What the fuck are you supposed to do on a date at the girl's parents' house?

What the fuck are you supposed to do on a date at the girl's parents' house?

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Take her up to her room and fuck her.

>1. beat the shit out of her parents
>2. fuck her in her room
>3. eat whatever is in their fridge

get the fuck out of the house and fuck her

Leave the door open when you piss

>Why would you date a bitch that still lives with her parents?

Oregano goes great with carbonara you should really try it.

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this user knows things

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Hold your farts and feel ackward.

>Why would you date a bitch that still lives with her parents?

Some of us have the life goal of dating an average looking loser girl without any hopes or dreams... a girl who is content to watch netflix in sweats and would never judge you

Attached: average girl.jpg (720x960, 91.52K)

Hold hands, and smile alot. Be happy to see her. Give her a kiss when no ones looking. And just project child -like excitment to be with her. This will make her parents believe you're nonthreatening and won't hurt their little princess

Because girls are allowed to live with their parents until they get in their bf appartment. Seems like they have things easier ... no ?

You are there to impress them and to get their blessing for marriage, they are quietly judging you (at least that's what my parents and grandparents did)

>dating a girl that would force this upon you
How about no?

play with her panties under the table and she will jump on you once the door closes.

>Average Looking

ok user, keep dreaming. she's a qt3.14

these "live at home" loser girls are all over the place. you guys never meet them because you never leave your houses

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well how can i meet them if i never leave my house, and they theirs?

Let's see, uh, well, I'd have to think about it
I might show up in a tux, HA!, but I doubt it
I'd probably just show up naked like I always do
And look your momma in the eye and tell her, "FUCK YOU!!!"
Hurry up bitch, I'm hungry, I smell spaghetti
I'd pinch her loopy ass and tell her, "Get the food ready!"
Your dad will probably start tripping and get me pissed
I'd have to walk up and bust him in his fucking lips!
It's dinner time, we hearing grace from your mother
I pull a forty out and pour some for your little brother
I'm steady staring at your sister, I'll tell you this
You know for only 13, she got some big tits
After that, your dad will try to jump again
And only this time, I'd put the forty to his chin
After you mom does the dishes and the silverware
I'd dry-fuck her till I nut in my underwear

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Holy shit user, thank you for the actual Kek

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once again that girl is quite cute. the point of my reply was that he referred to her as "average"

Hope there's a piano and pray you're based enough to be able to play it

impressing people is literally the most beta way to earn respect

It's okay that you don't have a special talent, user-kun! We still love you

Having talent is nice but being a hack and playing something that sounds far more impressive than it is is pretty easy

Exitlude by The Killers is a very easy piano song that sounds more difficult.
Specifically cause of the melody that plays during the bridge
I actually started playing piano with the goal of playing that song and learned it on my first day
I was surprised, and it really impressed people cause it sounds a little complicated but it isn't.


I love this piece and it's very short but being able to play even the first half seems to impress people because it sounds very graceful and nice, still need to learn it off by heart though

i taught myself nyan cat on piano. will this help?

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You're supposed to try to get her parents to like you duh.

Holy shit that's amazing thank you

Fucking white people looking corny as fuck can't wait til they go extinct.