Redpills on women - List some

I'll start

1. Women who have 10+ partners have a SIGNIFICANTLY higher chance of divorce than women below 10, women with 0-1 partners have the least likely chance to divorce
2. Women start divorces more often
3. Women cheat less then men, however the gap is closing. Not due to men cheating less but due to women cheating more.

So robots if any woman tries to ever shame you for judging their bodycount quote the stats, tell them women with higher bodycounts divorce more and are less happy with their marriages.

Attached: 11.jpg (1080x1080, 120.94K)

I didn't know this was a Christian themed board..
Kys virgin

Be judged by the standards you use, 99% of weebs are stunted faggots.

Christianity is becoming more and more appealing by the day. I do not think God can accept us as His children, however, perhaps in a world that has forgotten about Him, some of us can maintain hope.

Insult me, but at least I won't be marrying some used up coalburner. Enjoy your unstable marriage and divorce.

This. Marriage is for retards, OP.

but men who have had 10+ partners have a "SIGNIFICANTLY" higher chance of divorce then men below 10 too ? its the same shit for both

and woman cheat less then men is not even a redpill even if they are catching up its still better then the males

are you a retard op or are you trying to subconsciously inject some sense into retarded incels ?

>Enjoy your unstable marriage and divorce
Been there done that. I fell for the Christian meme of marriage. I got divorced. Got sober. Became an atheist.

>Christianity is becoming more and more appealing by the day
Is it? Then why the fuck are u here in the sewer of the internet? Fucking hypocrite retard

you don't drink?

You don't back anything up.

You fell for the meme of women you betabux bitch.

I was sober from alcohol for over two years.

was or am?

I was. I'm drinking tallboys right now. And I technically wasn't sober for two years cuz I started doing mushrooms

>tall boys
disgusting. Why don't alcoholics at least drink good shit?

neither did you and i meant that as originally as possible

>women with 0 partners have the least likely chance to divorce

You might be onto something here, OP.

kekd originallyly

read hanna rosin - the end of men.

Busch lite tallboys. I was drinking Jameson's last night.
Don't worry about what I drink u fucking snob.

Cite your sources retard

>1. Women who have 10+ partners have a SIGNIFICANTLY higher chance of divorce than women below 10, women with 0-1 partners have the least likely chance to divorce
I hate when incels say this shit, it's technically true but it's always used in a disengenous way. It is always presented as if they are always "whores" and that is what causes the split, but it could just as easily be the man becomes insecure about their body count and that causes tension in the relationship

You have to go back now!

k. whats one interesting or cool thing about you?

>if you have never fucked chad thundercock you will think an incel with a 5 inch dick is the best thing ever

So thats why you want to keep women in the dark so much.

Cope, that's not why at all. Women start divorces more too, if men were insecure they wouldn't have married her in the first place or they would have done divorces more. BTFO WHORE

Biggest red pills:
If you havent had sex before age 18 you are a pathetic loser and dont deserve love in your future

Depression is the most normie excuse there is for anything

There is literally no excuse not to get a job you enjoy

How do you live with the level of cognitive dissonance going on in your brain?

Its not even true though. The numbers were debunked a while ago. Divorce is only high among uneducated, older black families. Asians have a negligible divorce rate and whites have a divorce rate under 15% even though 60% of women have 4 partners or more before marriage. 80% of women with a bachelors degree dont get divorced. This are numbers from the NFG survey, which is the source for the fake debunked redpill charts

this is the most generic piece of trash ever written. mouth breather to the max.