
friendly foxes edition

Attached: night op image crona virus.jpg (2618x1906, 1.16M)

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everyone in bed or something?

yes user, I'm in YOUR bed

>/britfeel/ with a capital B

Attached: pepe 24.png (399x322, 41.73K)

well you better be a cute girl then!

*puts on a frilly dress*
teehee hello there sailor

enjoyed velvet goldmine very much, would kiss meyers and mcgregor in make up

bit fucking concerning lads

watching tv and suddenly the tv loses power, no red standy light or owt

pulled the plug out and rearranged the wire in case there's interference from all the crossed over wires behind the telly and it came back on once I plugged it back in.

Attached: 1471382230480.jpg (550x535, 48.87K)

for fuck sake jannies is no one gonna fuckin sort this?

sounds like something tripped. if it happens again you might need to get it fixed

best cod

something tripped? what do you mean?

ive reported it but nothing doing
like a short circuit

I've been a mess since you've been gone
Your beauty is just a slap in the face that's gonna bring me back to life
Back to another sky that's blue


Attached: wj 23.jpg (500x375, 44.35K)

there are little men in your tv who keep everything running, and one of them tripped and hurt himself :(

well I dunno, doesn't that usually make all the power go off in a room and you have to go down to the box and flip it back on?

it was just the tv, my ps4 plugged into the same extension lead stayed on

me too, it's getting spammed on /x/ too

I get a little bit Genghis Khan lads, I don't want you to get it on with anyone else but me. Nver thought gay bond would be kino

>there are little men in your tv who keep everything running
thats frue its like a city in there
i dont know lad i was just having a guess

Attached: bjork tv.jpg (1280x720, 47.21K)

i really tired so im off to bed have a good one lads

oh yeah this video is where I got that from haha
>tfw no bjork gf

*kiesses you on the forehead*
good night my love

when will some restrictions get lifted? tomorrow? i'm getting so sick of this shit

Probably never. This is probably the new norm until a revolution overthrow the concept of lockdown and distancing as a default

>coughing up phlegm for months, since last years winter at the least
>normally only happens in the middle of winter and never carried on into April until this year
>sharp stabbing pain in the left of my chest that hurts even more when I breathe too deep while it's around
>half my breaths sound like they're rattling in my chest
Pray for me lads

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the weird thing is is that Sweden of all countries might help us uncuck ourselves. that's if how they're dealing with it proves to be fine if not a better way of dealing with this shit. i wonder if Bojo being close to death will make him refuse to lift any restrictions

Think they're 'making a decision' on Thursday

Bojo was probably wheezing on purpose to get hospitalised

Not until we have a vaccine or antibody test.

Coronavirus is not a serious enough virus to justify intentionally destroying the economy

reckon people will get really irritated if nothing changes. i'm glad to see businesses reopening though. hopefully at least Wetherspoons opens soon

spoons will be the last to open mate, didn't you hear?

Shut the fuck up lad now is the time of the furloughed wagie. I never want the lockdown to end I love it.

no. based tim martin doesn't give a fuck and wants to reopen by June

Tim Martin is a fucking cunt and a filthy fucking drunk too honestly loathe the prick

"based" Tim doesn't get to decide mate

>tucked up comfy in bed, kitty purring away on my lap, sopranos on in the background and my tummy is full of Tescos finest chocolate biscuits. I am so fucking happy rn

>MFW no tall Aussie Anti-gun GF to go to the range to

Yeah? He going to also pay all those 30 quid fines his employees and customers are going to rack up?

Shit I forgot the image and the mandatory
>Why even continue living.

Attached: just a little more pull-min.png (1920x1080, 799.72K)

i don't get it, you don't enjoy lockdown do you? you'll be eating your words when none of us have a pot to piss in because of our pussy government. Sweden have bigger balls than we do in this, tells you everything

I'm loving lockdown, what are you on about normie? Sweden aren't dealing with half the amount of deaths we are so it's a different situation

I love the lockdown.
Paid for doing nothing, free time all the time, all the horny milves in my area gagging for it on tinder, quieter supermarkets, no cunts on the road, normies going spare.

I do love lockdown you fucking middle class simp. Ive been destitute many times in my life so whats happening now and what will happen soon isnt new to me, hence why im not throwing an actual temper tantrum over >muh economy

this isn't a holiday, faggot. you're living in the death knell of the west rn. and don't judge by raw numbers retard, judge it by per capita

whenever i think about getting a job i'm always reminded that there is better options

>Sonic Ether
makes $56,721 per month for making a minecraft shader

makes at least $1,912 a month for making a minecraft texture pack

makes $62,123 a month for a porn game

>onlyfans whores
makes at least $10,000+ a month for low-effort lewds/nudes

Attached: all that work just to earn less than a porn game.png (663x314, 25.14K)

>death knell of the west
lmao get a load of this faggot

This bird that I was really good friends with about 10 years ago has let's say a rather revealing Instagram, think she's on her 3rd account I think? Posts the most cringe shit ever about how she fell in love for someone older when she was like 12 and how it broke her heart and shit.

Don't know what's worse the posts or the simps in the comments.

yes it is a holiday, one I'm getting paid for
the west can burn for all I care

i just think that anglos are demonstrably better than everyone else at everything besides cooking, is that so racist???

might need another poo desu lads

I love having a secure and well-paid job. So many people will be losing theirs, along with massive benny cuts, going to be a dark time. I might not even get promoted for a couple of years at this rate.