ITT: Normalfag memes that you hate

>mocking spongebob text

Attached: fuckingfaggot.gif (388x358, 1.78M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Some stupid nigger shit:
I'm sick of it.

>that one funnyrandom thing reddit has decided is funny now

Reaction images


Show examples or this is mostly pointless

YouTube comments are literally the same format over and over again and that shit is always on the top of the comments
>quote from video
>le funny caption
>Edit: Thanks for the likes!

adds no humor at all

those tumblr screenshots where they include a totally useless reply to the post
>pic related

Attached: 37B1DF1F-075A-4442-B067-33656B89065C.jpg (680x366, 67.44K)

Drives me mad.

Attached: sohWhy9.png (1731x1506, 458.07K)

Op: makes a thread
Me: Im about to end this mans whole career

Honestly its quite infuriating, really.
It could some video the someone put genuine time and effort in and can be something that no one has ever done and you have clones of those stupid fucking niggers essentially saying that no one asked for what they made. I literally want to track down the little 13yr old faggots who post that shit and fucking rape them. I can't stand it.

>who hurt you?
>opinion discarded

I like the comments on this video:

Especially the strongest boys in class one.

my mom: we have x at home
x at home:

Attached: 1522445189345.webm (640x360, 1.56M)

Pretty much 90% of the YouTube comments nowadays are dumbass "memes" that are almost all identical.

yeah, its surreal that these people are compelled the post the exact same thing. makes me wonder about how many people are actually conscious of their actions.

That stupid fucking "rip and tear" meme that came from DOOM.

The whole karen thing is fucking retarded, couldn't they find a better and funnier slur

Any mention of the word "coom". The entirety of Zig Forums is too retarded to realize that normalfags discovered it and are using it all over social media. It needs to get fucking filtered already.

Shut up cracker, you're going extinct anyway.

Attached: A453AB93-3DB6-4636-89B5-807ABEA22CE7.jpg (615x484, 35.81K)

Oh boy there are just too many
>Boomer memes shitting on technology
>Le depressed normalfag roastie memes
>LE TROLL FACE MEMES and other ragecomics
>the sweaty memes
>nigger speak and twitter screenshots
>reddit memes
>alt-right vaporwave memes and other nat. soc. muh joows bullshit

All oo and wojak and pepe have overstayed their welcome. In fact, I have reason to believe onions is mostly spammed by a small group of people.

It must really sucks to be a nigger in the present days, not having an identity or any control now that nobody owns you

So, basically
>the entirety of reddit

Does reddit have alot of alt-right vaporwave memes? I think its mostly a left-wing sjw trash forum

opening a comment with "me:" or "my brain:"

small dick have sex incel LMAOOOOOOOOO

The "x (amount of time) later" SpongeBob bit is pretty fucking annoying.

Pretty much every meme after 2014 or 2015.

people who enjoy nobody memes:

This is a boomer thread af. Almost all the memes you guys mentioned are actually funny. You probably don't get it.

Reaction images make me want to blow my fucking brains out. Wholesome 100 Fuck off

Really nobody:
Like, really fucking absolutely nobody:
[people who disagree with me]: I AM SILLY