This is what the typical American woman looks like in the year 2020. Fat and brown

This is what the typical American woman looks like in the year 2020. Fat and brown.

What went so, so wrong with our country?

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Ay she looks pretty good ngl. I WISH the average American woman looked like that.

Nothing wrong with brown women desu. It's not a race thing but America is slowly becoming a very unstable and unhappy place to live. There is no worthy culture. The music is shit, most of the movies are shit, there are less and less worthy TV shows and articles nowadays are just politically motivated. For an example, I can't read one article that doesn't have some kind of SJW motivated writing in regards to classical music commentary. Every article that attacks the president is just repeating the same crap over and over and over again. Any articles written by "conservative" commentators is this silly cringy traditionalist crap that lots of Americans are really into.

I live in Florida. It's nice weather down here and beautiful scenery but I don't like the people too much desu. It's not a very welcoming or friendly culture down here.

Plus there's like an obsession and simultaneous hatred towards technology. Makes no sense.

ayo you sayin' we wuz blonde an shiet?

florida is literally the taint of the us

I look at stuff like this and I think oooooh how wonderfully wonderful. Then I realise these women have most likely done the most depraved, disgusting shit that they keep to themselves.

>fat and brown
You mean cultured and THICC? Yeah I'll take them over inbred ango trash.

>Inbred trash
Inbreds like you are a plague.

This is what the typical American man looks like in the year 2020. brown and sissified
What went so, so right with our country?

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>That is what the typical american woman looks like in the year 2020
What went so right with our country?

Read Spoonings

She looks cuddly, I want to snuggle with her.

>thinks culture means brown
This is America

>This is what the typical American woman looks like
ah! they wish
that woman is hot

is this true? holy shit I need to move to the US immediately

she's hot as fuck
this is the average
dont kid yourself ameritard

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she looks BASED. white fags have negative birth rates.

where the fuck did we go so wrong

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That picture is from the 90s dumb ass

That is Mariah Carey retard

what the fuck dude, this was her 7 years ago. i remember she used to not be that fat even 3 years ago.

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everything is a race thing

Yeah and she's fucking hot. So what?

Honestly what's criminal is that a skinnyfat faggot like me will probably never get with a brickhouse like her.

This is clearly bait because that picture you posted is hot as all fuck.

I want her to wrestle me and pin me to the floor desu

>That is Mariah Carey retard
That's actually not her, it's some Instagram thot named Venezia Cruz. I actually thought it was her for a second too.

Also, Mariah Carey in her prime was fucking sexy as hell. She still is. OP's pic too.

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Wtf is up with his belly button?

this thread is simp paradise.

umbilical hernia I think

ill fuck your mouth keep quiet user

There's a difference between simping and admitting a woman is hot, user.

gay fag detected big time.