How do i get a fembot gf exactly?

How do i get a fembot gf exactly?

Attached: me ideal 2.png (520x382, 22.75K)

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Fembots are nasty bro, just stick to women with penises on pornhub and in doujins.

even trannies won't talk to me

I mean if I can't get a gf I don't see why you should

Attached: C8pjvDAVYAQpn0e.jpg large.jpg (720x1280, 124.39K)

women don't like needy men.

why should i not get a gf just because you can't? maybe because i'm not nearly as selfish as you. trying to bring others down with me.

it wouldn't be fair is all

>women don't like needy men.
pretty sure all people aren't the same
defiantly not fair to me either.

what's not fair on you?

give me your discord thats how

>pretty sure all people aren't the same
well the fact you haven't found anyone tells me otherwise. Even if you do she will get bored and find someone else.

For real. What you do is engage them in a long conversation online until SHE asks for your contact info.

>what's not fair on you?
no gf

likely bait but pls message me here and i'll give discord
[email protected]

How do you get a gf at all, exactly?

lol, how the f are you supposed to have a long conversation with someone online if you don't have their contact info?

I dunno, theres something about you in particular that makes me disgusted at the injustice of you finding a gf before I do. Maybe it's just jealousy or spite idk. Hard to put into words

what does that have to do with fairness?

>lol, how the f are you supposed to have a long conversation with someone online if you don't have their contact info?
I do it all the time, but I would only talk to them in private if I wanted something more than friendship.

>I dunno, theres something about you in particular that makes me disgusted at the injustice of you finding a gf before I do.
fuck you.
it's the fact that your a selfish faggot. you deserve nothing.
i try really hard in this so what makes you think you deserve one when i don't get one?

that's not how. HOW do you do it where and HOW

I just deserve one more than you. idk I just think I'm a better person overall and you're intruding oto my niche

>genuinely upset over an internet troll
go mature a bit, then maybe you can land a 4/10 e-slut

Attached: fuckingretardthink.png (222x227, 6.57K)

I'm doing it right THE FUCK NOW.
I'm talking to several of them.
sup qts

I hope you know I'm not actually trolling. I'm just feeling super defensive right now for some reason, even more than I normally am. I'm madder than usual that I don't have a gf and I'm upset that this sewer slug has the gaul to ask for a gf when I can't even get one myself

i'm not a qt though you dip

wow, these threads are always pathetic but this... i feel real pity for you

people don't even like talking to me in a thread.
no you don't you deserve to die go kys
and i thought i was boring on narcissism but no way talking to real ones i'm far from one.
you make me sick.
he's a troll? he always makes posts like that i know because he avatarfags. also it's kind of a autistic trait to get annoyed easily maybe try obtaining some knowlage and you would know that.
also i obviously would never even look at a slut.
>sewer slug
fuck you. you pile of garbage.

Realize that women have nothing to offer you and begin living for yourself.

t. one person itt who has actually had sex with multiple women

good, now if only your pity could translate into me finding a wonderful and loving gf somehow

fuck off normalcunt twatbastard

youre too abrasive to find a gf

sex is far behind the main thing i am looking for you disgusting normalnigger
how is it pathetic to look for what you want?

Ok coombrain, keep revolving your life around pussy with no sense of self-awareness and let me know how it goes for you.

>durrr, me have sex so me no better than you
>no u the coombrain

>try obtaining some knowlage