ITT: Grindr/Tinder hookup horror stories

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I had one girl pretend to not know me when we met up. I could tell she realized how weird looking I am IRL, compared to pictures.

a guy asked me if i wanted to go back to his place and check out his minecraft server

That's not a horror story thats a chad move

You type like a spoiled bitch
Im right arent I?

this one time I installed tinder and then every single worthless cunt I matched with ghosted me so I uninstalled it because I was so mad how's that for a horror story

I hit it off with a girl but she didn't seem fully into it even though she wanted to meet. When we did, she made clear that she wasn't interested but instead, wanted me instead to fuck her mom who was lonely.

>be me
>be freshly 18 and horny
>use grindr because openly bisexual after shit in high school
>get a message from a 40+ dude who lives nearby
>dude is skinny and basically a somewhat passable tranny
>say im dtf and walk the train tracks to his place
>dude has a pure man voice and is just wearing makeup and a wig for show
>looks like my old teacher in person
>pushes me on the couch
>go in for a kiss but he tells me no
>"I save kissing for women"
>faggot what the fuck.png
>he starts to ride me
>every jump on my cock hurts because i can feel the bones in his ass stabbing me somewhat
>nicely say i wanna do doggy
>fuck him like that
>man has no ass,like literally none
>cum inside of him and rest for a bit while he grabs water for us
>look around the room
>dude has 4 makeshift bongs out of plastic water bottles and cans
>xbox one on with pornhub paused
>drink the water he gives me before saying i got to leave
>tries to keep me there with an attempt at round two
>fucking bolt fast

He now regularly taps me on grindr and messages me from time to time despite the fact i either block him or ignore him.

I regret it every day since i only did it out of hornyness

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Dont tell that one around the campfire
Because people will get too spooked.

>put ppls emails into grindr sign up
>reverse lookup shows them on grindr

Idk there was one time where i used whisper and hit it up with a fembot. She lived a bit away from me but one day she says she was at a sleepover at her friends who lived near me and she was down to meetup. So we did and she brought me back to her friends place and we made out. Tried to fuck but she said she was on her period. Me being the retard i was pulled the whole "only stops a sentence" card and tried to do it anyway. Failed that and tried to do anal before she just blew me and i shot a big ass load on her.
Tried to message her again to go on an actual hangout walk but she blocked me

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fuck how do you know if youre a lot weirder looking irl than pictures? would that just be, like what you see in mirrors?

Nice what did she look like? I've hooked up with 3 fembots

and you didn't? whore

>shes on her period so tried to do anal
Haha wtf

long story short:
>got to know this girl super well beforehand
>played a lot of vidya online
>talked on facetime constantly
>when we hung out we fucked
>I came super fast because I hadnt had sex in a long ass time before that
>also didn't fap
>friendzoned me after
>didnt even give a 2nd chance
granted she had a whole host of issues so in a way I dodged a bullet but still sucked. to have such a colossal waste of time. Moral of the story, fap at least occasionally to keep endurance up. Never know when youll need it

Chubby nerd looking girl with short hair, average tits with big nips

gross and originally disgusting

>meet a girl on bumble
>we talk about
>decide fuck it and invite her over for dinner
>have a good time
>she mentions she's a pagan
>mentions all this wiccan stuff
>just kinda laugh it off for the duration of the date

we've got a LOT in common but this was one of my worst fears

I dunno. It was really weird. I mean everyone takes "good" pictures of themselves on tinder. I guess you could get someone to take some candid shots of you and see how they stack up.

