What would you do in the next 10 years if you had 100 million dollars?

What would you do in the next 10 years if you had 100 million dollars?

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>that photo
>implying someone can't be in California one year and Florida the next

yeah ok maybe but it's just HALF a year apart user. how do you cross the entire US on a horse in half a year

Probably start a company and achieve my dreams. Use some of the money to buy myself a proper house.

I would do a lot of drugs fuck whores and die I have zero self control

1 million to start a company (could be a super market), 3 million in the bank allocated for the company, 2 million for neeting, the rest spent on precious rocks so it's value doesn't get eaten by inflation.

Yeah you're a pleb. 100 thousand is what you start a company with you fuck not 100 mil.

Open a couple schools in a 3rd world country. Then I could be important.

>1 million to start a company (could be a super market)
>(could be a super market)

Again. Another retard who thinks Walmart doesn't have a monopoly. The fact that stocks never crossed your mind shows that poor people are shit with good money. Heck, you don't even have to be poor to be stupid.

Don't worry, it wouldn't be in the US. I would set up in another country so one dollar would feel like five.

Orrrrr. You could just be an investor and not a flop?

Oh good thing bro ive worked with several people that have done stuff like that and a million just vanishes like you wouldnt believe it.

I need something to play with, that super market would be it.

>he fell for the investing meme
Based retard

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just throw 98 mil into random stocks and rocks and the rest for my day to day life

Something to drown your money in the toilet. What are you gonna do? Set up a shopping chain in india?

>[Insert he fell for something meme]
Your family is.

Imagine getting 100 million dollars and your only concern is about making more money
This is the best in the thread by far

Did you actually just say this? You want less that's up to you. But 100mil is cheap in the grander scheme of things. Actors are worth that much.

Put it in the bank and live off the interest and become conservative living in fear for the day I'll no longer be tolerated as an expensive freeloader. Kinda like poor people except I'm only one person and not as wasteful.

I don't get how people are motivated to do stuff when they have that much money and like you said it's not even that much at that scale. If I was rich enough to live off my savings I'd just live a happy upper/middle class life and pursue some dumb hobbies. Just regular life, but with none of the work stuff.

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I would get myself into an expensive hospital and get the treatment I have been needing my entire life

The rocks would quickly make up for the loss anyway (better than stock market garbage), plus I don't need more than 200 USD per month to stay comfy, internet already offers me everything. Things change in the moment women enter the equation, bitches are expensive.

>starting a company when already owning 100 mil instead of investing

tard alert

anyway I would invest my 100 million dollars in powerball lottery tickets and quadruple my money

Invest heavily into the destruction of wh*te w*men through funding abortion clinics, relentless immigration, advert propaganda, social media campaigns, political lobbying etc.

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That's actually smart. How has nobody thought of this?

Vacation everyday.
People who say I'd get bored have no imagination.

Fly to bum fuck no where (Gloucester) north england to run down a hill chasing a block of cheese with a bunch of other idiots in May
Fly to france in November to celebrate beaujolais day
Head to Bali in March to celebrate Nyepi and the day of silence
Watch every single F1 race in person for the whole weekend
Spend 2 weeks in April hiking Guanacaste and whale watching before retiring to the beach for beers.
Spend a week in Cartagena Colombia, fucking desperate Venezuelan whores while exploring the old town.
Fly to St. Augustine Florida to explore the old fort and cathedral in what is the oldest city in the US.
Go to San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina to enjoy the alpine town, and bavarian stylings while having a cold beer in May during Fall.
Fly to the Great Rift Valley in Ethiopia and Safari up into the highlands of Kenya while paying the locals to lead me on a hunt to shoot a lion and pose on Twitter to make everyone mad.
Fly to Croatia for Yacht week in the summer, and then charter a yacht to take me through the Adriatic, into the Aegean and into the mouth of the Bosphorous to arrive triumphantly in Georgia at the foot of the Caucuses.
Fly to Uzbekistan to visit the oldest remaining city in the world, Samarkand, and walk into the ancient tiled mausoleum.
Fly to the Maldives and spend a week at what is probably the most remote Indian beach one can still order room service at.
Go Back to Vietnam and spend another week with the hookers in Ho Chi Minh.
Fly to Marseille in the spring and follow the Rhone river to its source in the Swiss alps by car.
Fly to the Nahanni Valley in Canada, the only remaining landform in North America from before the ice age that wasn't flattened by glaciers. Spend a week in a cabin to determine if the legends are true and that all who dwell too long there meet an eerie death.

Character limits, but I'm not even 1/10th of the way through it all.

You'd do well but at the cost of billions. I'd like to be powerful but I wouldn't feel that if I didn't make people better than what they were.

Make sure I have enough to live comfortably and spend the rest donating it to women

If you said you would invest, or do anything to make more money, you are a literal slave and an idiot.

Toss it in a 0% interest yielding savings account and you still will not spend it all before you die unless you buy some fuck huge mansion or build a castle, or ancient roman villa.

You will probably lose money if you try to invest or start a business anyway. Those things are cheap right now, if you aren't or can't do it profitably right now on a small scale, what makes you could do it profitably at a large scale?

Why didn't you think of Tahiti? Or Mauritius or montenegro or HK and Macau?

Investors are making companies their bitches. You are ignorant af.