Why do you use Zig Forums?

Why do you use Zig Forums?

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Because I'm a masochist

>Why do you use Zig Forums?
because what else am i gonna do?

Zig Forums and /gif/ user mentality

extreme boredom, a need for some form of "keeping up with the times" and socializing but an extreme disdain for internet culture on other parts of the internet to the point that I actually put up with this shithole instead

My form of socializing when I dont talk to anyone I know. Also is pretty funny from time to time.

I'm lonely and want friends but I say too much dumb shit for that to happen, when I say dumb shit here it doesn't carry over to the next interaction cause it's anonymous
Even a few seconds of having a laugh with some lad I'll never actually know gives me a little boost of dopamine

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I like adding my two cents anonymously.

Behiwosjdeh ieodifne

self-hatred + feels
sometimes I get a good laugh out of this place too, like on Zig Forums the recent senator Abbystrong memes make me piss myself

avpd orgiginally

>Why do you use Zig Forums?
i use it as a replacement for friendships. its my way of socializing. i also use it to procrastinate and avoid the things i should be doing.

Because I am a boomer. This was one of the first english speaking, social whatever that was this way if I was born later I might be at reddit or something.

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I hate the rest of the internet with their usernames and real names and attention whoring

what else am I supposed to do, work on improving myself, learn new things, post on reddit?

Boredom mostly. Internet has nothing interesting going on these days

I go on Zig Forums to get angry
I go on Zig Forums to be sad
And I go on /gif/ and /h/ to fap.
I go on Zig Forums to coooonsuuume.
You guys are the only social Interaction I have left.

To get a femanon gf :) No really it's just to hope to encounter entertaining threads, which are increasingly rare these days.

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The rest of the internet and reddit especially regurgitates the same awful jokes.. At least with Zig Forums the jokes are at least funny.

OP here, the reason I use Zig Forums is for reasons like anonymity. One of the other main reasons I use it though is because reddit and twitter just make me annoyed on a regular basis, especially twitter, fuck twitter.

at first i have an idea about post but then i stuck out in other threads and farm the (you)-s for my ego, i love Zig Forums Zig Forums /s4s/ and Zig Forums because im brainlet that has no actual hobbies, it's nice to shitpost though

I like the idea of expressing an opinion with no identity attached to you or worrying about it biting you in the ass for whatever reason. Everyone is on equal level and a new man whenever they post and I can say something stupid like;
>All women deserve the rope all women are nigger fucking jews
and it won't be attached to my public persona

I usually don't. I mainly browse alt chans

Digging for gold in a sewer, mostly

I am wrong about everything and I don't want to become infamous for it. I can still talk online thanks to anonymity.

Because i can talk about literally all of my degenerate fetishes and still be able to call another person that's into it a faggot

The people around here make me feel so much better about myself

I don't know where else I could go. Discord is shit. Reddit is shit. This is the only place for me

yes. this. same. fuck

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At least I can see something fresh or new sometimes because it's hard to commercialise and condense the interactions and content here.
I don't want to see safe shit millions of other fuckers 'react' to to feed the info economy, I want to boldly go~

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i like the honesty given through anonymity even if most of the posts are shitposts.
i kind of like how poll is so chaotic and has every single view because i think admist the chaos the truth is there. you dont really get that from msm.

funny memes too