Nice my dude props

>match with girl on tinder
>she looks decently good, 7/10 easily
>ask her if shes dtf
>surprisingly says yes, sends me pics of her tits they look pretty nice
>shes an intern at a hospital and says if i can pick her up then well go to a hotel
>hospital is really far away but i go anyway becasue im gonna get my dick wet
>finally arrive there, call her and tell her where im parked, she says shes coming
>as shes arriving i see shes a huge fucking hambeast, want to drive away but im too beta to leave her just like that
>she gets in my truck and her face is full of acne scars, shes fucking hideous even for a beta loser like me
>theres a cheap shitty hotel near by, tell her if she wants to go there
>she says no its probablydangerous
>makes me drive half way across the city to a nicer hotel
>check in and im about to fuck her
>cant get hard cause shes so ugly and fat
>finally get hard and start fucking her doggy style
>looking at the back of her head and realize shes fucking bald and wearing a wig
>lie and tell her i came and quickly throw away the condom
>shes pissed cause she didnt finish
>tell her ill take her back to the hospital because im a huge beta and cant be douche

Made me literally uninstall tinder

so basically i met a furry on Grindr a few months before the other dude, we talked and I went over to his place and sex happened.
The dude is a massive furfag, he had a suit stuffed away in a closet, bad dragon toys all over the place and a ton of fucking furry porn posters. He was a huge gamer too so there were a lot of Sony consoles and Nintendo consoles around the room which was mostly taken up by his huge bed.

He claimed he worked as a game translator who translated text on signs or posters but never referenced any game he worked on, he claimed his parents were from Ottawa and were very against him living there after he turned 18 (i wonder why)

He is also (according to other local furries) a massive horndog. according to them, he has asked all of them multiple times for sex and even once jumped on one of them seconds after the door was shut to his room. I forgot the food, he also had a ton of open food lying around and would keep a big jug of tard cum or juice up in his room and he claimed it would be gone by the end of the week. The dude isnt fat either he actually keeps a healthy body so how he eats so much but stays skinny is beyond me.

His landlord (a 60 something year old buddist claimed he had multiple people coming in and out of his room a lot.

My only cock gremlin from tinder had more backhair than than an italian man

same dude here
forgot that this was the second story i told to someone so i copy and pasted it here
The other dude means this story

a few years ago i joined a furry telegram for my city that was around 6 people in total. I started to talk with this one dude about siege (since he just got it) and he invited me over to his place.

during the walk over to his place he asked me if i was bi and shit like that. I said yeah and he brought up the idea of hooking up. He was average looking probably a 7.6/10 so i said sure. I got to his place and his fucking room was awful. It was in the basement with no walls just sheets and his bed was just a mattress on some tires. We chatted for a bit and did the fucking and we talked more after. He put on some random kids anime, can't remember the name but it was bakugon meets yu-gi-oh but for even smaller kids. He keeps claiming its a masterpiece while we talk about other anime and shit, he mentions that he's native so i told i was too on my grandfathers side. He went into a political flip when i said this about how Trudeau was shit, how all white Canadians need to suffer for what they did to "our people" and claimed he suffered personally from it all. He even grabbed some native ritual thing and threw smoke at me claiming it cleanses the soul.

He was also a otherkin, claiming multiple times how he just wanted to be a dog and how since all humans have tails in the womb being a furry was normal. The dude also had no job and did not finish high school so he lived with his aunt and lived on welfare and disability checks. I tried bolting after that but he stopped me and went into a 10 min tangent about how he could tell the future and the multiple times he was right in the past. I asked him to see my future but he claims he "needs to know me better" aka i need to have more info before i say some vague shit that could apply to multiple things.

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Never trust fat angles

did you fuck the mom?

>looking at the back of her head and realize shes fucking bald and wearing a wig

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Honestly finding someone off of Tinder who would be my first gf ever, dating them for close to a year relatively long distance (we were 98 miles away so barely in the distance cut off) and thinking she would be my wife and then leaving me to date some guy who would be her "study buddy/good friend" really fucked me up more than it should have.

A similar thing happened to me, except she ended up being a fucking sociopath that robbed me after 1.5 years. Fuck women.

>set up profile
>specifically state that i am only interested in women with both penises and vaginas, preferably balls as well
>find only trannies, mentally ill crossdressers who are convinced they look like women when really they're just faggots with wigs and dresses, and dickless roasties
>every time they undress in front of me they insist on lights off, i tell them lights on or gtfo
>every single one, literally every single one of them is a degenerate non-futa
>also half of them are furries or faggot dog people

>40+ year old man
>Passable tranny
wtf am I reading