Original Jeff Image Search Thread

Time for another one of these. Not seen this shit for a while.

>What is the original image?
First, this thread aint about the shitty Jeff the Killer story from a while ago. Pic related is an image used with the story, however, the image out-dates the story by up to a few years and is completely unrelated to the shittypasta. Its first currently known appearance is from this strange Japanese website:
This came from 2005 along with the discovery of a less shopped image that predates it:

>What does this mean?
The existence of this image from so far back means that the original story about a girl committing suicide is completely false and has little to no truth in it. This theory involved a girl by the name Katy Robinson who browsed Zig Forums around 2007-08 and was trolled relentlessly. The original Jeff image was widely believed to be a photoshop of Katy used to mock her. Since then though, lots of evidence has come out disproving that she had anything to do with the original image and, in fact, is still alive today. She is not even called Katy which shows that the theory now holds almost no weight. This rumour also failed to show the original unphotoshopped image. This Japanese website also shows that the original Jeff image is likely another photoshop of a previous image. This earlier image of Jeff is called ''White Powder'' and is currently the first known uploaded image of Jeff. This shows the original character depicted in the image may be called ''White Powder''.

>Then what is the search?
The search is primarily looking for the unphotoshopped and unedited version of the original Jeff photo. This is not the only mystery, however. The creator of the first image is completely unknown. While the Japanese website is the earliest known upload, there may be even earlier uploads along with the original unedited version.

Attached: 2005111353_1338574455.jpg (753x645, 110.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


While it may be completely unrelated in origin, there is a second image that became lost. This image is described as Jeff holding a chunk of flesh over a bathtub. This image was widely circulated on the chans around 2006-08. It is also stated he had oddly long fingers in said image.

>Why should I care about the image?
Well, gtfo then. We are all browsing Zig Forums ffs

I'd like to help with the search but can't atm.

If you'd like, I can share a bit more info?

tell us everything you know please

It came from Zig Forums. Some girl posted her picture and asked if anons could make her look prettier. Everyone in the thread then proceeded to make her look ugly, and one guy made that. I was there when it happened. This shoop was so creepy it became an instant hit and the bitch left the thread.

I'll try but there's a lot.
First, the original image found on the Japanese is referred to as a part 1, implying that the image is a sequel or a reply to someone else's photo on the site. However, it isn't as simple as just looking through a catalogue of the images since the site is outdated. So you would have to go through the images 1 by 1 to maybe find the original pic. The website has ~17,000 images before the first Jeff pic so there's lots to go through. The poster of this first image is still completely unknown since no one's seemingly looked for it.

just confirming this, wasn't there but i've seen the original thread. there's screenshots floating around if you dig

I've heard lots about this. A lot of people still believe the Katy theory but it's still possible that this thread spoke about was from 2005. Strangely though, no original remnants of this thread seem to exist. I have done a lot of digging and found nothing conclusive from it. It also doesn't explain where the second bathtub pic is from

Do you think you could find it?

shut up groin grinder shut the fck up

can you explain what you mean by second pic? i've never heard of this

i'll do my best

OP i know exactly what your talking about but i have no pictures
for your effort to make a thread ill give u a description
the original image is actually just a fat white woman and lots of people made different edits of the image like making her a snail and the were ones similar to the white power image but less detailed as well ive seen them but never saved them

It's not 100% confirmed the second pic exists but there are a lot of accounts of it. It is described as Jeff the Killer holding a chunk of flesh over a dirty bathtub. Jeff also has long fingers in this pic. It was meant to be pretty popular on Zig Forums back in 2006-08 but has since gone missing. I only started browsing in 2011 so can't verify personally

Does it still exist on the internet perhaps? I've looked but can't find any thread predating 2008

ive literally seen it earlier this year on r9k
dont worry it is definitely still out there
word of advice go to your links and find keywords to search with and search Zig Forums archives like desu archive

The OG image is likely lost forever. I dont think the guys doing the original shops thought to save the unedited one because they simply didnt know it would become so infamous. It was just a quick lolz.

i'm not trying to discount your info or call you a liar but i am a long time veteran of the creepy internet and i have never ever heard of that story attached to this photo

the katy robinson theory is false- her name is heather white and she's not dead. the og Jeff was a Zig Forums camwhore (not heather white)

Attached: progression.jpg (3188x1204, 491.29K)

I'll go have a look into this.

Can imagine that could be the case.

Heard that it could also be this camgirl who browsed Zig Forums back in 2001 to 2004. Think there is any truth to it? Pic related

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Don't worry pal, I've only recently heard about the second image. I'll look for a source

The second post in this link is the earliest mention I can find of the image at the minute

the face makes me believe this, but at the same time, background definitely looks a little different.

The Jap website is far more interesting then that particular image.

Also the angle of the photo. Maybe there is another?

i agree- if you look at the dates, the version with the cartoony eyes is posted a couple months before the famous jeff photo. when translated, the poster has linked both photos together and put "which is scarier?" and there's some kind of vote count.

here's my shitty shoop. definitely a different background IMO but I cna't discount the face being part of the Jeff pic

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (497x498, 317.34K)

Good work, user! Looking into the camgirl pic, I can't find a sauce other than Zig Forums. Like literally no evidence. She might not even be a camgirl. It would also be a nice find if we can locate the original mouth and eyes for the Jeff photo

There's nothing strange about it. Zig Forums archives don't go that far back. It was either from 2005 or 2006.

I looked up "Jeff the Killer" and found a picture of Katy, it's not the same one as the shoop, but it's the same girl. She posted two or three photos of herself, one of which had the same angle as the Jeff picture.

I remember the first time that picture was posted with the name "Jeff the Killer." Such a stupid and unoriginal name, you just know some underage faggot came up with it. That's the origin, man. You can keep looking for something else, but you won't find anything because that's the definitive origin. Just some Zig Forumstards trolling a cow who was dumb enough to post her face.

She's not a camgirl. Some some Ebaumsworld tourist who wanted photoshop help.

The problem is no one can find the photo that was originally photoshopped. The girl's real name isn't even Katy

>the original mouth and eyes for the Jeff photo

the eyes definitely look painted in, good luck finding the mouth pic

You're right. She probably isn't. And the suicide story was probably made up. The image became a meme and then a few weeks or a month later there was one of those "well guys I hope your happy. Remember the girl from this thread? Well her name was Katy and she killed herself. Blah blah blah she was so sad about being cyberbullied blah blah blah," and of course no one believed that shit so they just posted more shoops of her. Good times.

The jeff mouth looks like a shitty stretch using the photoshop "warp" option. See pic attached, it's a random picture of some red lips that I stretched using the same method

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