/Coronabux General/

In this thread us NEETs laugh at student loan debtlets (aka normies in college/uni) who didn't get the coronabux. How does it feel knowing that I, a NEET since 2014 who has done absolutely jack shit other than file as a non-filer, got the $1200? Feels great for me. Get fucked normies.

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you only had 1 cent in your account?

I had about 90 bucks but I moved it to my paypal just to make buying things online less of a hassle. There's no fees with wells fargo if you're under 24 anyway, i'm 22.

also apart from this, I normally get my bux from recycling centers in my town. We drink a lot of water so it's easy to make around 40-60 bucks if I wait long enough.

I should have everything set up by the 6th, I want my neetbux soon.

filing was pretty easy honestly. all I really needed to know was my SSN and my bank account routing number.

Based NEET as always,I wish they did this in my Shithole tho

>get fucked normies
> I had only 90 in the bank

I dont think you are in a position to mock anyone my guy

consoomer spotted

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wagie speaking, get fucked

I work maybe 10 hours a week and make 40k a year.

But no, you are right, collecting bottles like some dirty homeless guy is a way better life lol.

it is, I get to do what I want without a bossman breathing down my neck. I live comfortably in my home with a nice PC and everything I could want. all those years of saving up birthday money served me well.

I literally do all those things but am not a poorfag. I also have a masters in CE so if I want a 80k/y wage slave i can do it.

>I literally do all those things except i'm a wagie

>get coronabux
>desire a new video game box to hook up to my TV
>everything everywhere is at least full price even used but often twice retail price
>Nintendo switches in excess of $800
>NES Classic, PC Engine Mini for $180 each
>market flooded with 600-in-one Chinese bootlegs
Guess I better work on my Steam backlog. At least they can't price gouge digital.

I bought a like new iPhone and a new guitar with my coronabux, along with a whole lot of accessories for both of those. If you look around you can find good deals.

Based neetbros, I have a uncle that has hated my shit since I was 9, I'm 24 and guys has seethed for 16 years now that I don't do anything but stay at home and play videogames all day, I've lived rent free in his head for 16 years lmao!
What's funny is that the guys is almost 70 and is the only one of 10 brothers who's unmarried and still lives with grandma lmao!

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Based fellow neet fuck these faggot wagies. I hope it hurts then knowing that I got my neet bux without having to enslave myself to me shekleburg. Hey faggots how does it feel knowing the weekend is almost over. Get back to work my neetbuxs need spending and you need to bring me my food.

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>is student loan debtlet
>still got the stimulus because im independent
blow me baby

this. I love how us NEETs fit the specific requirements to apply for the coronabux that most other people in our age bracket wouldn't.

>Tfw filthy third worlder
>Tfw no free neetbux
I don't hate country but damn, I hate living in Mexico so much
I have a scholarship in uni but they haven't deposited anything lately, I hope this month they give me my neetbux

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oof. spic american here, born in US. I would hate to live in mexico. lo siento amigo.

That is what you get for supporting a Jewish system that wants to enslave you and for giving your money to commie school that just want to brainwash you. I laugh at you faggots.
Fuck off back to taco land Pedro

me? I never went to college. college students 18-24 as I recall don't even qualify for the money anyway which is why I laugh at them.

>tfw on a full-ride scholarship so 0 debt
>tfw university gave me a 1500 check from funds they had to help students
>tfw graduating next semester with a starting salary of $70k
Who's laughing now, neetie?

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>tfw owed the federal government literally 2 cents and now have no idea when my 1200 will come

me because you wasted so much of your life in a classroom ; )

does that even matter actually? IRS would have to be real anal to count 2 cents. They're barely even staffed right now so I doubt it matters. And additionally they're suspending all audits and not starting new ones until like july as well.

They would if they were not retarded and did not get claimed as a dependent. I do not even know why these retards do not just lie about it. Even the best grants and shit for school go to people who are independent. I guess their boomer parents are too selfish to not claim their kid just to write it off. Boomers fucking over the youth once again. But honestly I love seeing some wagie rage. Especially after so many of the faggots told me I was not getting neetbux.

Nope! Unlike you, I actually have things I enjoy, my major being one of them. Uni is actually fun if you're doing what you love. Enjoy your 1200 while it lasts lmao

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yeah, whats real funny for me is that I had told my parents that I applied and I said I might get hte money and all they said was "ookay...." LOL I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when they see the fuckton of boxes that's gonna be at my doorstep in the coming days. They have no idea. It's even better too because I bought an iPhone like new, specifically the one that my parents would tell me "hey user you know.. if you get a job, you can have an iPhone!" GET FUCKED AHAHAH I CANT WAIT

Kek never let anyone tell you that you can not scam your way through life fren.

>Sign up for NEETbux
>Don't have an account
>Am eligible
>Get a check mail date of May 1st
>It hasn't come yet
If it's not here by Monday afternoon, should I worry

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