Living with OCD

Over time, I've come to realize that no one will ever understand exactly what I'm going through. I can't live like this anymore. I barely even function as a normal human being. I don't know exactly when, but I'm going to kill myself. I'll try to make myself go missing first so my family never has to learn of my fate but I absolutely can't live like this much longer.

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>I barely even function as a normal human being [because of OCD]. I don't know exactly when, but I'm going to kill myself.

That's unfortunate user, I really hope you don't go through with it.

OCD sucks dude mine is extraordinarily severe, like fucking insanely bad. we might have different symptoms but just know I know how you feel man

I have contamination OCD and I'm pretty much just anxious about touching everything. I used to wash my hands so much they bled and I still have issues washing myself like a normal person (it's too nuanced to explain). I basically get told I'm useless all the time (apparently in jest) because I struggle with things like taking the trash out and washing dishes.

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>no one will ever understand exactly what I'm going through
Maybe not EXACTLY but there are other people with OCD. You're not special.

What I meant was the people in my life. Obviously OCD is one of the more common mental disorders and I don't think it makes me unique or "quirky". But I've found that even when I've interacted with others with OCD, they didn't quite have the same symptoms. Like obviously everyone has their own obsessions but mine make me feel particularly strange/alone.

>but mine make me feel particularly strange/alone
Care to elaborate?

Honestly it's kinda difficult to explain but I have this really strange thing with getting anxiety about touching things while my hands are wet. Like I wouldn't want to touch a wall or something with wet hands because it makes me feel contaminated with....the paint on the wall? It's strange. I actually get really anxious going outside while it's raining because I dread having to touch doors while my hands are wet.

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okay, that make sense. I am a checker. I obsessively have to check to make sure everything where its supposed to be. In particular my phone, wallet and keys. I have to check my car doors, and put my hand up to the window to make sure there is a seal so the window isn't open. I check and re-lock the front door all the time. I check the oven to make sure that its off, i check the faucets to make sure I turned them off. Its a feeling of constantly second guessing everything I did, which makes me feel incompetent and ruins my self esteem. What your explaining isn't really that strange at all.

>not taking pills
You guys get what you deserve. I have ocd and went without pills for years thinking I could do it. I wasn't able to.

I have mild thought OCD

I have 2000+ notes in my phone

Was going to write down 3 things tonight but I forgot the second one and will spend 12 hours obsessing over it even though I guarantee it was 100.00% unimportant. Its just a tick

Thats mild OCD right?

fuck those people that are like "muh ocd" when something isn't nice looking. It's probably what pisses me off the most out of anything.
fuck those people. they don't have ocd, they just like things being nice/neat/satisfying like literally every god damn person on the earth

I have schizophrenia and to an extent I know what having ticks and needing to do rituals is like. Unfortunately sane people will never know. It can be worse painfull in a certain way when I don't do certain rituals.

Yeah I check things a lot too, but probably not to the same extent as you. I remember whenever I would take tests, I would always be the last to finish because I would obsessively check my answers and if I had made any stray marks. Or I would tell myself I forgot to turn off a light or the stove.

Do you take meds or see any therapists ? OCD can improve with treatment. If its too much for you reaching for help is always the best answer.

I went on medication for months but apparently my metabolism was digesting the pills too much for it take effect (as explained by my psychiatrist). I haven't been able to continue trying to find the right medication because of Corona-chan.

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I tried both but to no avail. I'll probably try it again once this corona stuff blows over.
I relate to this very much. It's seriously debilitating.

>I tried both but to no avail. I'll probably try it again once this corona stuff blows over.

That's good to hear. Good luck user. I hope you can accomplish you healing goals.

But it feels so good when you

lol OCD's pretty common. I have it too and there's no fucking problem. Deal with it.

I've had OCD my entire life, diagnosed at 8. Fuck this hellish disease. Normies think it's a joke. I'm so sorry you have it OP.

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My gf has OCD and it is just getting worse and worse as we get older. You people are impossible to live with and constantly hurt everyone around you. Not what you wanna hear, sorry.

Oh god I have the same thing with phone notes

I've already accepted this and it's why I want to distance myself from everyone. I feel like a massive burden and I'm sick of everyone trying to help me.

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I tried everything including antipsychotics and it didn't work, don't know why you would just assume I never tried lol.

Nope. Doing it wrong, NGMI
Only cognitive methods are necessary and only cognitive methods will work

Why cant you step outside of yourself to tell yourself it doesnt fucking matter?

My OCD lessens when i stop masturbating and stop eating sugar/carbs

I also tell myself things can be delt with later
ie, i can get my hands dirty, because i know for 100% sure i can go to the sink later to clean up

Also some will power to push it away, and getting into a state of mind were i dont care about the urges

>just fuck my endocrine system bro who needs those

Why don't OCD folk just do the same trannies do? Make a large online OCD community and harrass anyone who tells you not to wash your hands, and force people to close the door 40 times. Call the bigots and ableists if they don't comply with your demands.

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They already do that though faggot.

They're obnoxious. I've been fucking bitching about OCD cases and also PTSD cases being annoying fucktards for years.

If theres one cognitive reminder that helps me to remember its that life is inherently messy, not clean like my mind tries to force it to be. Its a simple yet profound meditation