The uk has based gyms

The uk has based gyms

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theyre not based, puregym has banned me for literally just talking to women, fuck them

Yeah but what did you say user?

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he spoke the truth and for that they hated him

well its just a whole lot of bullshit excuses to not have me in the gym. all i would do is try and talk to women and girls, get their number or facebook or something and they would always fucking report me. eventually the pt's all knew me as the guy who 'harasses' women and everytime i would try and speak to a girl they would approach me and remind me not to.

Lol don't be a creep then

Nigger simulator work out, holy based bongs

If I ran a gym I would ban you m8
>Slavery was hard and so is this

>everytime i would try and speak to a girl they would approach me and remind me not to.

A-are you autistic? How did you not get the "hint"?

>creeps on girls
>gets told to leave


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im not a fucking creep everyone talks to girls at the gym, its just fucking retarded how 16 year olds are allowed at puregym because most of them look mature. i would always ask to spot them nicely and i didnt demand it too much, if i asked if i could fill up their water bottles i always did it in a cool and charismatic way.

Aren't 16 year olds legal there anyway?

They're faggots

They banned me for something I didnt even do, I was mistaken for some other guy who doesnt even look anything like me. He was apparently going around asking all the women if they wanna bang, and then he got reported. And somehow I got blamed for it lol, the only thing we have in common is blond hair but aside from that we look nothing alike

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kek, the guy running this gym is black and he basically got piled on by a bunch of middle-class white women calling him a coon and an uncle tom for this.

Puregym made a good choice, I bet they had over 10 girls a week complaining about been asked to be spotted by guy wanting to "spot" then

>fill up their bottles
Why are you even in the gym? Go to club if you wanna fuck girls

>in a cool and charismatic way
sure buddeh

Only had good experiences so far with them. Odd thing is that just a few weeks ago they had to kick out a dude who kept creepin on the cardio bunnies asking if they'd like him to "fill her up". Glad they kicked that creep out though

what is wrong with wanting to spot them if personal trainers do it all the time? i understand when they warned me when i use to go up to girls squatting and spot them without asking but if i ask and im cool then whats the issue?
i actually had quite a few agree to this its just the mentally unstable bitche whores that felt the need to complain

Please detail how exactly you would ask to fill their water bottles in a cool and charismatic way.
No I'm serious please do. I literally cannot think of how that wouldn't be seen as awkward and creepy to offer to fill a strangers bottle at the gym for them.

I second this Give us a line by line description of what happened and we'll be the judge of how cringe or smooth you were.

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you're a proper creepy sperg m8 sorry

my man i bet you paid and extra fiver for puregym plus just to offer women flavoured water

Women go to the gym to exercise, like most men do

Leave people the fuck alone and let them finish their workout with you being fucking creepy

Stop trying so hard, most people aren't walking around wanting interaction or to fuck, they just want to get on with whatever they are doing

What about the gym refusing to close and being SIEGED by the police

well its really not complicated i dont understand why u need something so simple explained but ok
>stand behind the treadmill/cardio area in my gym
>look for viable women with water bottles that are half empty or empty
>jump on the treadmill next to them
>turn down their speed to get their attention
>they act suprised because most guys are too beta to do this
>point at the water bottle
>'you need that bottle filled up?'
>'i got premium membership i can get you the cool juice thing with electrolytes'
>usually they say no thanks
>'ok, if you need anything from me youll find me around the gym'

thats usually how it went, its so fucking harmless thats why im angry they banned me

yes i did, 2 of them even asked for the pricky pear flavour

There's no way this is real.

This has gotta be bait but my fucking sides I’ve never read something so autistic

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Just fucking lol

please screencap this autism someone

>i got premium membership i can get you the cool juice thing with electrolytes

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Good riddance

do you also clasp your sweaty palm on their bare shoulder?

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how is that autism? it always went smooth and i got to fill up about 3 bottles total

imagine being such a manlet you have to resort to roofie'ing chicks at the gym because you weren;t allowed to enter the club

Holly fuck user, did that ever work?

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Yeah yeah really ebin my friend. See you in the slash fit slash humour threads.

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because you can't see how interrupting women's workouts so much that gym staff tell you not too is borderline harassment

You've never been to a gym have you? My fucking gym is full of characters like this, autism is far more common than you may think

imagine doing bench press and having someone take the plates off the bar when you're at the bottom just so they can get your attention

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post body

>i got premium membership i can get you the cool juice thing with electrolytes

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