What do you even talk about with women?

What do you even talk about with women?

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>What do you even talk about with women?
Other men

Anything at all, whatever you want to talk about.

You know, just regular stuff.

I don't know, I think it's impossible to talk to women.


Life, work or school, entertainment, news, why are they so perfect, things they like, things I like, if there is something I can pay for her, things we can't understand from each other

The usual.

Art lmao, all my girls i talk to online fucking despise Zig Forums

Taylor Swift and Coffee

they really don't belong here anyways so good for them
>the girls i talk to online
lol what a faggot

>he hasnt cultivated an actual fembot art community while simultaneously dealing with how stupid women are by posting on r9k about how stupid they are

Do you even into double life?

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>reddit spacing
>le breaking bad
get the fuck out of here you weird normiefaggot go tell your precious art hoe polycule that they arent welcome here and neither are yoy

though question to answer really.
because IRL interactions are way different from online interactions.

You talk about reclaming the holy land in the name of christ

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i have yet to find men who want to talk about history irl

Ive been a regular poster on Zig Forums since 2007, (not the dumbass >i was aware Zig Forums existed, like literally 95% of people who claim) i briefly had a reddit account in 2015 because my normie redditor manager had it, literally all i did was post in the grimes reddit until the mods approached me to mod, i took it as a good time to delete my account

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Music? All bitches love songs

Spent 15 years on the stuff. Completely encompassed my life.

the same shit you talk to with men

based and conservative e-girl pilled

>What do you even talk about with women?
I don't talk to women

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I try not to talk about it since nobody else seems to care about what I have to say when history comes up.

How the fuck do you even talk about art without sounding like a faggot

Repressed tranny meme chad gay4pussy master race

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This was supposed to be @ this

history is so interesting! a guy could infodump me about it and i would say thank you!!

Southeast? I wouldn't mind talking some

>to women
Don't recall doing that

>repressed tranny
>meme chad
W-what the hell are you?!

sorry i live in europe :P

Video games, spooky shit, day to day experiences, world beliefs
Same shit as guys really



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Just spouting information at someone is terribly boring though. What's the point of talking about history with someone who knows nothing bout history? That's not a conversation, it's a lecture.