Is my future bf here? i just want you to know i love you very much and i hope you come into my life soon. please...

is my future bf here? i just want you to know i love you very much and i hope you come into my life soon. please, i have so much love to give you when we finally meet.

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/lgbt/ try there tranners

[email protected]

i am not a tranner though :c

I will be anxiously waiting. It's hard to believe someone loves me thjs much but you make it all seem believeable. So thank you for that

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thanks OP but im not gay

tits tits tits POST TITS

i have been waiting, too. i hope we find each other somehow.
neither am i and i would hope my future bf isn't either because then it probably wouldn't work out

Got discord bby?

Can you tell me a bit about yourself/want me to tell you a bit about me so it's easier to find each other?
or do you want to keep it up to fate completely

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yes. i am right here.

[email protected]

God damn it i'm so's not even fair. Please someone love me.

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Asl original is my middle name

22/M/BC, Canada.

i hope i don't regret this but calypso#2136
uhhh i'm really shy! maybe that's all you need to know right now... but i want to know all about you. i want to know everything about my soulmate, down to the smallest most insignificant detail.

So what's your location OP?

if we're soulmates it doesn't matter where i am now as long as we end up in the same place

OP is obviously a faggot just look at his pic related

>tfw no response
meanies ;_;
it's a guy and a dog girl, dummy

No and I never will be, you're fucking lying about that shit anyway, how about you go fuck Jamal and tyrone already instead so as to save me the heartbreak of you actually being with me and betraying my trust like everyone else fucking does which is even to imply that a whore like you would even give a shit about some pathetic sack of shit like me, genuinely neck yourself for even giving me false hope OP.

pls b my mommy gf

>i hope i don't regret this but calypso#2136
This is the discord belonging to a group of men who catfish robots to make fun of them.

proof? please don't be real

[email protected]
if you're still accepting applications

love u too SLUT

tfw not spooning a BITCH right now

i request this girl and she no accept
sad man

hmu A Potted Plant#5789

how are people who type like this irl? trans? weebs?

This is obviously a catfish you retarded niggers.
Read this again:
>uhhh i'm really shy! maybe that's all you need to know right now... but i want to know all about you. i want to know everything about my soulmate, down to the smallest most insignificant detail.
This is how a man pretending to be a female talks, no actual woman would type this.

bold of you to assume I don't like men

sounds accurate lol

i haven't dated at all cause am very trad desu but I also have autistim and adhd so im afraid it will be hard for me to connect with people. how do i learn?

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