You're offered $1 million US dollars, tax free, if you cut out and eat her raw, still-beating heart...

You're offered $1 million US dollars, tax free, if you cut out and eat her raw, still-beating heart. You will suffer no legal consequences. Do you do it?

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>what do you mean by eat? One bite or consume whole thing? Can I spit or do I have to swallow?
>is this something people will be aware of? Is it televised?

Yes. I'd do it for 50k. Maybe less.

Please people stop with the high number rhetorical questions. They are no fun. It's when it's low as possible you really see what people are like.

Everyone would do X thing for 1 mil. Your shit is retarded.

You have to eat it and swallow as long as it's beating. As long as that takes.

>cutting it enough to swallow it
>still beating
Like I said, your shit is retarded.

No way fag. What good is a million dollars to my now cursed soul?

Does she get to go free if I refuse?

No, there's a line of anons behind you who will receive the same offer if you decline.

Naw. I do not care about money that much and do not want some prion disease. My daddy is 1% so not like I really need it.

She died in 1999 and has a weecock

What about health consequences?

I would try it out just if I was sure about not getting aids or some kind of parasyte

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can I play with her heart first, kinda like kicking it around and throwing it against a wall for the fun of it? This is a one in a lifetime chance for me to see a live, beating human heart

With legal impunity I'll do it for free

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No im a moralfag

i'd do it. i would make a ritual of it just to psyche myself into it. i'd take like a cup of creatine, go work out for 40 minutes, hit a bag and possibly even spar someone, destroy a bunch of shit in a controlled fashion and then immediately segue into eating the heart while im still full of adrenaline, maybe even take a hit of cocaine also.

What's her situation? I need to know more about her and how she got here before I decide. Also who is offering the money?

would she be unconscious when i cut into her
does she want to die

Do I get a knife?

I'd do it for $20 and a blowjob

Why the creatine?

I'm a billionaire already so no reason to do this lol...

cannibalism will literally rot your brain

> He believes in divine judgement
what a fag

Thats eating brains numbnuts, savage natives got it from eating diseased cancer skulls.

A perfectly healthy heart won't do shit to you

I got news for you...

Would you make her give you the blowjob while you're literally eating her heart?

This is actually really fucking easy, just stew it for a few hours so its nice, tender and moist then what you have to do is like, softly nibble on it whilst blowing inside so its still technically beating. Piece of cake! There, now I'm an almighty millionaire whilst your just a seething millionerd.

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>free 1 million dollars tax free
>also get a free meal
this is a good deal

I wouldnt kill her for any amount of money because I'm not a massive piece of shit

You're both a pussy and a liar, user.

ITT fags who thinks taking a human life is easy and doesnt cauae long term emotional scarring.

>t. Killed a car jacker.

dude, I know, but 1 million tax free dollars is neat as shit, plus I really am dangerously becoming a sociopath

It is easy. You're a cuck user

When they are pleading for their life, crying to god and crying for their momma as they slowly die, it's not easy

Having to go to court after, and listen to his mother cry on the stand about her slain boy is not easy.

Getting harassed by the family after the fact and always looking over your shoulder for revenge killings is not easy

It's not easy

>reddit spacing
heres your (You) Cyborg

glad you specified it's tax free
but no, don't care much for money desu