool debilitated and unable to reach the fridge.

I'll tell PETA there's a beached whale they might bring a crane

I love people saying this is a whale
reminds me that chubby girls are superior due to softness and cuddle material

I'll carry just until we are out of sight. Then the tickling begins...

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>chubby cunny ^w^
if only

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listen guy using discord is fine
But shilling this hard and not even attempting to be original
come on guy

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>Lemme just take you to the hospital, they'll get you fixed right up

this, i will die virgin

(This is what i've been training for.)
Get on.
Guys looking down on this opportunity are completely ignorant of having tits against their back and thighs in their hands

>pick her up
>drop her 'accidentally' on hard poolside ground

heheh, oopsie

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>isn't hurt because her ass is soft enough to cushion the blow

>what is a tailbone

This is what Rippetoe prepared me for

Can't believe how mean you guys are. You know that she was swimming to lose weight for you? You guys are shitty boyfriends.

Absolutely. Smol, chubby, pear-shaped girls are my fetish. They're so soft and great to cuddle with. The height difference really makes you feel like a man. I'm already 6'3. I'd kill for the chance to handle a girl like that again.

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Its not a fetish, thats just whats attractive.

if I can figure out the fireman carry then yes, but I probably can't princess carry you that far.

but OP's pic isn't short? you can twll by the size of her head that she gigantic.

Dude, that bitch would be over 6 feet tall if she was on her feet.
Look at the size of her head in relation to the rest of her body.
She's a biiiiiiiigggggg girl.

Whip out my d and nudge it against her cheek as I make grabby hands towards her breasts.

If she turns away, I yank those puppies out and grope away.

If she winces back and covers herself, use the momentum to tip her over all the way and get between her thighs and experience softness heaven. Pull out before I coom and blow all over her belly. Shove my fingers in her cooch and try to get her off, if she's given up by then.

Complicated, I know. Yeah, I'm getting 20+ years for this, but it was worth it.

I hate the idea, but depending on the way in which I carry her I'm sure it could be done; however, is the anime meme correct in that piggyback is the best method? Princess carry?

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Piggyback is best because you support with the strength of your body's middle rather than holding it all in your arms. Plus you get the added motivation from a chest on your back and thighs/backside on your hands depending on which way around you do it

You've got a point, princess carry might be the real meme with how inefficient it is, tiring you out too quickly.

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