Thought I'd try dating a robot, spoke to a handful on discord

Thought I'd try dating a robot, spoke to a handful on discord.
>all of them are unemployed
>all of them live with their parents
>all of them are virgins who can't fuck
>all of them are friendless loners
>all of them are gamers

Why are modern men such children?

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Why are modern women such whores ?

>Why are modern men such children?


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Date me then
>Always working
>Live in the ghetto of nyc
>Had sex with prostitutes
>Have no friends
>No longer game
But your bitchass will make more excuses.

Thought I'd try dating a millenial woman, spoke to a handful on discord.
>none of them can cook
>none of them want kids
>all of them have had +100 sexual partners
>all of them virtue signal constantly
>all of them are obsessed with social media

Why are modern women such whores?

Fucking checked my dudes.

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Based and TRAPPEDpilled

>why are all these people in poverty
>being poor is so immature
Maybe it's because you live life on easy mode and expect it's the same for everyone else.

I'm too high inhib to b joining discord servers

>>all of them are unemployed
>>all of them live with their parents
>>all of them are virgins who can't fuck
>>all of them are friendless loners
>>all of them are gamers

also thats dumb as fuck kinda cus like
>thought id try dating (a bad type of person)
>turned out to be a bad type of person
i mean its redundant kinda

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because the reward at the end (starting a family with a whore) is not worth the effort and generally men judge eachother based off of quality of character and no so much "what can you do for me" type of qualities like money or living with parents.

i mean if you are here you probably aren't worth much more than that anyway, probably fat, ugly 3-4/10, mental illness, no useful skills to bring to a relationship, probably suck at sex yourself or don't give head. don't know why you think you are worth more than that honestly. most women aren't worth the fucking work it takes to slave your life away working for them.

females are mediocre.

Because despite pretending to be an adult you're still a child talking to children.

Explain what u mean by this

le satisfaction but dressed up as scientific and profound

>>all of them are unemployed
Nope, I make 6 figures
>>all of them live with their parents
Nope, I live in a luxury apartment in a good city
>>all of them are virgins who can't fuck
Nope, I've had sex with 3 girls.
>>all of them are friendless loners
True. I am not interested in friendship with others, only a mutually monogamous romantic relationship.
>>all of them are gamers
Nope. I don't play video games ever.

>Why are modern men such children?
I'm a robot out of choice. I don't see the point of dating a roastie. I could only accept a qt loyal virgin girl (female).

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Yeah... We're not all like that, but if you are looking for that then what do you expect?

what did you expect from a forum used primarily by mentally ill people?

No shit robots are going to be robots. Why would you expect just a normal guy to have any trouble finding a gf?

My dad worked two jobs when my mom got fired, what is your excuse for not even having one?
Is playing Minecraft more important than having a career?
How do you expect to provide for your family?
I don't expect robots to be bad people, but come on, you gotta have at least some resemblance of an adult.
Are you guys robots or 12 year olds?
Than why are you constantly crying about not having a gf and just wanting a family?

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lol keep on seethin'
>b-but I make 6 figures
lol nice larp fag. You make over ninety-nine grand a year, but you have nothing better to do than shitpost on Zig Forums? Geddafuckouttahere you butthurt basement-dwelling virgin.

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Do you know what a robot is
Do you actually browse this board
You should probably hit up soc

>Is playing Minecraft more important than having a career?
Yes, get fucked toastposter.
>How do you expect to provide for your family?

>Tfw no comfy gamer bf

>You make over ninety-nine grand a year, but you have nothing better to do than shitpost on Zig Forums?

Uh yeah what else should I be doing?

>My dad worked two jobs when my mom got fired, what is your excuse for not even having one?
Your parents worked, notice how you don't have your own personal accomplishments to boast about? Easy mode. Please explain what you do for a living. Spread your legs for a bf?

why would i even want a family? my genes are pretty average and women don't seem to want them instinctively. why the fuck would i waste my entire life slaving away with barely a chance at any reward at all or when they can just get cummed in by other dudes and make me raise it? isn't the statistic like 1/10 kids arent of the father?

you aren't worth it. i can just work a shit job and buy hookers for the same biological reward feeling. except i dont have to work 50 hours a week for some mediocre looking woman with no good personality traits and is very materialistic just to fucking leech off me and MAYBE have my kids.

you are not worth the effort. like that stupid fucking thot quote, i would rather have a girl like me for who i am at my worst (being a robot) than always demand that i be at my best and work my life away just to use me as a means to an end where i dont even get a guaranteed reward at the end.

you women really fucked up the western world. and at least minecraft is fucking entertaining and i get something out of it like having fun solving problems and hanging out with friends. you just bring misery and are not worth the effort.

