Just kill yourself if you look like pic related. No amount of exercising will ever fix your droopy skin from years of over eating
No amount of skin reduction surgery will ever fix your botched up skin.
You will look as if Edward scissor hands himself fuck you up. You will end up killing yourself regardless. You shouldn’t have made yourself morbidly obese in the first place
Settle for a strongfit look. Don't try to lose weight too quickly.
Brandon Rodriguez
I look like this, and I don't give a shit. I don't need to be attractive to women (I am redpilled, don't want modern whores), I don't need to be physically fit for Jews, i.e. I don't need to be a wageslave, (I'm NEET), and I don't need to be fit for me (this world is fallen, look at how women breed with literal apes instead of me, I just want off this ride, my life is a living nightmare because of the Jews and liberals and non whites and women)
Camden Hughes
Your parents will never be proud of you if you keep wasting your life like that. Time is running out, op.
Robert Morales
I don't get how people can live after losing such a huge amount of weight with all that extra skin. I would be embarrassed to walk out my front door. It looks so fucking bad.
Adam Myers
How do you even end up like that. You would think, once you become chubby you'd be like "shit, I should lose weight before it gets worse"
I remember you spamming yourself when I first started losing weight and looked just like you. Now look what I have accomplished while you sit here and complain like a fucking loser. You're pathetic. Go back to Zig Forums
Even with skin reduction surgery you are still left with botched up misplaced looking skin. You will end up with a “barely there” yet visible surgical scar that look as if you had a c-section.
Ironically the only part of your entire body that isn’t affected by hyper loose skin are the calves. Literally just die at that point
Leo Jenkins
why are you here then?
Camden Bailey
>I don't need to be physically fit for Jews
Good goy, keep consuming your carbs and sugar
Owen Bell
wtf how long did that take you? Lifefuel
Austin Baker
To redpill you brainwashed retards on women, liberals, Jews, and niggers. To get you to take the blackpill so we can rise up and study Mein Kampf intently
>Big fridge looking stomach due to being morbidly obese his whole life >arms look mutated and don’t even look like they belong on your body due to weird proportions >chest looks like a weird flat piece of paper with 2 Nipples drawn on it with a sharpie marker >ironically had bigger forearms as a fat degenerate >should of put the clown emoji to the right because that’s literally how you look like now
You still look like shit the difference is you don’t weigh 325 lbs anymore. That’s my point. I’d kill myself if I looked like pic on the right
Luis Rivera
that's all i needed to hear to pull the trigger!
Adrian Torres
>people taking this obvious bait remember to ignore retards
Josiah Taylor
>another brainwashed cucked who'll stay physically fit so he won't cost medical dollars and will be work ready his entire life kek, what an embarrassment. Keep paying shekels to rich Jews to stand in a gym with other narcissists. You will never be a real Nazi.
Xavier Sanders
You did it to yourself you flamboyant degenerate. Literally NO ONE made you eat until you reached morbid obesity. Go ahead and do it you won’t be missed. People will remember you as an ugly piece of shit
Juan Williams
no stop. i can't load the gun any faster!
Andrew Johnson
>nazis >cult of fitness their leaders were drug addicts and fat fucks. poltards are like retarded boomers who idolize the 1950s, they have no understanding of the shit they worship and have an extremely idealized vision of it because they refuse to actually learn about it. nazism is a fucking joke
I look worse than this, found out that I weigh 500lbs on Friday and I don't care if I have lose skin. If I work on it, that won't be too much of a problem. I'm going to lose this weight.
Jaxon Wright
Than literally jump off a bridge already you sorry excuse for a man. Why even bother living at that point?
Leo Green
I must redpill
Liam Phillips
>found out that I weigh 500lbs
Why did you let yourself reach 500lbs in the first place? Are you retarded? Are you a farm animal? Why the fuck did you over eat and why did you eat so much greesy unhealthy food?
Try explaining that to me as best as you can because I need to understand why human degenerates do that to themselves. My stance is still strong on self euthanasia for people that are morbidly obese. Convince me otherwise
Asher Roberts
About 1 and a half years. First year I didn't even excercise just stuck to a 20:4 IF schedule and ate clean. I was a neet from 18-23 and would just play video games, get stoned, and eat shitty processed food from the family dollar down the road. There was a point where I just had convinced myself "the damage is done , why the fuck even try to recover from this pit I dug myself in?" which is where OP is at right now.
That's such an embarrassing cope hahaha can you even see what you're typing man
Michael Torres
nah I went from nearly 300lbs to 160 and the loose skin tightens up, it just takes awhile.
Hudson Gonzalez
You don’t deserve to live among us. While you were gorging a surplus amount of food paid for by your disability checks some homeless person out there and some hard working America with borderline anorexia due to not having enough money to eat that lives pay check to paycheck were suffering from hunger.
All across the world there are people in the millions that suffer from hunger, who have to cry themselves to sleep every night because they haven’t ate a single meal, people who literally have to form lines to get food if there is any left, people who have to fight amongst other hungry humans to get a piece of bread while you were gorging like the devils degenerate that you are.
Kill yourself. The only redpill you showed us is that being morbidly obese made you mentally retarded
Lucas Cook
>muh feels Go dilate, tranny
Xavier Nguyen
He still looks like shit. He lost weight and still looks like shit. HE LOOKS LIKE SHIT. Get that through your skull. That was my original post that you will still look like shit. Yes he made massive improvements but he looks LIKE SHIT
Jaxon Foster
Warped self image, eating food when depressed or when I *thought* I was hungry, looking at myself in the mirror and thinking I was only 350 at most (which should have been enough motivation to start losing weight anyway). Am I retarded? Perhaps, but I'm finally going to do something about it.
Jeremiah Rivera
Don't explain it to them, they are retarded
Eli Allen
Go choke on a Twinkie fat ass. I bet you start crying like a little girl after walking 20 steps from your front door to the street due to your morbidly obese weight crushing your overworked feet