I'm out of patience with the world...

I'm out of patience with the world. I sat through a zoom meeting for a study group today and it devolved into a discussion about how miserable isolation is. "Oh my god I haven't had sex in two months!" "Oh my god I miss parties" "Oh my god when am I going to get to drink with my friends again"

Meanwhile isolation has been hell for me as my mother is forcing me to help her clean out the house. This has resulted in me having to sort through piles upon piles of possessions, photos, record, etc of my father. My father who raped me four times, who impregnated me then carried out an abortion on me himself. I've been having nightmares every night. I'm having panic attacks. I'm starting to see his face in everything. It much be awful not getting to find a new lay every weekend.

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Haha pee pee poo poo gaga lmao funneh gonna fap to ur backstori lmao XD

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You must have lead him on, woman

Why dont you talk to so.eone about it?

I was 13

My mother was a drug addict, he enabled her. When he basically had her in stasis because she was so high so often he did whatever he wanted. That resulted in him forcibly raping me four times.

I've been in therapy. Actually I was visiting someone near campus very often. I haven't had the opportunity to since I've been home.

Vagina is vagina and some times you gotta come real quick

That's been my reaction too, OP. Talking to some normalfags made me realize just how out of my element I am. The dearth between me and them is huge. I can hardly connect to anything they say. They start babbling about festivals and drinking with friends and I just lose interest. I'd imagine it's the same for you.
Solitude ain't no damper on my freedom.

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>My father who raped me four times, who impregnated me then carried out an abortion on me himself.
Based. You should have dated him.

Exactly. If I wasn't being forced into such an uncomfortable situation then I would be perfectly fine. I don't go to festivals. I don't party. I don't think any of that is relevant to how happy you can be. There are so many more important things.

Well are you really forced? Could always plan on leaving unless youre NEET

Agreed, but it's a shame your situation is such shit. It feels like this time should be used for rest. I know it probably rings hollow, but I empathize.
I don't do much of that stuff either. I'm fine as a conversationalist and a great listener but I get picky with the company I keep. Plus I fucking despise crowds. My square peg don't fit at all, man.
So don't feel too alone. I've noticed the disconnect with myself too.

sorry OP
i feel similar shit, but obvi not like you
there are plenty of people who live in isolation normally that you aren't hearing from

By the way, if you need someone to talk about your dad with, here's my discord.
I'm close to someone who went through something similar, maybe I could help.

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I'm a college student, I can't just leave. I don't have the resources to just go. It's really expensive to move out.

Sometimes I wonder that if I got to grow up normally then I would understand them. Maybe I would be like them, but I don't think I would. They all just seem so vapid and empty. Like they do all these stupid things and chase after pleasure because they don't have any fulfillment.

I sure hope so. Unfortunately they're typically not the kind of people to connect for things like studying. I'm almost done with the semester though, I guess it's not all bad.

I might send you a message. I'm not sure.

hahahahahaha. Lol, dude. Nice fucking larp.

>Sometimes I wonder that if I got to grow up normally then I would understand them. Maybe I would be like them, but I don't think I would. They all just seem so vapid and empty. Like they do all these stupid things and chase after pleasure because they don't have any fulfillment.
You may not be too far from the truth on that, but I can't fault anyone for seeking pleasure. I have one hell of a hedonistic streak myself.
The main thing is just sometimes people are fundamentally different. I've had people like me that I couldn't stand just because we had no common ground. There's just some lifestyles that I actively shy away from.
They have their side of the fence, I got mine, y'know?
>I might send you a message. I'm not sure.
Whatever works for you.

Yeah, this is obviously some sort of rape fetish larp. Cmon.

Oh man. I'm thinking this is pretty based AND original.

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Even with all this baggage she would still be too good for me...

Honestly my only standards are don't disgust me, make me feel safe, and have something going for you. I think that if I was able to become a college student after the cards I was dealt I should be able to consider at least some form of a future a necessity for a partner.

>Complaining about other people complaining about their lives
>Proceeds to complain about her own life

I am a very boring person I suppose.
everybody ghosts me always
I am in college rn though.

I'm not interested in your contact info nor do I think you would have given it.

Im too used to bring ghosted. And it's not just they don't respond it's I send multiple messages days apart that don't get responses.

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i have a hard time sympathizing with women when it comes to hating life and general feelings of depression, everything about their lives just looks so much better

my parents just guilted me into giving them a huge portion of my savings for living expenses during this corona shit, i'm a utility to everything and everyone and when i meet someone new i just start counting the days before they use me and toss me aside.

Does anyone else find it funny that this post wasn't deleted? Do people just like this picture more or something?

The irony. It appears I spoke too soon.

I'm curious what sort of "fulfillment" do you expect to have in life?

>post anything
>coombrains and incels ruin it all

Sounds rough. Are you coping alright?

I hope it gets better, I'm sorry but don't hold a grudge with people that maybe don't know the details of your story. You don't win anything with that you know.

why do you all post in a bait larp thread