Femanon here

Femanon here
Where is a good place to find a mentor? I'm starting to realize how the psychiatry industry, western degeneracy, and myself have lead to a great downfall. Where could I find a penpal who could give advice about taking accountability, staying motivated, and living a more wholesome life? Like a father figure of sorts. I don't have any real positive influences in my life currently, and I'm my biggest enemy.

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Still negan bitch

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america sucks for this. i thought i'd find some sort of ""mentor"" in university but instead i just felt completely entirely alone and wanted to die the entire time.


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Well, if you want to live as a better woman--
>Like a father figure of sorts
Oh, you just want to get groomed.

just get a bf and tell them you want to better yourself

>Like a father figure of sorts.
What does this mean?

Read Osho books, start with Pillars of Consciousness

Hey freud stop being a fucking freak. Just any older parental or comforting figure. Or even a friend is good

I'd say try getting it from multiple sources.
Make a few bloomer pals who you can vent to and be told that shit's gonna be okay, or someone who can talk through your ideas just to give them some structure.
Multiple opinions help, and when more than 3 people tell you the same thing to fix your issues it becomes more convincing.

If you are actually serious, you need to do this on your own. No mentor. Make it hard on yourself and seriously introspect. Look inward and find what seems truly good to you and do not look for external validation of any of it. People will be quick to make you feel as if you are a good person when in reality you are corrupt. Mediate and think about it. If you are your biggest enemy then your challenge is extremely obvious. You need to conquer your inner self and become your own source of validation.

Make life hard on yourself. Live through it and become stronger.

Imagine a less stupid version of yourself as a man. I do the reverse as an autistic man and it prevented me from chopping my dick off, kililng myself, and gave me motivation in my life.

Also as a woman if you're just self aware that you can be an absolute retard and vent it out instead of going full psycho you are basically guaranteed to be liked.

nowhere. any man that decides to help you also wants you to suck his dick. Even the losers in here. Just do whatever your parents tried to teach you. Unless you had shit parents then youre fucked.

>my original post has 2 replies
>I say I have a pussy in the same post, and magical I get 4 times the replies
Fucking simps. I knew this board was shit

Kek I figured you had a dick given how women lack self awareness.

If you lacked a positive female role model just imagine a woman that wants you to be a man and actually wants to see you improve. If father figure just look up to some dumb weeb shit.

>Like a father figure of sorts

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I could be that guy but I'm busy and working half the time so I can't help.
But I know exactly what you need and hope you find someone that knows as much as, I
about that subject

Listen to this user, OP:
Find a guy your age who you're willing to invest in, and you'll learn things from each other, together, and it will be cute.

lol and what subject is that?

What's wrong with your actual parents?
This is a self-defeating statement. If we all just need to learn it on our own, we also need to learn that we need to learn it on our own on our own.

People have language so that we can skip experiencing everything firsthand.

>the psychiatry industry, western degeneracy, and myself (women)
I know a great deal about that. I tell you h'what

That's not really why people have language just saying.

Meh nevermind yeah it kind of is; it can just be internal too.

Im a guy who is generally trying to work on self improvement and open to an online acountability friend. if interested my discord is #3085

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Username bro

username is Potassium

I'd recommend trying to find a woman with a penis to mentor you, you can never cure your mental illness of not having a dick, but someone who has one while also a vagina i think can offer a different perspective while still be sympathetic to your roastie urges.

You're better off finding shit out on your own. People are always more than willing to give advice, irregardless of whatever situation you're in.

go somewhere far away from my board

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Allow God to be your father figure. All who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. (John 3:16) If you belong to Christ then you are of Abraham's seed and are an heir to the promise (Galatians 3:29).

>western degeneracy
you mean the culture that allows you to vote, and legally be equal to men?