Realistically, how could a state mandated gf system work?

Realistically, how could a state mandated gf system work?

I'm thinking there could be like a system a bit like the draft where women would sign up and then be assigned to men. They would not be required to perform sexual services but they would be required to provide emotional comfort support. If they choose not to sign up then they would be treated like men who refuse to sign up for the draft, treated as conscientious objectors and be unable to get student loans, that sort of thing.

Married women would be exempt. If a woman fails the routine virginity test every six months then she is removed from the program and made a conscientious objector. You cannot have sex with your state mandated gf unless you wife her.

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>You cannot have sex with your state mandated gf unless you wife her.
you ruined it. take your theocratic state gf program and shove it.

nice receding hairline LMAO

what would prevent you from getting a non-virgin gf then? there must be some state enforced virginity.

If you require emotional support from a woman that is probably a good indicator you are an inferior male. Men should be strong and self reliant.

how would you even enforce her virginity? you do know that an intact/ not intact hymen is not concrete evidence of her virginity, right? do have sex you fucking incel

This is gonna result in rape sooner or later. Dumb system, too expensive for no benefits. No one will sign up for it, not that you'd want them to, that would be literally throwing out workforce for a bunch of scumbags who give nothing back to society.

Correct, I knew a girl who was raped as a kid. Didn't have a hymen, surprise surprise.

This is already such a shitty idea with what you're presenting. Something like mandated volunteering when you're a teenage with mixed sex pairings. So with this idea that this is for the positive of society and teaches teenagers valuable work experience, it seems completely natural. This throughout high school with the option of changing your partner twice a year. By the end of high school you should have a girlfriend/wife, due to the combination of gaining experience with women and people in general. Everyone is given the option of the volunteering after high school but it's not forced, that way if you want to be alone you can.

This is all considering you'd like something realistic. You can easily use the statistics of people become more lonely as a reason for instituting this systems, and many high schools already including volunteering as a part of your senior/junior year. Noone would vote or even suggest a "draft system for women that forces them to be with men" except in maybe some middle eastern shithole.

>you do know that an intact/ not intact hymen is not concrete evidence of her virginity, right?
this is roastie propaganda.
>I swear I lost it riding horses, not riding Tyrone.
I bet you believe a large labia minora is caused by genetics and not sex with multiple men too.

are you implying that all women are born with an intact hymen? my sister tore her hymen when she was 15 when she was doing track and it was incredily humiliating in her eyes. she was bleeding through her pants yet she was a virgin. you incels really need to go out and meet women instead of crying on an internet underwater basket weaving forum.

>state enforced virginity
i kek'd

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>my sister tore her hymen when she was 15 when she was doing track and it was incredily humiliating in her eyes. she was bleeding through her pants yet she was a virgin
lmao sure thing bro

Speaking as an 8/10 with social anxiety, I would be so thrilled to get my looksmatch. I mean... I would settle for a 6/10.

As for how it would work, it did work for tens of thousands of years. It works when humans are restricted to small areas and communities. The hotties pair off. Everybody wants their child to have a partner. There are barn dances or whatever. Parents encourage women to overcome their hypergamy and pair off with their looksmatch for their own good (and the good of the species).

It cannot work in the age of global media, television, internet, Instragram, and most of all, Tinder and dating apps. Women learn the truth of hypergamy and that men massively overvalue them and that they can focus on only the top 20% of men and still succeed, and 80% of men get excluded from the dating pool.

Girls tearing their hymens in athletics is well documented. You can google this but you're going to die on this hill of ignorance while browsing your smug anime face folder aren't you?

fuck off back to rleddit

>Realistically, how could a state mandated gf system work?

it couldnt.

At Best. they could give you a ration system to sleep with .gov approved whores. And, hell would freeze over before that happened in burger town

There's not enough young women to do this, the natural birth ratio of men to women is 107:100, it only changes to womens favor in elderly age because they live longer.

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No I'm not. I said my friend got raped as a kid. Get some eyes you idiot.

>surprise surprise, she didnt have a hymen

that is implying that if she hadnt been raped she wouldve had an intact hymen. proof read what you are writing dumbass

She would've had a hymen you dumbass, but she doesn't.

i really hope that you do know not all women are born with an intact hymen. read a 3rd grade biology textbook for fucks sake before spewing your stupid bullshit on the internet. it also proves how much of an incel you are. talk to women and you will know intact hymens are a myth

This idea is stupid as fuck but it kinda reminds me of the fun threads we used to have years ago where we'd pretend the government did virginity tests and put the virgins in camps.

Seething much know-it-all?

no, not seething just letting you incels know that your hatred and disdain of women will get you no where. but year sure, if you insist on people telling you the truth about basic human biology is seething then go ahead. i wont stop you. stupid fucks

Please reply to this post. Seeth more!

if getting (yous) is how you keep yourself sane then by all means. its sad but okay

Funny how roasties wont get this mad when actually expising their destroyed hymen to dozens of men they don't even know

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Then when men expose them for their destroyed hymens, they freak the fuck out; again to men they don't even know

Take a trip to morocco, bring a camera, and never come back.

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literally who is exposing women for their destroyed hymens? you need to live outside of the internet

Terrible idea. Women would never willingly participate in this. They want the highest quality male attainable, and a guy that can't get a gf is automatically implied to not be that. They will literally choose to die alone with hundreds of available men bombarding their tinder before subjecting themselves to a guy that isn't who they think they're entitled to. Don't believe me? Ask any woman that's on here complaining about being chronically single - they'll tell you that the problem is not the supply of men, but rather that none of them meet their standards. And because women wouldn't be interested in these men that they're being assigned to, the divorce rate and infidelity would be even higher than it is now. The "gf" you would get from this retarded program wouldn't just cheat on you; they would hate you, and if it was mandatory, a lot of them would probably become predatory divorcers seeking alimony.