Another guessing things about people based off their favorite things thread?

another guessing things about people based off their favorite things thread?

i'll go first
>food: mangoes
>drink:probably some fruit juice
>candy: butterfingers
>pumpkin pie
>color: yellow
>animal: most insects prbly ant
>type of music: rap/alt rap
>music album:acid rap
>drug:weed and shrooms (maybe ketamine)
>book: been down so long it feels like up
>movie:naked lunch

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You seem like you have an optimistic outlook on life but have a tough time relating to people and may even have some psychopathic tendencies.

You sound like a British Teen, and probably wear edgy clothes . You probably are a pretty chilled guy too, maybe you like raves?

>Food:- Pizza
>Drink:- coke
>Candy:- Malteasers
>Desert:- Cheese cake
>Colour:- Black
>Animal:- Chick/any baby bird
>Type of music:- Rap/alt trap
>Music album:- Everybody's Everything
>Drug:- shrooms, acid, ket and coke
>Alcohol:- Any beer
>Book:- Meditations
>Movie:- Fight club or the matrix

>food: pizza, as generic as it is im just honest
>candy: dont eat
>color: cyan
>animal: who the fuck has a favourite animal as an adult? hamster?
>type of music: shoegazey metal
>music album: reducing it to one people would know, sunbather
>drug: dont do drugs
>alcohol: beer
>book: as i lay dying
>movie: A Scanner Darkly

Young adult diagnosed with major depressive disorder who has been making genuine efforts at self betterment and is making progress

>food Filet Mignon
>drink La Croix
>candy Sour Patch Kids
>dessert Brownies
>color Navy blue
>animal Basset Hound
>music genre Bluegrass
>album Remedy
>drug Nicotine
>alcohol Gin
>book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence
>movie The Sandlot

Wtf... How did you?? How could you even tell about the self improvement user? Are you a psychic?

You're a drug fiend. I don't think you of all people should talk of being "Edgy".

The pizza and coke

"Edgy" clothing as in the shit you'd see in Urban Outfitters, i.e. Trendy clothes.

>food: fish
>candy: licorice
>pie: pecan
>color: gray
>animal: whale
>type of music: techno or trance
>album: wish you were here
>drug: DXM or morphine but only done morphine once
>alcohol: rum
>book: Absalom, Absalom
>movie: Blade Runner
very ambitious guesses to make it more fun
You have a hard time relating to the way others act. Something being popular makes you like it less, and you feel a need to stand out from everyone else.
You don't own any bright colored pants
You hate having to take showers because it wastes time but you do anyways. You hate fat people with a passion.
You're under 20 years old and your parents keep you on a tight leash

You like WoW

You surprisingly have an active social life despite browsing r9k

You live in a small town in Kansas or Missouri

Not quite lol. I don't have any irl friends and I'm not from there. What led you to those? Was led you to suspecting those though, that's just as interesting.

No, but I did spend years on other mmos years ago so fair analysis, would hit 90% of this board though.

>You hate having to take showers because it wastes time but you do anyways. You hate fat people with a passion.
True, I also hate eating because of the time wasting, I eat once a day.

Just shooting in the dark

sorry i'm too lazy to do it for anyone else, i just like talking about myself

>food: cereal
>drink: monster energy
>candy: pinballs
>dessert: cheesecake
>colour: red
>animal: cats
>type of music: vaporwave
>music album: the wedding album
>drug: calpol
>alcohol: vodka
>book: red dragon
>movie: american psycho

OP here. I find myself thinking of myself like that and i hate it, but i think i'm build like that lol. what told you? also, for you i'd say you're a white american woman in your, uhh, 30's?

>food: Lasagna
>drink: Sprite
>candy: Sour Power Straws/Sour Patch Kids, anything sour really
>Desert: Ice cream cake
>color: Blue
>animal: Sea Otters
>type of music: I don't know, jazz
>music album: Idk
>drug: never ever
>alcohol: Beer
>book: fahrenheit 451
>movie: Moneypit

>food: raw eggs
>drink: whole milk
>candy: dark chocolate
>color: navy blue
>animal: snake
>type of music: american indian drums
>music album: songs from the big chair
>drug: tobacco
>alcohol: whiskey
>book: point counter point
>movie: gone with the wind

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edgy clothes yeah,im 19 but American
raves and such events are fun

Lol it's a lot of fun to see what guesses someone comes up with off of hunches.
I find people that like ants have trouble relating to other people because they see ants as another society to observe and try to understand. Most people dislike ants becasue they are pests in the home but that's what's unique about them so I assumed that was your favorite characteristic. I guessed you don't like things being popular because your favorite color is yellow and favorite drink is whiskey.

Curious to know how you came up with being under 20 with a tight leash

It was not close but I think I can see where it came from

desu I'm tempted but Discord sounds gay and I don't feel like making an account.

Favorite food being fillet mignon. It's normally something you get dining at a restaurant. Liking it the most makes me thing you eat out with your parents often. The sandlot being your favorite movie makes me think you're young and Basset Hound makes me think you grew up with a pet dog of that kind which means you lived in a house.

That is pretty much where I thought you were going with it

The basset hound part is correct

>filet mignon
I do eat out a lot because I work on the road

Just nostalgic about baseball is all

>I do eat out a lot because I work on the road
Ah that makes sense. Because it's Zig Forums I guessed someone would have rich parents rather than to pay for their own luxury meals. The sandlot is a good movie I just remember seeing it at school multiple times which was why I suspected you were young. Did your favorite baseball team wear a blue uniform?

My high school team wore blue

>paying for luxury meals
Nah you gotta get that shit comped

I'm a subhuman NPC
>Food: Ribs
>Drink: Coffee
>Candy: Nerds
>Desert: Vanilla Ice cream
>Color: Black or grey
>Animal: Cats
>Type of music: Classical, Alt rock, metal and Jazz
>Drug: Weed
>Alcohol: Vodka or Wine
>Book: No longer human
>Movie:Taxi Driver

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>food: I don't know, maybe just like vegetables cooked in good sauce?
>drink: will have to stick to plain water
>candy: chocolate I guess
>color: orange/green
>animal: probably bears, donkeys too
>type of music: lot of genres; preference for experimental/psychedelic
>music album: differs every week basically, at the moment probably On Fire
>drug: my favorites are lsd/mushrooms and mdma (I use weed the most though but gives me some anxiety lately)
>alcohol: don't know, probably just white whine?
>book: don't really have one favorite, differs per time
>movie: ^^



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