25+ Thread

Feeling EXTRA depressed today. Maybe I should go back on Welbutrin edition.

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>tfw 27
>just started working again and can feel it all coming back now

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Also 27. What are you doing for work these days?

>What are you doing for work these days?
I got a job as delivery driver at a garden center, I don't know. I just have alot of regrets and problems functioning. What have you been up to?

Does that welbutrin give you any side effects?

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Just quit wellbutrin myself.

Welcome I am also 27. I'm on the disabled list and can't go into why for the wellbeing of others, but I'm also the cliff jumper-car crash poster and quite frankly surgery made things a million times better so I doubt I'm 100% disabled. Maybe 13% disabled but it's enough to tell me to take my subsistence college and shove it up my ass. I've never hallucinated either because I've confirmed every weird thing that went on when I was suffering sleep paralysis, mainly if I'm allowed to say sleep paralysis doesn't cause hallucinations. Guess I'm just paranoid in narcing on healthcare. Yes I voted for Tourumpu.

>primary source of income still shut down
>primary source of housing still shut down
>stuck with ma and pa until the state says I can go back to my life
>just hanging out by the buffalo most days
This is no way to live

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Isn't that the thing for people with ADHD? I had decided to stop taking my Adderall and holy fuck, I was shaking for 3 days straight, now I need to lay off the Ambien and Xanax for my insomnia.

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I work a shitty low paying security officer job. I keep my sanity by working on music and studying technology while I am on the job while still getting the work done.

Only off label for adhd. Technically it's for depression.

It will make you fat, most likely. That's why I quit. I can't tolerate being fat because I was picked on a lot as a chubby kid. Everytime I get on these pills they make me gain weight uncontrollably. Other than that, they work pretty well.

Ambien is bad news user

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Also, is it really morally wrong to fuck around with a barely legal 18 year old as a 27 year old man? I want some pussy so bad, and this girl wants me, she's been begging for it since she was 16, I just don't know though, our families know each other and I feel that it could get messy.

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I know, man, I've been on it for close to 5 months, I don't abuse it or anything, it's just for my sleeping problems, I fear I'm too deep now to easily get out, I stopped the Adderall, now I plan on stopping the Xanax, and then the Ambien, I rarely use my Xanax though so that's not really an issue, even when I do use it, it's really small amounts, Ambien is the problem, and Adderall, Adderall doesn't seem that bad though, other than the anxiety attacks, and muscle spasms for a couple days, it's easy to get through it if I have other things to distract me.

Ambien is the problem I'll eventually have to face though, and I know it won't be pretty, fuck, I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to get on it.

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She is legally an adult so it should not be a complete shit show

You might want to consider the gap in maturity since most people will not be fully psychologically developed until 25

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>be 25
>got a bio degree, didn't do jack shit for my career opportunities
>got back into college as a comp sci major
>struggling on the first semester and am genuinely worried that this will not help

Am I forever doomed to work dead-end wage slave jobs?

When I was on ambien I frequently would not go directly to bed after taking it so I ended up doing weird shit

I quit it cold turkey and just decided to live with the insomnia instead and try to manage it as best as I can

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I actually just grew a quarter inch last night and this is confirmed with chiropractic that people's brains mature with physical growth.

Congrats on growing

>therapist telling me that i should go on wellbutrin
ive been on lots of SSRIs and mood stabilizers in the past but its been since high school. what is wellbutrin like? how does it make you feel? negative side effects?

Nice, sounds comf. Were you happier 10 years ago? I hate 27

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I talk to women in their 20s and they're just overgrown children, the only difference I see is the way they express their emotions, they're more reserved, more careful you could say, and the obvious, like they have a career and stuff, but even then, women expect to be told what to do for the most part. Younger girls are more free, they express their emotions freely.

I just don't know why I don't do it, it's not even illegal, I don't know what's stopping me from being balls deep inside her.

I know.

A few days ago apparently I drove 5 miles to the gas station to buy food from the store at 4 in the morning, I just remember being hungry, and then being in my room with food, I don't remember driving there or anything, I also text people about random stuff, it has recently started happening too, weird.

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25, was working in healthcare for about 5 years but decided to switch careers this year. Family has been supporting me while I study programming. Looks like I got out of that shit field at the right time. No gf in like 7 years though, depression is kicking in hard especially since in quarantine alone.

Sounds like the ambien experience, do you actually eat the food?

omg no man come on man omfg FUCKING SMILE WTF IS RONG WITH U FUCK U

How do you get weed anons, I can't seem to get away from psychosis inducing behavior, but, I'm sure there's a clean solution to smoking pot, I read somewhere that the quality stuff above 13% THC is heavily gene-edited, I just wonder how to avoid federal prison to accomplish that.

>26 in a few days
please make it over.

Good on you for picking up a new set of skills, sounds like you are on a good path, healthcare work sucks

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Gives a minor energy boost which is nice. Made my hands tremor. Decreases sex drive. Increases motivation, but also kind of increases anxiety. It worked wonderfully for me for 11 years but the doc wanted a $300 visit to send a new script and that's the only reason I stopped. Glad I did though, feels like my body was just over it anyway.

Go to the dispensary and tell them you would like some

Yeah, because I use Ambien to go to sleep after my Adderall wears off, I don't eat all day until the Adderall comedown, sometimes all I have is water for days, but sometimes I eat a whole large pizza by myself.

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Turning 26 in a month, don't really know what to think.

Damn, a little different from my experience then, I would always get a bunch of food and take one bite and then fall asleep and roll over the food

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Stop thinking, start moving. Turn that potential energy into kinetic energy