>he doesn't believe that he's a good person who deserves love and happiness
>there are no other red flags
wishing you good vibes robots

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thank you ohpee

I do not think I am a 'good person who deserves love and happiness', because the specification of what makes a good person is fictitious at best.

>year 5 of no gf despite looking.

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what did you eat a dictionary for breakfast?

don't worry user we all find someone eventually

textless posts are original and not allowed

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That is really cute but you should probably look for some more red flags. Like criminal record or something.

it's 5 months into 2020
January felt like last month
i'm going to die
no girl will even talk to me.

>he's not a criminal

n-no.. I would like to think that my terminology is not too difficult to comprehend

>he got caught

>>he got caught
on purpose

I bet I could make you suck me off

>he doesn't believe that he's a good person who deserves love and happiness
It's not that I don't believe I do, I just cant really fathom it, like I'm just fucked at this point and i don't see why anyone would ever give me that.

Thank you friend. What's this manga from?

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lies, nobody owes you anything and nobody deserves anything

It's not about believing, I know I'm not a good person.
I constantly lie to everyone close to me. Life's a total mess. I more or less wish that everyone would just distance themselves away from me.
Also, no one deserves anything. Some people have things, some do not. There's no rules in life.

those are not exactly complex words user. I will admit that my choice of words at times are unnecessarily a touch above the average day to day writing between one another, but I do not see how this is a problem since a sizeable portion of this website has university level education.

except for the neet and autism, that me

they are just being retarded user, those are simple words

Hm, I wonder why you don't have a gf...

tfw my robot doesn't believe he's a good person deserving of love and happiness
I just want to pour my soul and all of my affection into him, it hurts when he thinks so low of himself when he may as well be god to me. I give him everything I can anyways.

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I believe that you earn love and happiness, but there's no endpoint. It's like, you deserve it as long as you make yourself deserving of it but you don't just "make it." You keep at it so that you remain deserving of happiness. Do things that make you happy, be around people you love, and you'll be deserving of both. And yes, mindset is like 90% of it, so do things that contribute to that mindset.
I believe this is the true redpill

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not him, but using big words turns your brain off

The neon genesis bible, newfag

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welp, guess ill never have a gf then



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The last time anybody said something like to that me I was behaving like a truly horrible person. I'd like to think I'm better now, but they've long since moved on with their life.

>he doesn't believe that he's a good person who deserves love and happiness
Guess I got filtered.

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holy shit theres only one requirement and i still fail

I only skimmed through this, but I don't see how this is related in regards to my writing. the essay itself uses words which in today's environment would be considered 'complex' (slovenliness? accumulation? phraseology? colloquial?), as this essay was written in 1946, written almost 80 years ago. the way English was in the 20th century is very different to the English in the 21st century; George Orwell would be turning in his grave if he saw how repulsive the English language was today. furthermore, this essay largely concerns the mass application of scientific speech/political language like pic related and how it relates to the furthering of political agendas. taking this into consideration, I do not see why I should infantilize my speech based off of this essay, since I am neither a politician or an English major to care enough about the way in which I choose to type.

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