/r9gay/ - #1011

No bf tendies edition

Last meal

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Hello, /r9gay/, what are you gaymers playing right now?

Wakfu and the game is making me want to commit die.

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Animal Crossing. I nabbed an S rank in house decor. Life is good.

Lobotomy Corporation, Animal Crossing New Horizons, and Tabletop Games. All of which are keeping me busy.

Though me, in my retard state of mind promised to do all the character art for the players in my DMs newest campaign. It's become more of a project than I thought though.

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Sleeping so I can wageslave tomorrow

Whatever anyone might say
I'll always be like this
I cast down my eyes
Beside all of my severed bonds

Apperantly, even if I'm so lonely I can cry
No one gives a damn
And yet again, deathly loneliness attacks

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Final Fantasy XIV Online

>tfw no bf who likes new super mario bros for the ds

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I used to be a 56 black mage, shit was comfy.

>tfw no retail WoW bf


zoomer, were you even alive when the original game launched?

Dragon Quest XI, How about you user?

Can you guys show your houses or cool things in your islands? I love everything in Animal Crossing

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>had a dream of having a party with a family and then meeting my ex-friends
Normally I like having comfy dreams about my childhood friends but this was just too silly, fuck you brain.

Man, all I got yesterday was the teeth dream again.

your teeth falling out/becoming really small and rotten/your teeth structure being fucked up in general? I had those variations a lot of times. It sucks.

I'm still incredibly bored and have a raging, burning desire to go on an adventure or explore yet have no way of sating said desire or even distracting my brain from having it. I just got out of bed and I'm thinking of just going back.
How the hell do ordinaries live their lives, even most of you guys. I don't fucking get it. This world is so boring and just shit in general, there's nothing to strive towards. How ain't the general populous suicidal.

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>implying I'm a zoomer

Ok but are you a cute soft twink too? You can't ask for the cream of the crop and not bring something to the table.

tfw just want to live an interesting life style in a big city where I constantly have things to do or things to discover or interact with but im stuck wageslaving in one of the most boring cities and im barely scrapping by.

I partially understand your problem but I guess its a different coat of paint.

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I just don't see how a life in this world can be in any way interesting. Yeah, I see how things could be better for me in life and more enjoyable but even if I had it all, I'd still one day just jump out of the window or blow my brains.
AAAA I wish I at least had someone who understood me and was similar to me so I could at least have someone to talk to about such things. Oh and good luck with all of that.

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Gay chat server

Everyone always says to just enjoy the simple things etc etc, but everyone I know or my family is out living an "interesting life" and im just here doing nothing and wasting away. the life I want is just unreachable for me. Even when I try to find interesting things to strive for or try and chase after anything it all seems so boring, or not what I wanted.

Also good luck with yours.

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Cities are all boring unless you're normie enough to handle all the people or detached enough to completely ignore them and not care about how you're perceived, it's hell.

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>tfw don't have a hytale bf

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Why does city or rural matter if all you do is sit alone in your room being sad?

In the city your surroundings are soulless polluted noisy concrete and in rural areas you can at least look out your window and see something colourful

The only part I find desirable is the cock. What variant of gay does this make me?

I do enjoy the simple and little things but they are in no way enough for one to live a happy life, add shit qualities to your life (chronic pain, mental illness, whatever) in addition to that and life becomes miserable, even if you try to enjoy every little thing. But hey, at least your dream is within the realms of possibility.
>and see something colourful
You mean mixed colors of yellow, green, gray and brown? Views in this world look like shit if there ain't any mountains nearby. Living in a rural area is in every way worse for a shut in. Food delivery is extremely expensive, post office is probably many kilometers away, etc.

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