>in college and most jobs arent looking for part time workers
>live with grandparent as a caretaker for them because hiring one is too expensive
>cant really bring girls home if i wanted due too living situation
>friends ive known for 5 years are online because i moved out of state
>the only thing that staves off the sadness is escapism through video games and other media
>tfw some bitch on the internet feels the need to try and trivialize situations as if most robots asked to be in their current predicament.

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I'm a student, you're just leeching of mommy at 30.
I'm impressed, you're all basically the same person.
Oh yes, and you have it so good now that you're going you way, look how much fun you're having wasting your life on Zig Forums and being miserable all the time.

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>I'm a student, you're just leeching of mommy at 30.
That's where you're wrong kiddo. I have a career already. I just like to pop by these gold digger threads because you types are so basic you sound the same as you did back when I was a NEET. It's kind of funny seeing you complain you're too good for anyone when you don't actually do or contribute anything yourself. Just admit it, you're looking for a sugar daddy. You're a prostitute.

yeah, like working insane hours for very little and scraping by on 65k/yr to start a family is any better, right? sounds like a lot of fucking fun especially coming home to some girl who will age like shit by 25 and is a 4/10 without makeup with absolutely no motherly qualities or instincts.

fuck off, i'd rather be miserable and in control of my life than turned into some whipping horse, slaving away becoming an atm machine for some whore who doesn't even instinctually want my cum in the first place. buying pussy is for fucking faggots and that's how you know that you're truly low tier as a male, when you fall for this type of shit you're peddling.

convincing larp though.

dopamine overstimulation
>video games
>social media
>youtube etc.
all that makes 'normal' stuff insufferably boring and not worth the effort

This is essentially what is wrong with millennials/Z'ers as a whole.

Thought I'd try dating a fembot, spoke to a handful on discord.
>all of them are unemployed
>all of them live with their parents
>all of them are STD riddled BPD whores
>all of them are friendless loners
>all of them are drug addicts

Why are modern women such whores?

>you're all basically the same person
oh and i suppose your quirky and "not like all the other girls" am i right? or is this just some way of projecting your inner self hatred for being a cookie cutter thot that is interchangeable with any other woman in a 1 mile radius

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I'm complaining because modern men are children, not adults.
Why do you feel so offended or targeted is beyond me. Mr. Big Shot.
>being alone and miserable is better than being loved and happy
I regularly speak with other fembots and this is mostly false.

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>mostly false
failing university is the same as being unemployed and living with your parents
because that's where you're ending up once the ride is over

>Got desperate enough to try dating a robot, spoke to dozens on discord.
imagine not being able to get dicked down in 2020, couldnt be me

>Can't even get an unemployed, non-showering, 30 y/o virgin that lives with his mom to fuck you
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>being alone and miserable is better than being loved and happy

>get a job (probably shit hours)
>get a house
>have sex
>get friends
>stop playing video games

yeah, that sounds like im receiving some love right there and totally not just being whipped and controlled into being a consistent ATM machine. none of those sounds like "love" to me and love is a big fucking meme anyway. love is for children, not for couples. i wouldn't want a girl to love me i'd just want her to want my fucking cum and not material things that i offer her through incredibly tedious and hard, mind-breaking work.

fucking roasties man, i swear.

complains about men,

posts pics of an e whore who looks like a 15 year old boy with out the clown costume.

if they cant have Chads cock,

they want Cash, and to sneak around trying to fuck Chad. And, any sex you do get under that set up will be as enthusiastic as a teeth cleaning at the dentist

>>all of them are unemployed
Make 80k a year
>>all of them live with their parents
Haven't lived with p*rents in 5 years, live on my own now
>>all of them are virgins who can't fuck
I've fucked ~15 or so women
>>all of them are friendless loners
Have several good friends
>>all of them are gamers
Quarantine is the first (first) time in probably half a year or more that I even played a videogame

Pls b my gf :-)

im unemployed more time to spend with me right
i don't live with my parents hey i live alone in a one bed flat
im not a virgin like that much
i don't have any friends more time to spend with me did i say that ?
i dont game im not sure why i dont i clearly have a lot of time

so your a women ?

>all of them are unemployed
>all of them live with their parents
>all of them are virgins who can't fuck
>all of them are friendless loners
>all of them are gamers

if any/ all of these apply you should consider or ahve you heard about R9K the organization get paid to be a robot incel burger