Does anyone else feel like they're starting to identify less with things on this board...

Does anyone else feel like they're starting to identify less with things on this board? I'm 28 now and it feels like the board is overrun with young people age 14-20. Starting to feel too old for this place.

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Other urls found in this thread:[insert-faggotname]/?all=true

I'm 31 and I was too old for this place by 25ish, as back then the board was so fucked over by bait it wasn't usable anymore.

Also, for the fact you Pepe post, you're of the problem. Faggot.

Why even make this extremely unoriginal thread? FAGGOT

Don't like it? Go to a dead chan and see how fucking awful moderation is there. Here there is none, there too much or pedo spam scares everyone away alternatively.

The internet is G A Y

I don't think you're too old. The board has become too cancerous. Most the oldfags left. Even the younger ones.

At this point the only people here are 16 year old special snowflakes who only come here to be fashionable. That and the unironic trannies who want to fight fascism or whatever.

>I'm 31
Grow up

>The board has become too cancerous.
I'm feeling like leaving myself. Zig Forums is absolutely cancerous too. The only good boards are the niche ones like /science/ or /gardening/

Check your normalfaggot privilege zoomer.

Also, even places like /lit/ are filled with awful shit. The site is fucking gay. It also range bans for money and has tracking javascript and jewgle captcha.

I feel you and for that reason I rarely visit this place anymore

Describe your life circa 2010

Attached: 1588470601278.png (250x250, 75.27K)

>normalfaggot privilege zoomer.
I'm nearly 30 but ok. The site isn't great sure, but it's a lot better than places like Reddit.
>. It also range bans for money
Yes I agree with this. I recently got range banned on Zig Forums so I can't post images anymore. Yet I can post them on here just fine. Pretty sure it was done on purpose so I'd shell out the money for a Zig Forums pass. But I literally don't give a fuck whether I can post an image or not.

I was 18 in 2010 so mostly just getting drunk with my WoW friends and failing at speaking to girls. Every since this it's just been working and depression.

I'm also 31 and have been here since 2009
I found out reddit about 2 years ago and have unironicaly using it more and more ever since
Zig Forums now is shittier than reddit, it is a shame but what can you do
I also ocasionaly go to that site that starts with w, but it's too slow so I only check it once a week

Yes. I've been here since the beginning, in my 30s now.

But it's not because of a change of age demographics. It's because it's all trannies and cocklust and interracial shame and other shit now.

It used to be lonely male virgins of any age, now I don't relate to anyone here.

>I was 18 in 2010
Same here buddy

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i stopped using this board when the focus changed completely. Now i just dip in once or twice every other month to see if it's gotten better but it never does.

I use Reddit a lot now because I can't use Zig Forums at work. And I find myself preferring it. There's a lot of shilling but at least it's moderated. Take a look at this shithole to see what happens when there's no moderation. Racebait threads, tranny threads etc. They should just close this board.

WoW friends, as in, friends you met *in* WoW? Or preexisting friends with whom you played WoW.

>But it's not because of a change of age demographics
I disagree. The tranny and cocklust are caused by zoomers. They're culturally more accepting of this LGBT type shit and are the ones that are furthering the agenda.

>Or preexisting friends with whom you played WoW.
Preexisting friends from high school. We played WoW together and were all hopeless virgins together trying to get laid.

It's just because they grew up with it. Children are empty vessel to fill with your dogma. That's why controlling the media and education systems allows Jews to completely subvert and destroy the west.

>tfw been coming to r9k for years and still havent got a gf to listen to future funk with while we cook together

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2010 was when Cartoon Network rebranded to "Check It" and it's current logo

OP here again. The issue really is I don't know where else to go. There really isn't any place like Zig Forums on the internet

I've been on Zig Forums since 2007. This site has been shit for pretty much as long as I remember at this point, but my life never really moved on from then, so I'm still here anyway. The two things that make me feel particularly old nowadays are discord and the fact that people actually find it an acceptable means of communication and tiktok memes.
I did download tiktok being as I had nothing better to do with the whole lockdown thing and whilst It was pretty entertaining for a few hours it soon became obvious that 99% of the content is recycled in some form, if not outright plagarised. I thought Zig Forums was bad for posting the same forced meme over and over, but that thing is fucking terrible for it.

