
>don't want STDs
>hate condoms
>"dude if you don't get laid you're a loser haha!"

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cope harder you just can't get a girl

If you can get a girl then why do you come here?

girls approach me often when i put minimal effort into grooming myself
it's just easier not to deal with them

Find an FWB that agrees to be "exclusive" fuckbuddies that shows you results and you show them results too, don't disclose sex history and fuck raw once a week for about two months or some shit.

There's the cure to your problem.

if you're horny then why dismiss girls
fucking dumbass

>don't want STDs
>hate condoms

illiterate retard

>can never get to orgasm
>never seen anything like milky semen due to urine leakage when fapping
>I work myself up for up to over an hour, with nothing except shortness of breath, and a waste of time overall

Anejaculation sucks.

condoms are another invention by the jew to prevent white people from breeding and to make sex less pleasurable and meaningless

>muh white genocide!
nobody cares

it was a joke but i hope you get aids anyway

YO YO CRAZY FROG!!! a ram me ma bra ba bra bra rim bran dran drra ma mababa baabeeeaaaaaaa!

seethe, Zig Forumsnigger

then stop fucking complaining braindead scumfuck

lol i hope you feel some small sense of internet satisfaction you pathetic tranny commie you sound like you desperately need something to stop you from joining the 40%

>thinks i'm a transfaggot
you sure put that extra chromosome to work to come up with that assumption

you literally are a LOSER if you don't get laid. you should have worked on your personality instead of watching anime, faggot.

most girls have had multiple partners, are sexually active with multiple people at the same time, and thus carry a higher risk of sexually transmitted infections and diseases
not all of them are stopped by condoms, which decrease the pleasurable sensations of sexual activity anyways

>yfw STDs are a boomer meme to scare white boys from chasing girls
>yfw boomers made you into a loser
check the actual STD rates at your age, champ.

>as he painfully peels the skin off the blisters on his dick so he can piss normally

98.4% of males have sex

0.6% of white males have STD's.

stay a loser forever, virgin boomer

>source: your ass
>dude white race bro white race man yeah muh white genocide

i was just assuming you're a mayo man. it's much more rare for them to have an STD. source is every medical journal and family survey.

get with a virgin or someone who doesnt sleep around or get a gf and have her do std test
not hard

>get with a virgin or someone who doesnt sleep around

>dude just go to the moon and bring a golden unicorn egg back

>the moon is 20% of the population

>more statistics pulled from someone's gaping fecal-encrusted cavern

>I dont believe in science
>but I believe in the existence of viruses
Peak brainlet

>jews control everything
>but not academia
>statistics can't be manipulated
>people have never gotten lice, open sores, and infections from sexual intercourse with dirty and sick people

peak brainlet is you

>Virgin naive kiddo gets btfo
>calls people dirty

hey i won an internet argument