Be me

>be me
>an actual 80% good guy
>watch TFW NO GF
>think its kinda a decent docu on user lives
>agree with alot of what they say in it
>havent been in a relationship in over 5 years at this point by my own choice
>been happy being single and doing my own thing
>about 8 days ago i started a tinder account just to talk to some women outside of discord
>every other woman on there is a narcissist, single mom, snapchat sex worker, fat fat fat, has a mentally ill bio, etc
>match with about 12 women, bought tinder gold to immediately see them
>literally the most boring ppl alive and phone posters to boot so they cant really reply with an effort post, total lamers
>realize the "women are shit" meme is actually founded on the modern reality of the current online dating pool
>remember that guy from /sig/ from TFW NO GF - decide today to just do me and work out since my health is actually in decline right now bc 16hrs online everyday and no physical activity turns out its actually bad for you
>shitpost on r9k about it

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Woman on tinder are shit*

Congrats. This is what capitalism has to offer. Murica ftw!

>actual good guy

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>match with about 12 women, bought tinder gold to immediately see them
Can someone explain what this means, like you have to wait to see who you match with unless you pay? How much does that shit cost? Sounds like prostitution except you're gambling on it.

holy shit it's worse than i thought.
Why do you waste your time talking about how shit women are when you are worse than any of them?

come on bro, my wojack is Blondie from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

you missed the meme cause your a zoomer and havnt seen clint eastwood kinos

explain, im trying to do the sig thing and could use some pointers. inb4 Zig Forums is retarded. no, ive actually made money off that board.

Capitalism could offer so much in the sex market if prostitution were legal.

>a good guy
>believes tinder is a good random sampling of women
only things wrong with you're post

lol i missed the meme cause its been a decade since i spent any serious time here

>mentally ill bio

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>Yes goy just replace healthy relationships with prostitution!

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jesus dude im not trying to meme like the other guys but your bio reallllly sucks.
good luck with offline dating tho, fundamentally the only correct choice

not a normie so not sure but i think if you have the free version you can only talk to/message a certain number of fems per day regardless of how active you are on the app

i was just being myself in the profile dude.
i made $400k+ off of a $16k investment into chainlink so i really have nothing to do since all my financials are taken care of now.
i wasnt aware that normie women were this boring these days tho.
after talking to a few of them i feel like they are just zombies, totally brainwashed by the media or some shit.
hardly human to a large degree.

i really dont know what you mean about the offline dating thing or where i would even manage to do that since i dont go to bars or drink alcohol. not a muslim or anything gay like that but i just cant drink alcohol, turns me into a raging psychopath. so not really sure where real world locations for finding a femanon would really be or just a woman skilled at shitposting and memeing. im beginning to think its maybe something i'll never find. or that its so rare my chances are too low of rolling a happening for it. i just dont know man. but thanks for your post.

then go to clubs or something. you're really out of touch. as for being a cunt when drinking, welcome to the club. just do drugs or something instead (at parties I mean).

I don't mean dance clubs you neigh-gore. I meant like book clubs or maybe your local swim meet I don't know. go where people are, 50% of whom are probably biologically female depending on context.

>literally the most boring ppl alive
And what makes you so interesting user? Turns out everyone is boring as shit regardless of gender. You're so full of yourself its disgusting, no wonder you're single.

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if you ask any women on tinder they tell you the same thing about men.

its tinder literally nobody cares about you on there and have already gone through 500k "hey" "bobs vegan?" dogshit convos. they genuinely expect nothing from you and from what i gather most people use tinder for personal emotional gain not for actual dating or hookups.

i would like to hear your opinion on this though.

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hey user im a relatively interesting femanon, would you like to date me? i have a lot of hobbies and wont bore you like those normies

"this is captalism!" is the "this is just like a video game" of discourse except less accurate most of the time

That's all well and good but plz no hate on phoneposters, I post longer replies than most people
Sometimes it's just about the UI preference, I use Clover instead of the desktop site entirely cause I like the UI. I'm sitting at my computer right now but typing this out on my phone

>looking for women on tinder
>surprised when they're all narcissistic retards
>loses motivation for dating

Are you retarded?

This is like a woman looking for a man on a car lovers forum, then getting angry that every man on there only likes cars. Then saying every man alive is therefore worthless for only liking cars.

That's you, op. That's how stupid you sound.

user u responded to here
i get that finding girls offline is inherently difficult when your ideology revolves around internet culture but you use so many memes/ buzzwords. do you have any hobbies/interests that dont involve Zig Forums/discord? theres nothing inherently wrong with deriving your personality from online influences, but it will severely restrict your ability to find a mind.

Also secondary comment, try to start distancing yourself from racism. sounds like a cucked comment but if you do your own research and diversify your interactions youll realize that blacks are heavily maligned by obscure but vocal racist culture and finding a partner who fits your particular interests in addition to your misguided social beliefs is very unlikely

*severely restrict your ability to find a mate
weird freudian slip there

With prostitution legalized and plenty of women available solely for sex with no strings attached, perhaps other women would have to compete for men by offering more than sex. I'm not sure what value they provide beyond that, but maybe something like being "suitable partners" for these "healthy relationships" you speak of?

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Just go to Amsterdam, Tijuana, or Las Vegas and get yourself an escort with the money you have.

Amsterdam more specifically because there's psychedelic truffles.

You have the money, you could even go to college and get a degree for Anesthesiology or Radiology or something and make extra bank.

We all want love, but online dating isn't where you'll really find it.

>Decided to stop being fat and hideous when I was 18
>Lost over 100lbs, started caring about fashion, got nice haircuts, hit the gym, change my attitude, whatever
>Started having MUCH more luck with women
>Now in my mid 20s, I'm married, have a well-paying corporate job, my own place, that sort of thing
>Despite all of this, I am not satisfied with any of it
>In fact, I have no emotional attachment to anything in my life--my wife, "our" (her) friends, my job and coworkers, etc
>Regularly get into arguments with my wife where she gets heated and cries and I don't feel any sort of way about it
>I don't even really argue with her, I just let her do her thing and wait for her to apologize later for being too emotional
>The burden of having faked it until I made it weighs on me constantly and continuing to fake it is making me angry
>I resent everybody in my life because I know they only like the inauthentic version of me
>Wife is always talking about wanting kids and planning our long-term future but I don't even really like her
>At this point, I don't even know what I want, because I have everything that I always thought would be out of reach and I've grown bored of it
>More than anything, I've realized that I was never a "nice guy" and it was just a lie I told myself. Really, I can't stand people and I don't know what I'm like, because until I developed a fake personality I was isolated and never interacted with people. I don't know what I think or believe about anything, I have no goals or interests at all.

Guess I'll just finance my wife's drug addictions until I die or she divorces me.

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Does your wife lets you put her punis into your vgaina?

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Yeah we have sex regularly but to cum I basically have to spend the entire time fantasizing about some wild shit. I basically think of sex like masturbation.

We're not too different maybe, I think of masturbation like sex.
But had to switch the hands recently because my right hand is blistering up again (dick's like sandpaper haha you know how it is)

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