Why do white people think they are above the rules?

Why do white people think they are above the rules?

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Protesting isn't against the rules?

I would be so annoyed with the guys who wore surgical masks.

true that. justice for Kaepernick, brother.

>nigger getting arrested
Probably for murder or robbery, next

>shitskins behind a fence, most likely illegal immagrants
They are "illegal" immigrants, next

>bunch of white people protesting big gov forcing them to stay indoors while the economy goes for a fuck
and the problem here is?

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I mean that's just using a loophole to circumvent the stay at home order which violates the purpose of the order itself. But if we go letter by letter then it still violates the rule.

its our country and they are more intelligent so less prone to aggression and violence

>while the economy goes for a fuck
gee if only there were trillions of dollars available to prop up working class people and save the economy

Rules for thee but not for me.
Those dipshits aren't all white people, just those that are stuck emotionally at 13.
They only quote "the rules" when its someone they don't like doing something they don't agree with.

When it's their turn, fuck "the rules" and anyone who enforces them. FREEDOM! Except very specific and limited FREEDOM!

I live in Huntington beach a town in california that has recieved a lot of publicity for people gathering en mass and protesting and going to the beach and stuff, i can answer questions if anyone is interested.

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Without fail. This feels less pesky and more like comic relief. This whole website is comic relief

"Don't commit crimes" is a reasonable rule. "Don't leave your house and don't go to work" is not.

If you're in a protest which clashes with riot police, you want to be one of the UNARMED people. I know they want to look cool and intimidating, but a man who can legally shoot you is someone you don't want to threaten.

Whites can do what ever the fuck we want. This is our nation it does not belong to shitskins. We should genocide you shit skins tomorrow so we can stop hearing your bitching.

you mean the money that materialized out of thin air?

>inb4 yes, big gov will save us

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it sure saved all those big companies. trillions of dollars for them, crumbs for us.

>its our country
Hilarious some shitkicker thinks he owns a country based on a similar skin pigmentation to those that founded it.
Odds are your peasant great-great-great-grandfather wouldn't be allowed within 100 yards of Jefferson's Monticello let alone clean it.
Nationalism is a trick to make you think those in power are you friends or allies, they aren't. They hate your poor guts and wouldn't flinch if you choked to death in front of them.

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The guns are a good deterrent. Cops don't want to start shit with an armed man if they don't have to.

Go have sex inceI

>all white people are the same person
if the acts of one group of retards represents an entire race then every single race on earth can be called out for this

What they're doing is completely legal. Crossing the border illegally and resisting arrest aren't.

>What they're doing is completely legal.
The right to assemble isnt universal to all situations, like say a deadly pandemic that is exacerbated by large groups assembling for example

I had a girlfriend for over half a decade I have probably busted more loads in her then you have fapped your whole life underage faggot.

Funny how nationalist leaders always don't mind blindly sacrificing their troops to achieve some goal. Yet people still follow those guys.

White people are entitled. What else is new?

How strict are the stay at home orders anyways? Is it flat out illegal to go outside or is it just a recommendation to stay inside? Notice how OP's pic says "rules" and not "the law"

>You have rights unless there's a cold going around, in which case we should live in a fascist police state.

How do the boots taste?

Finland hass less strict lockdown orders (schools, public pools, bars and restaurants are closed, restaurants can still serve take away/delivery food, everything else is open, moving outside isn't forbidden) and the death rate is at roughly 5%. The infection rate is at around 1%. How do you amerifats screw up this bad?

And yes, our hair salons/barbershops are indeed open. Get fucked amerifats

>how did the mutts fuck up?
gee, as if niggers, faggots, and spics aren't a bunch of walking bio weapons at this point

This seems logical. In Finland the somalis have much higher infection rates than the rest of the population