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Reddit censors the shit out of itself and bans you randomly for just being a human being.

Fuck you faggot. You just got to reddit, but you'll learn.

use reveddit to see your username's deleted comments easily.[insert-faggotname]/?all=true

Not even in the mood to write a book on why reddit is bad beyond this message.

34 user here, there is no where else to go, you're most likely here forever. I just try my best to fit in with zoomies.

Attached: robinw.png (729x458, 454.73K)

damn.. that's fucked. i better start deleting my accounts

I'm a neet and hate capitalist corruption, even if i had money I'd spend it on weed before buying a pass.

This coming from a 12+ per day hour user of Zig Forums for years, since like others my age 2007-9ish.

My area has been range banned from pretty much everything randomly for many months at a time. That's too much of an insult when we have jewgle captcha and javascript raping our privacy and Tor has been dead for years.

Then there's random censorship here too, when mods get a wild hair.

This place maybe 2 percent of my posts, at worst 6 percent, reddit 14 percent, at worst 100 percent.

I dont get Discord. What's so good about it? I installed it and spoke to my friends for a bit. Got rid of it because Whatsapp does the same thing. Guess I'm just not a hip trendy internet user anymore

What was your percentage of being censored?

At least they're fuckable and making themselves into trannies.

Sheep spread it around. Nothing is good about hit SHIT I hate retards. STOP IT. If something is popular for the sake of it being popular absolute faggots are going to be using it, and it allowed for easily banning people the mod won't like. FUCK that GAY shit please stop even MENTIONING IT. It's the type of place that doesn't even protect data or anything on top of this. If the admins hate you they can just ban your community on top of THAT.

>read his message
Oh I see nevermind. Time to calm myself.

Discord is an aspect of how normalfaggoty Zig Forums is. It was spread by "oooh guys new site :O" so only plebs that fall for phases/ads/blue-pilled stuff would use it.

Zoomers that post the same shit over and over are trained via the abhorrent /r/greentext and other bad subs that...well.... don't even look it up. It's bad. Very bad. Awful. Makes me want to serial kill.

These are the mysteries. I also use whatsapp for for a couple of irl uses, but you need people's phone number for that. I guess zoomers can't be arsed to learn how irc works nowadays.

>What was your percentage of being censored?
How do I check that? I only see the comments that were removed

>learn IRC
>implying you have to learn anything
>/join #bullshitname
>control plus k to use different colors
>/me to use a silly action
>etc other simply shit etc
>remember the correct port number

You can even download files from it, it won't sell your data nor be closed down by faggots.

Yeah, i especially can't relate to all the faggots who think their life is "literally over" because they didn't have sex in high school and think 19 is too old to be a virgin. Those retards need to either get an onahole or kill themselves honestly.

Vagina is only evil when the owner of it doesn't also have a dick.

Attached: Based and redpilled.png (705x767, 497.19K)

At the top it says something like 6 of 100, then as more goes up it says 50 1000, etc. It shoes the number deleted out of the number total posted by you, as the thing goes up. I don't know how high it goes but you can ad something that alerts you, not that I would, when censored.

I go there to remind myself that I average 10 percent censored or even more like 14 percent. When it's more than 1/10 that I'm being censored about and subs keep banning me over drama then i just fucking stop using such shit sites. I deleted my main account my first try to use it many years ago as it got unusable. I used Zig Forums first, but they wouldn't shut up about it.

Anyway, it's at the top of the page.

If your account is deleted by your or the admins nothing will be scrapped by that thing though. It's just to show you what's currently futile.

35 of 884

First year of college.... bombed my courses, dropped out not long after struggling to try to not play games and stuff all day rather than do homework.. Basically that's the year I failed to become an adult/normalfaggot.

>only dreams/memes now

Do you still play games. I can't find them that engrossing these days. Don't have the patience for long games like I used to. I just jump on easy games now that require less time. Adulting is a hard life